Out in broad daylight, Ivanna Lahey was seen strolling through the woods, by herself, when a familiar green eyed, brunette male was seen running after at girl.
His hand was then seen holding onto the girl's shoulder, her quickly turning around, little strands of her light brown wavy hair falling on sides of her face, her brown eyes staring at the boy in front of her.
"Matt." Ivanna simply states.
"Didn't you hear me calling you?" Matt asked.
"Maybe." Ivanna shrugged.
Matt frowned at the girl's attitude towards him. "What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing, i have something to do." Ivanna rushed out.
"Ivanna-." Matt was saying.
"I saw the pictures." Ivanna simply states.
Matt feigned confusion at the girl. "Pictures? What pictures?"
"Allison showed me the pictures." Ivanna then sighed out.
"So? I mean, it's harmless, it- can you blame me? You're like the most beautiful candidate for me." Matt then scoffed.
"It seemed very discomforting to me, i mean, some of those, were not of what a normal person would take out." Ivanna nervously says.
Matt then scoffed. "Oh, so now i'm a freak? You're just like your father and Camden, none better than the other."
Ivanna's eyes showed anger at him talking about her family like that, even if they were dead.
"Don't." She growled.
Her eyes flashing gold, but before a blink of an eye it quickly disappeared.
"So, what? You think i'm so kind of stalker? The kind of guy that has your photo wallpapered in my room?" Matt asked.
"Are you?" Ivanna then asked.
Matt scoffed, angrily looking at her, but then he started to calm down, a smile forming on his face.
"I know, you may think that i'm that guy that says, 'if i can't have you, no one can', but, unfortunately...you are so right about me."
Ivanna didn't seem afraid of Matt at the moment, as she placed a fake smile on her face.
"Matt? Seek help."
The girl then went to walk away but then he held onto her hand.
"Obviously you aren't going to be with me, if she's in the picture, so...i'll have to do one thing, get rid of all the memories you have for the people you love." Matt angrily says.
"Matt, i swear-." Ivanna growled out angrily.
"Starting with the necklace." Matt says, going touch her necklace.
Ivanna harshly latched her hands onto his neck, due to anger her claws extending scratching and digging into Matt's neck, her shoving him away, making him land on ground.
Ivanna then went towards him, crouching down in front of him, anger in her eyes, Matt could've sworn he saw her eyes glowing a golden color.
"Ivanna." Matt gasped in shock.
"Try to touch my necklace again and i swear i will kill you." Ivanna angrily says, in a threatening tone.
At the Argent's house, later on in the day, Allison was seen sitting on the edge of her bed, blankly staring at the wall, an emotionless look on her face.
"Sweetheart." Gerard faked concern as he stepped inside the room.
"I don't want to talk." Allison dismissed.
"I understand, and i wouldn't understand what you're going through, since i wasn't close with my mother, but, your mother wanted me to give you something, but, you're obviously dealing with a lot as it is." Gerard states, going to walk away.
"What is it?" Allison emotionlessly asked.
"You should rest." Gerard states.
"What is it?" Allison repeated.
Gerard then handed the girl a piece of paper, her staring at it with a frown, then holding onto it.
"Promise that you'll burn it when you're done." Gerard says holding onto it.
"I promise." Allison states.
Gerard then let go, Allison opening the paper, then reading the words.
"You know, Allison, if i were you, i don't know how i'd just sit here whilst my mother's killer is roaming free, because all i'd be thinking about is the killer begging at my feet for mercy." Gerard instigated.
"And you know, what makes an Alpha strong and weak is his pack, and all i can be thinking about is that hot burning desire of the satisfying howls that Derek and his sweet baby Betas will be making when you have them right beneath your feet..."
"And not begging for mercy, but, for their sweet deaths." Gerard states.
During the day, at the Argent's, out in the halls, Allison was with her father and grandfather, talking about how to bring the Kanima down.
Chris Argent had a different plan, than the ones Gerard had, whilst all Allison cared about was killing the person responsible for her mother's death.
"Scott wasn't the one that forced my mother to kill herself." Allison interjected.
"Scott isn't exactly an innocent bystander." Chris argues.
"I'm prioritizing, and the priority is Derek Hale, it's his fault my mother's dead." Allison harshly says.
"What about his pack?" Gerard questioned.
"What about them?" Allison asked confused.
"It's not rocket science, Allison, obviously being Derek's Betas, they're going to want to protect him, it's what Betas do for their Alphas, vice versa." Gerard says with a smile.
Allison then scoffed with a smirk. "Well, we do the obvious thing."
Chris frowned at his daughter.
"And that is?" Gerard asked.
Allison had a cold, distant and hollow look in her dark brown eyes as they started to slowly darken.
"Kill 'em all." Allison emotionlessly says.
Later on in the evening, at the preserve, Erica and Ivanna was seen sitting underneath a tree, the heavy leaves shading them from the sun.
Erica was leaning against the bark of the tree, Ivanna in between her legs, Erica's hands around the brunette's body, fingers underneath her shirt, Ivanna played with her blonde curls.
They both were enjoying their moment, until an arrow was seen being caught in Erica's hands.
Ivanna then quickly got up, her eyes widening in shock.
"Who-." Ivanna was saying.
Then the sound of the arrow soaring through the air was heard in Ivanna's ear, her quickly turning around, to catch the arrow in her hands that was going for her throat, her gasping out in shock.
Erica then twisted the arrow, trying to get an idea whose it could be.
"Wait..." Ivanna held onto her hand seeing a letter.
"Is that..." Ivanna trailed off.
"Allison." Ivanna whispered.
A dark shadow was then seen further down the trees that were far away.
Someone was seen standing in a black hoodie, the hoodie covering their face, all was seen was a black hole.
Then a evil smirk was seen forming on the person's lips.
The person then quickly walked away, the black crossbow swinging over the person's shoulder.
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