2. so.. that's Yuna?

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Days passed and...

"Okay, hyung, I've decided that we should have a sleepover tomorrow, are you down??"

"Of course, Riki-ah! I'm always down for a sleepover!"

"But, I wanted to tell you, it's at my house and...

I also invited Yuna.."


"Are you okay with that, hyung??"

"Oh, I've just remembered.. I've actually got some homework to do, haha!"

"Hyung, it's summer break."


"Hyung.. Please come, I need your help, I can't be left alone with Yuna - I'll make everything so damn awkward!" he huffed and pouted.

I couldn't help but say alright. He's too adorable for me to say no to and it would really upset him if I did. As you know, I definitely wouldn't wanna be upsetting him.

"Fine. Just remember, I'm only joining because you practically begged me to."

"THANK YOU SO MUCH SUNOO-HYUNG!!" he shot me his sweetest smile and cheerfully pulled me into a tight hug, maybe too tight.


I arrived at Ni-Ki's house.

"Ding dong."

"Coming!" I heard a female voice call while rushing to the front door, opening it swiftly.

"Oh, hi! You must be Sunoo??"

"Uh- Yeah. Nice to meet you! And you are...?"

I extended a hand towards her. She shook it enthusiastically and continued.

"I'm Yuna! Shin Yuna."

So.. That's Yuna?

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