chapter three ¦ requests, requests, requests

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What a calm, peaceful day, honestly. At last, free from work, and free from the sultry uniform. No wife with their constant bickering (from my experience anyways), children entertaining themselves. Of course, I could hear chatter and murmuring from the basement where the boys were located, which was practically screaming if you went down there. One reason why I don't a lot. Taehyung and Jimin were fighting over some game. Not my problem until either someone comes up whining and tattling  or I hear someone break something, which let's be fair-- is most likely myself, and then my kids will go and make fun of me. Dramatically, childishly and made as a joke, of course.. I would hope anyways.

And then I hear Hoseok tapping his sneakers, obviously dancing in the small dance studio I made for him that I plan on working on in the new future. Currently, it was just some mirrors on the wall in the corner of the basement with one singular bluetooth speaker. The third floor had about 9 rooms and all of them were empty. Every single one of them, as well as the other floors have some empty rooms, and an unfinished basement. First floor is all of our essentials like kitchen and laundry, second is bedrooms, third is I suppose whatever the hobby they have next and then the basement is their current hangout area. The things I do my children. Granted, we did only move about a month ago, 3 weeks prior to the divorve. I'm just surprised they haven't asked for an animal yet. I'm guessing they will soon.. and I'm guessing Taehyung will be the one asking. A pomeranian, specifically. He's obsessed and it's adorable, whenever I check up on him and what's he doing on his computer it's always homework or videos of cute pomeranians. He even has like folders and notebooks with photos on them for school, it's so adorable.

Huh? Did I hear something? How are the children taking the divorce?


Absolutely terribly.

They're barely talking to be unless they want or need something from me, even Yoongi. Hense them all of them hiding down in the basement while leaving me alone. I can't blame them, I would be angry at my father if he allowed their mother to leave. Of course as a father, I'm more upset at her since she doesn't want anything to do with them (it's sad, the boys love her so much). Not even part-time custody, obviously I know that was the better option with her living conditions;


What I mean is that either way, I would've fought for full custody but the fact that she didn't even go to court is what pisses me off, not even an attempt to be in her children's lives. I don't think it's okay to be a runaway baby daddy, but I understand it more than abandoning the ones you've physically birthed, not conceived. And proceed to want nothing to do with them. Are you even human that point? That's like reporting a reckless driver with an 8 year old in their car that you assume is drunk and after they are caught, parents are in jail and the officer gives you two options, take the child or give them up for an orphanage where they have even a less chance of beind adopted as they grow older.. how can you say no?

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah.. my thoughts made me unnecessarily stressed.. in my time of relaxation. So I'm here, at the kitchen island flipping through the pieces of mail we just received, mostly bills, reports, some magazines and subscription boxes for make-up and fragrances my ex-wife /still/ has being sent here, and all of that just great stuff. But, I try not to let those things bother me, and I usually suceed but there's always those times. /Cough/ midlife crisis /cough cough/.

I never hear Yoongi, he's silent with everything he does. I ensure you that he sneaks out to get a coke every now and drops something while he does it and no one wakes up, ever. How do I know this? There's always a spoon on the floor Friday friday morning and a coke can on the floor, no one else drinks that shit besides him. So I ASSUME he's down there with them, hopefully with Jeong-guk. He loves that boy, they're never separated.

Which reminds me.. Jeong-guk is starting school next year, real school. Not just some preparation. I'm not ready. I'm not ready for more homework and I'm not ready for Yoongi to become a teen, dating, hormones, rebellious (like he isn't already), and lost of respect of his father!

Here I am again, stressing myself out with my thoughts. I really need to stop, this can't be healthy.

Before I knew it, sipping my freshly made Thai tea that seems to be my current obsession, the loud chattering that once was mumbled become closer and I hear the pitter-patter coming up the stairs, of multiple people, catching my attention and caught me off guard. All of them? No idea. After waiting a couple seconds after the door opened, I peaked around to check down the hallway and no one. Not a hi, or good morning? It's upsetting, ever since that day it's hit or miss that they'll even greet me, and instead try to hide away from me for as much as they can.

From my bare office, I hear the sound of soft chattering start up again and the printer, that was on the floor like everything else sucking up the paper. My expression turns into a confused one.
"What could they possibly be printing? That was a group session and process?" was the only thing that ran through my thoughts. My confusion turned into a curiosity, but I waited patiently.

