Tubbo x F!Male Reader Pt Two(platonic)

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- Your and tubbo's pet -

- Your and tubbo's pet -

Third POV

Tubbo walked toward dreams cell with red puffy eyes and one or two tears running down his cheek, as the platform began to move and tubbo became more anxious,he walked into dreams main cell and leaned on the wall

"I-I'm sorry. "
" H-He's gone... "
" I'm sorry I-I. I can't say I did anything to help him that night... It was so bad I... I'm sorry dream"

Tubbo scrambled backwards toward the wall of lava afraid of dream as more tears streamed from his eyes. But he slowly calmed down when he noticed dream in the corner bawling out his eyes mumbling gibberish and rocking himself slowly

"D-Dream,I-It's going to be okay... We'll get through it, right?"

tubbo tried to get some reaction out of the male but he just continued to cry,ignoring the minor beside him. Tubbo had always been one to care too much,so in a mild effort he slowly wondered toward dream and broke down next to him embracing him tightly, dream's eyes widened but accepted the hug,maybe even hugging the boy back a bit until they calmed down.

"Come back tomorrow with cato" (tubbo and your pet)
"why? "
"he'll be able to see Y/N,plus Y/N would follow him everywhere so he'd always be interacting with him"
"But why would we need that?"
" hope tubbo, your look like you've been like this for a while, it'll make your better but how is another question "
" can he stay quiet? "
"He's a hunter, of course he can"
" than its settled,tubbo consider this a pact of protection, I'll protect you till the end of time if you'd do the same for me no matter what, Y/N included in this deal? "
"So a three way deal to protect each other even in the hardest of times?"
" Yes"
"Goodbye tubbo"


I noticed tubbo walking with cato toward the prison and wanted to know why so I followed him, once I was in I noticed cato was invisible so out of instinct to protect him I gave him fire resistance so he wouldn't burn in the lava

Tubbo POV

"Hello again tubbo,did you bring cato?"
" yep,he's invisibl- oh well I guess it wore off,hi dream"
"Wow, he sure has grown, anyway do you know if Y/N's here?"
" I think he is, look at cato"

I looked over at cato who was lying on the ground putting with his head up slightly, which led me to assume that Y/N was petting him

"Ah I see,say tubbo do you know where Y/N died?"
" N-No"
"That's why I wanted cato and Y/N here,Y/N show him where you died through cato and tubbo keep track of it and go back there in two days"
"So we're doing this today?"
" Yes"
"Okay,well bye dream"
"Goodbye tubbo,I'll see you soon"

Third POV

It'd been two days and tubbo hadn't seen any track of Y/N today, normally cato noticed and helped them communicate but tubbo just assumed it was something to do with what dream said. He walked down the prime path,seeing the tree in the distance as well as a figure with their dress flowing in the breeze,as he started to get closer he noticed Y/N and sped up with tears in his eyes

I'd known that dream had the revival book and knew he'd revive me,I was waiting for tubbo patiently in the wind when I saw him running up toward me. With tears in our eyes we ran toward each other and hugged,me lifting him in the air and spinning him around while he laughed lightly

"I thought I lost you"
"Me too little bumble bee"
"promise me you won't leave again?"
" I promise tubbo, I promise "




- credit to artists -

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