Inside the Stilinski's bedroom, was the Lahey siblings, the Werecoyote and Stiles, the four friends trying to figure out where Kate could really take Scott and Kira.
Stiles gave Ivanna one of Scott's lacrosse shirts, Isaac having one of Scott's shoe.
Isaac confusingly frowns, him looking at the shoe then at the shirt with a judgy expression, him pouting. "How come she gets a shirt and i get a shoe?"
Isaac then blinks, shaking his head, him whispering. "Deja Vu."
Malia confusingly looks at her boyfriend. "What?"
"It's like i had this conversation before..." Isaac deeply frowns.
"Isaac, sniff!" Stiles demands.
Ivanna had placed Scott's jersey near her face, catching a scent, her then smiling at her boyfriend, him hopefully looking at her.
Isaac sniffed the shoe, then looking at Stiles, who seemed hopefully that they was getting somewhere.
"Did you guys catch something?" Stiles hopefully asks.
"Hm, fabric softener." Ivanna smiles.
"It smells nice, probably a different scent." Isaac agrees with a smile.
Stiles groans out in frustration, rolling his eyes. "Guys! Come on, focus, i'm talking about his scent, what do you get?"
Malia chuckles in amusement. "I think he meant the chemo-signals."
"Oh, that!" Ivanna softly laughs, her then awkwardly staring at him.
"You know, maybe, us sniffing his clothes is wasting time, what if it's..." Isaac puts down the shoe. "...the same place..." Isaac whispers out.
Malia Tate then noticed Liam Dunbar entering inside Stiles' room, while Stiles was focused on both Ivanna and Isaac.
Stiles sighs out, turning around to look at the younger Beta. "Go home?"
"I want to help." Liam says.
"You're my coming." Stiles says.
Liam confusingly looks at him. "Why not?"
"Well, for one–––i'm not driving down Mexico with a newly turned Beta that hadn't grasped the self control thing as yet during a Full Moon." Stiles says.
"You can chain me to the backseat or something, right?" Liam impatiently asks.
"You broke through the last set of chains, remember?" Malia softly reminds.
Stiles then joked. "Yeah, we'd have to freeze you in carbonite to get you down there."
Liam seriously stares at him. "Okay, where do you get the carbonite?"
Stiles gaped at him, realizing he hasn't seen the movies. "You haven't seen it either?"
Liam looks at the three Wolves, who seemed just as confused.
"Please, tell me you have seen it?" Stiles looks over at his girlfriend.
Ivanna shook her head, innocently staring at him. "Never really had much of a childhood."
"You neither?" Stiles looks over at Isaac.
"Maybe–––in the freezer." Isaac sneers.
The older Lahey finding him irritating, since he knew about their situation, and he's asking the dumbest questions.
"You too...?" Stiles looks over at Malia.
Malia shrugs. "I was trapped in the skin of a coyote during my entire childhood, so, nope, never seen whatever you're talking about."
Stiles scoffs at them, a look of betrayal on his face.
"Liam, you can come, don't listen to him." Ivanna then looks over at Liam, who smiles gratefully at her.
Stiles then looks at Isaac. "Wait, you was saying something before Liam had entered, what was it?"
"Oh! I was saying, 'this plan is a waste of time'." Isaac mocks.
Stiles rolls his eyes. "No." Stiles then had a serious expression on his face. "After that."
Isaac frowns. "Sniffing his clothes is a waste of time...?"
Stiles groans, him then irritably looking at the curly haired Beta. "Okay, you're just doing this to piss me off."
"I think you said something like, 'it's the same place' or something like that." Malia shrugs.
"Wait, same place? Like where Kate took Derek?" Liam confusingly asks.
"Exactly..." Stiles whispers.
"Are we really bringing him?" Stiles distrustfully looks at Peter.
"Are we really bringing him?" Derek throws a glare at Stiles.
Peter ignored their attitudes. "We're bringing whoever we can, and considering Kate took Scott and Kira on the night before the Full Moon, i say, we get going."
Malia confusingly frowns. "What does that mean?"
"If Kate took Scott back to the same place she took Derek, how are we so sure that she isn't planning on doing the same thing?" Peter questions.
Liam frowns. "What, making him younger?"
"Or maybe back to when he wasn't a Werewolf." Derek adds.
"A Werewolf can't steal a True Alpha's power, but, maybe, a Nagual Jaguar with the power of Tezcatlipoca behind her–––she can." Peter states.
"Can an Alpha's Beta do it?" Ivanna then asks.
"I, uh–––haven't thought about that." Peter frowns.
Ivanna then saw everyone looking at her, her then shrugging. "What? It's just something i remember from someone, who once told me."