My boys? Possibly doing their homework.. on their own? Is this a dream? But then it comes to mind.. what time it is during the school currently.. where the boys would /want/ to print out the papers.. and then it came to me. Oh no. I groan to myself, the auditions for clubs, extra-curricular classes, and all if that. Not like I had a problem with it, I've made it clear how I'll do anything, and I mean anything for my boys. It's all the meetings, auditions, concerts if they have them.. and I won't miss one of them. My schedule is the problem, having 5 children in all different classes or clubs for their hobby and a strict schedule don't mix well, and I'll just have to figure something how because that's just how it is. I want my boys to know that I care.

I shrug, awaiting for the boys to come to me whenever they were finished. I separated my mail from my ex wife's, setting a self reminding to give it to her and make sure I got the money back. No, I don't currently struggle with my financial state but I still can't comprehend why all of this stuff is so expensive. But of course, if you make the money for if then by all means do what you want. I know it's a Korean trend for men to have light make-up, but I rather stick to skin care. From my experience, it works better and just makes me feel healthier. My baby Taehyung loves it, and I completely accept that. He has always loved getting dressed up and following the latest trends. Maybe it's not the best to feed that but... Anyways... soon enough while I'm deep in focus, the five boys come running towards me, all standing in a straight line, and all with papers in their hands and had the brightest smiles. Even Yoongi, what the hell? He never does these activities.

I chuckle softly as I placed my cup of tea down on the counter, folding my hands together and stare them down with my iconic brow raise. Two meanings depending on my mouth. It could mean I'm about to strangle someone or it could just be lighthearted, which was how it was now.

"Good morning sweethearts~ here for breakfast finally?" they all simultaneously shook their heads, glimpsing at eachother before Yoongi came running up to my side, handing me some papers. My eyes widened as I read about a basketball team application. I'm shocked, this isn't a Yoongi /thing/, he never ever wanted to join anything and told me straight up 'sleep is my extra-curricular class' or 'sleep is my hobby' so I kind of gave up after awhile. One time, he wanted to join a cooking class but once he figured out that only girls have joined that year, he gave up as well and decided just to learn from home with YouTube videos. I didn't expect this at all, a bright, gleaming smile appears on my face as I looked up at his porcelain face.

"R-really? You wanna join?" I asked him as he replied with a soft nod. Usually, parents would be suspicious that if they started to pay for it, would the child want to leave after while and it'll be a waste or force them to continue? I really don't believe in that, I'm more glad that they want to try something new and I make them stay in for a month and if they don't like it, I take them out and allow them to try something else. If they like it, well I keep them in. I'm so happy.. I wrap my arm around him, pressing a kiss on the top of his head.

"I'm happy you finally decided on something," I turned to Jimin,

"Jiminie, can you please get me a pen?" I asked him, he nodded and obligated, grabbing a pen from the cup placed on the counter filled with sharpened pencils and ink-filled pens. He brought a pen back and I began writing my signature.

"Uhh.. remind me on... Friday the 27th that you and I need to stay after school. You other guys can still take the bus if you want, just remember to bring your house keys." I said, seeing from the corner of my eye Jimin grab another pen and write it down on the calendar, knowing that none of us would remember.

"Thank you Jimin," and he nodded while I turned to Yoongi and whispered,

"I'm proud of you.." I flashed a smile and he flashed one back.

"Hobi, you're next." Yoongi slid away and went over to the counters to pull out some ingredients, I assume for breakfast. Hoseok replaced his spot and handed me the paper. I didn't even have to think about what it was going to be before I saw. I took the paper, and it's ballet. Just what I guessed. Hoseok, for the 9 years he's been on this Earth has already been in hip hop classes, contemporary, and traditional Korean dances. He had been saying he wants to join ballet for a bit now, and I never have to worry about Hoseok wanting to leave the class. I signed the papers and placed it on top of Yoongi's and went through the rest. Jimin and Taehyung wanted to do singing lessons while Jeong-guk wanted to join marital arts, taekwondo to  be specific.

I expected life to be harder after the divorce, but it's been quite a relief. Granted, it has only been a week and I took some of my vacationing days to take time to find a babysitter for them. So, I'm not quite sure how it'll be once I get back into work but it's okay so far. The boys seem to have start talking to me again and not making it seem like I don't exist, which you know, is great... can you hear my sarcasm through a  page? It could also be because they're young, children, I am their father and they come to me for what they want, need, or their requests. Tons of requests. This whole day so far has been requests.

"What do you say?" I ask, all of them turn their attention to me, including Yoongi who was working at the stove and simultaneously reply with a hearty 'thank you'. I smile,

"Good. Remember that for next time so I don't have to remind you."

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