✵ cinnamonskies-

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Hello there! I'm Maxxie, a chocolate and ice cream loving creature :D

On normal days, I'm normally fine-tuning my plan of taking over the world using a cat army! It's my ultimate goal and I'm constantly recruiting people to the task. :D When you don't find me plotting world-domination with the seven hundred cats I one day hope to have, you'll find me studying, coding, reading, watching murder-mystery shows or pressing the snooze button on the alarm clock to get five more minutes of sleep. You can find me here on Wattpad at cinnamonskies-

On Wattpad, I spend most of my time reading everything out there—almost any genre, and almost any type of book! I love all sorts of book, though my favourite would be the fluffy, sweet romances because they're so cute! I'm also very partial to fantasy, science fiction, adventure, and books that depict mental health.

And that's how I stumbled across Dreamland! I found it from the profile of an author I loved and thought it incredible cool! I followed and joined the Discord several months ago, and now it has turned out to be one of my favourite servers and communities ever! My favourite part about it is all the people in there. Everyone's incredible kind, friendly and supportive—it's awesome!

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