Derek and Isaac seemed like they knew whom she was talking about, while Malia and Liam seemed confused.
"Okay, well–––i think it's about time we get going." Peter impatiently says.
"Are you worried about Isaac?" Peter looks at Malia's expression, the two being alone in a vehicle.
Malia sighs out. "I'm worried about everyone."
"Do i need to be worried about you?" Peter asks. "We have go through the Berserkers to get to Kate and we have to go through Kate to get to to Scott and Kira, trust me–––it's going to get messy." Peter informs.
Malia knew exactly what Peter was trying to say, her glaring at him. "Scott says we don't have to kill people."
"You think Scott wouldn't kill for Kira? Wouldn't you kill for Isaac? I know he would for you, i know he would for his sister, he almost did it already, vice versa, i mean–––that night at school, Ivanna showed how loyal she is to Scott when she almost killed that assassin." Peter states.
Malia looks at him for a while, her then feeling something uncomfortable strolling through her.
"What is it?" Peter asks.
Malia deeply sighs out. "Full Moon."
Peter nods. "Good, you'll need that power."
"We have a mantra that we use, you repeat it, you focus on the words, it's like meditating, you say the words until you feel control coming back to you." Derek says, the triskelion in his hands, fooling the teenager.
Ivanna and Isaac staring at each other as they say back, knowing Derek was practically lying about how much power the triskelion have.
it has 'made in china's stamped on the back!
"What are the words?" Liam heavily breaths out.
"Okay–––look at the triskelion, see the symbol? I have a tattoo on my back, it's the same thing, each spiral means something." Derek says.
"Alpha, Beta, Omega." Stiles whispers.
"Mother, Father, Child." Ivanna adds.
Isaac and Ivanna sadly looks at each other, Stiles empathetically staring at them, knowing what and who they were thinking about.
Derek forcing his self not to think about it.
Liam heavily breaths out, him angered by the pain, but was also confused, not know what they meant. "What?"
"Okay, it means that we all can rise as one, but fall back to another, Betas can be Alphas, Alphas can be Betas." Derek then says.
"Can Alphas become Omegas?" Liam breathlessly asks.
"All you have to do is say these three words, all right? Go ahead–––." Derek says.
"Alpha... Beta..." Liam growls in a distorted tone.
"Slower." Derek coached.
"Alpha... Beta... Omega..."
"Again." Derek slowly nods.
"Alpha..." Liam's fangs extended out of his mouth, growling ferociously.
"Derek? Your idea isn't working on him." Isaac cautiously looks at Liam, who seemed like he was fully transforming.
"Liam, again." Derek ignores.
"Remember, this is a kid with natural anger, when he becomes angry-." Isaac was saying.
"I know what i'm doing, Isaac." Derek sighs out.
Liam growls became even more aggressive.
"Guys..." Braeden says from the driver seat.
Stiles anxiously looks at her. "I think we need to go a little faster..."
"Liam!" Ivanna shouts, her eyes seeing his claws scratching onto the inside of the van.
Liam roars loudly, eyes glowing its golden color, claws extended as well as fangs, going straight right for Stiles.
"Oh god, not now." Stiles shrieked.
Liam shoved his self down on the Stilinski, but ended up in being thrown from the seat.
Liam roars up at Ivanna, Ivanna latching her hands onto his wrist, trying to keep him down, Ivanna nervously looks at him. "Calm down..."
Liam growls at her.
"That wasn't a request, buddy." Ivanna awkwardly smiles.
"Derek! This isn't working!" Isaac panics.
"I know!" Derek frustratedly shouts.
"Try something else, Derek!" Stiles impatiently says.
"The Sun... The Moon... The Truth..." Ivanna whispers at Liam.
"It'll work, trust me and i might free you." Ivanna negotiated.
Liam tightly shut his eyes. "The Sun... The Moon... The Truth..."
Ivanna slid herself away from him, her slowly nodding. "That's it, say it again."
Liam's eyes reopened, growling out. "The Sun... The Moon... The Truth..."
"What is that?" Isaac confusingly whispers.
"Three things that can't be hidden, it's something that Brett says when he's trying not to lose control." Stiles states.
Liam breathlessly looks at Ivanna, him feeling more normal than usual. "The Sun... The Moon... The Truth..."
The group had then reach La Iglesias, stepping out of the prison van, a happy Liam Dunbar looks at the others. "I can't believe i did it! For a second i thought i'd rip you guys' throat out."
Stiles sarcastically smiles. "And, that'll be an awkward ride home."
The group had then noticed a Berserker attacking Derek, rendering him even more weaker than usual, Braeden shooting at it, making it run.
"Derek..." Isaac whispers.
The others had made their way to the man, each showing concern.
"How bad is it?" Peter asks.
"Go ahead, i'll be right behind you guys." Derek urges.
Berserker Scott McCall had made its way towards the real Scott's friends, him growling lowly at them.
"Scott! Scott, it's me." Kira tries to say.
Scott growls at her, him gripping onto her katana, roughly pushing her back.
"Scott-." Liam tries.
Scott grabbed onto his throat, slamming him down on the ground, getting ready to attack him.
"No, no, no, Scott! You're not a monster, you're a Werewolf, like me!" Liam shouts.
Scott just froze up, him then backing away as if realizing something.
Scott then grabbed onto the back of his head, ripping the mask, tearing it in two, which caused a golden aura to appear from around him, him then dropping it on the ground.
Scott looking at the mask, him then slowly looking at Peter with an angered glare. "You!"
"The only one who knew as much as Argent about the Berserkers–––about the Nagual, you taught Kate, you helped her, all for power."
Peter sneers at Scott. "For my family's power, to be inherited by me, not usurped by some idiot teenage boy so incorruptible that he won't shed the blood of his enemies even when justified, you don't deserve power like this."
Peter then looks at the pack, as if he was feeling sorry for them.
"This is your leader? Really? This is the guy you want to follow? That's embarrassing!"
Malia's eyes narrowed at her father in anger, Peter seeing as she was getting ready to attack him. "Sorry, sweetheart, we'll talk about this later." Peter then backhanding her, making her swing backwards.
Kira then got her katana ready to attack him, Scott stopping her.
"Kira, Kira!"
Peter scoffs. "You were my Beta first, it was my bite that changed your life first and it can end it." Peter growls.
"Then, do it, Peter, because, you'll get only one chance." Scott angrily growls.
Peter roars loudly at Scott, Scott roaring out at him, not rushing at each other in a fight of fury.
One for power, one for the protection of his pack.
Two mornings after–––inside the high school, walking down the school halls was Ivanna Lahey, whom was being followed by Liam Dunbar, who kept on bombarding her questions.
Ivanna smiles, her softly laughing out. "Liam? Don't you have any friends to talk to? Well–––besides Mason?"
"Actually–––no." Liam awkwardly says.
"Okay, look, this is my last question." Liam promised.
"Okay." Ivanna says, glancing at him, who was now walking with her.
"How do you stay in control?" Liam curiously asks.
Ivanna smiles. "An anchor."
Liam innocently stares at her. "Um, okay, but, i don't really think i can trust the water anymore, since i was poisoned by a lake laced with Wolfsbane, so, when do you want to go?"
Ivanna laughs out, Liam confusingly looking at her. "Wh-why are you laughing?"
"Because, you're adorable." Ivanna smiles.
"When i meant anchor, i didn't mean a literal anchor, i meant–––a person or a feeling, you know, Derek's anchor used to be anger? But, it could also be a person, like an emotional tether, someone that not only holds you down but brings you back up, kinda have an emotional connection with that person." Ivanna explains.
"What is yours?" Liam asks.
Ivanna amusingly looks at him. "You told me you just had one question."
"Maybe, one more." Liam sheepishly says.
"Well–––it used to my dad, just like for my brother." Ivanna states.
Liam confusingly looks at her. "Your dad? Didn't he use to abuse you and your brother?"
Ivanna faintly smiles. "He was never like that."
"Until your older brother died...?" Liam asks.
"All right, well, who is it now?" Liam asks.
Ivanna hums, Liam instantly answering. "It's him...? Really?"
Ivanna groans. "Liam, get some friends and possibly–––a girlfriend or boyfriend, i don't care." Ivanna then shrugs, her then walking away.
Liam gaped at Ivanna. "I-i don't want a boyfriend or girlfriend!"
Liam had gotten all the attention, him catching the stares, the Dunbar awkwardly laughing. "Um, n-not that i have a problem with, uh–––." Liam stammers out nervously.
The Dunbar then quickly walking away, getting away from staring eyes.
Under the night sky, was Stiles Stilinski sitting on the porch steps, his back pressed against the wall, Ivanna laying in between his legs, his arms wrapped around her.
Ivanna's eyes lit up as she saw a star shooting up in the sky, dashing forward, her giddily bouncing. "Oh! A shooting star!" Ivanna excitedly turns to look at Stiles. "Make a wish! Make a wish!"
"I don't have to." Stiles says.
Ivanna frowns at him. "But, if you don't, then your wish of what you dream of won't come true."
"My dream already came true." Stiles lovingly says, his fingers caressing her face.
Ivanna sweetly smiles at him, her eyes softening at his words.
Stiles' lips then moulded hers with his, his head then resting against hers.
If only things would remain as loving and peaceful as they were in the temporary steady town–––.
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