╬ 004; This Kid Got Rage Issues ╬

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A hand that belonged to Stiles Stilinski gently slid away from Ivanna's covered waist, the Lahey feeling the touch of the Stilinski's warmth escaping her, her eyes still close, her very much asleep, but her senses was on high point.

"Stiles?" Ivanna whispers.

Stiles was in a close state to be moving from the bed, his legs almost off of the bed, when he froze, hearing Ivanna's voice.

"It's okay, Ivy, just go back to sleep, all right?" Stiles caressed her hair, him whispering to her softly.

"I'm just going to make a quick stop, then, i'll be right back." Stiles promised.

"Okay." Ivanna sleepily whispers.

Stiles smiles at her, him staring at her for a while, him then getting off of the bed with sigh, wondering what situation Scott had got his self into.


"Did you tell anyone about Liam?" Scott nervously asks.

"Who would i tell, Scott?" Stiles sassed. "When you didn't even give me the full story!"

"Stiles! I really am worried, i don't know what i'm going to do with this kid!" Scott freaked.

"Just---just calm down and tell me where is Liam." Stiles sighs out.

Scott deeply exhales, then cleared his throat. "Liam..." Scott awkwardly smiles.

"Yeah, where is him?" Stiles curiously asks.

"He's upstairs..." Scott adds.

Stiles frowns at him. "Doing what?"

Scott awkwardly shifted on each feet, nervously smiling. "...lying down."


Inside the high school, in Math's class, Kira looked at the notes that Lydia had written down for Ivanna and Malia, her eyes skimming through Ivanna's notes.

"This is the notes you gave Anna and Malia?" Kira looks onto the foreign numbers and words that were written, her face becoming confused. "No wonder Malia's been failing and Anna's been dropping her grades."

"She says it must've been coded, which i think is right." Lydia sighs out.

Ivanna was on the board with two other students, trying to figure out a Math problem, her becoming confused and anxious, not understanding the problem due to Lydia's notes.

The two other students, had finished their questions, her reaching over to look at the solutions, which Ms. Flemming saw.

Ms. Flemming walks over to her. "What's the use peeking over at a different question, which won't give you the answer you're looking for, Ivanna?"

Ivanna awkwardly smiles at the teacher. "Um, uh–––right..."

An alarming laugh that came from Isaac, was sounded, Ivanna glaring at him, him teasingly smiling at her, everyone else looking at him.

Ms. Flemming stares at him in amusement, Isaac catching her stare, him dropping his head on the desk as if he was sleeping.

"Oh! So, you know the right answer? How about you come up here and show us?" Ms. Flemming says.

Isaac slowly looks at her, awkwardly smiling. "Um, uh-."

"Um, uh, to the board." Ms. Flemming sternly says.

Isaac groans out, him getting up from the seat, Ivanna grins at him teasingly, throwing the chalk at him, him catching at it with a sour look.

Isaac had noticed the problem and felt like he was drowning, he himself having no idea what to do.

Ms. Flemming hums. "Do you know the answer, Isaac?"

"I'm working on it..." Isaac nervously says.

Isaac shut his eyes tightly, regrettably whispering. "I should've done this homework."

"That's right, you should've." Ms. Flemming says.

Isaac looks at the teacher, awkwardly smiling.

"That was cruel, Anna." Isaac whispers, sitting next to her.

"Me?" Ivanna gasped offensively. "You started it!" She argues.

"I expected better, Ivanna." Ms. Flemming handed the girl her test paper.

"You can pass the test but not homework." Ms. Flemming comments to Isaac.

Isaac shrugs, looking down at the paper.

"Your grades have gotten low, Anna." Lydia comments.

Ivanna looks at Lydia, taking her paper and hitting her on her shoulder with it. "I wouldn't have such low grades if your notes weren't in code!"

"I don't even remember writing it!" Lydia hissed, lowly whispering.

"I'm taking your paper." Ivanna smiles, taking a hold of her brother's paper.


"I'm not sharing my basement!" Malia announced.

The pack was in the school's parking lot, discussing about what to do with Liam, and how to get him with them without him even knowing.

Lydia sarcastically smiles at the Werecoyote. "It's actually my basement, and my mother noticed how you tore it apart the last time."

"And, where is that sensitivity that you always lecture me about?" Ivanna questions, not liking how she's being hard on Malia.

Lydia rolls her eyes with a scoff.

"We're going to use the boathouse for Liam, it got support beams, we can chain him up to one of them." Scott then says, grabbing the attention from Lydia's annoyance.

"How are we going to get him there if he doesn't trust us?" Kira confusingly asks.

"I say, to keep him from murdering anyone, we just chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the ocean." Stiles suggests.

"Sounds good." Ivanna agrees.

"I second that." Malia happily says.

Scott gave the three of them an annoyed look. "We're not killing him!"

"All right, well, what's your decision?" Isaac then asks.

Scott gaped, him not knowing what to say.

"Do i look like i think before making decisions?"

"Right, just go with Stiles' idea." Isaac shrugs.

Scott offensively stares at Isaac by his lack of belief in him.

"No! Would you guys stop?!"

"Well, let's be smart, tell him there's a party." Lydia suggests.

"You're going to flirt with a freshmen?" Ivanna curiously asks.

Lydia rolls her eyes at her. "Did i say i was going to do it?"

"Hey, ease up on her, would you?" Stiles pulled Ivanna close to him, the Lahey frowning at her attitude.

Lydia rolls her eyes. "We're playing a trick, okay?"

"And since we're playing a trick how about we use the trickster?" Lydia looks over at Kira.

Kira's eyes widened, her becoming nervous. "Me?"

"Yes, Kira, come on, you know what they call a female Fox? A Vixen, be a Vixen." Lydia smiles.

Kira seemed to be unsure.

"You're a badass, Kira, be the badass Kitsune that we all love.' Ivanna boosted.

Kira smiles at her softly, eyes staring at her in surprise.

"You think i'm badass?"

"The baddest." Isaac agrees. "It completes you and Scott's relationship, you're the badass." Isaac winks, prepping her.

Kira smiles, while Scott stares at Isaac in offense.



Liam crossed his arms over his chest, looking at Scott, Isaac and Ivanna.


Liam looks over at Malia, who stood near Isaac, her slowly nodding.


Liam looked at Lydia, who nods, giving him a thumbs up.


Liam says over to Kira, her then shrugging at him. "Kitsune, but Fox works."

The Dunbar felt like he wanted to laugh, thinking they were pranking him.

Liam then looks over at Stiles. "What are you."

"Well, for a while, i was possessed by a dark spirit, it was very evil." Stiles answers.

"What are you now?" Liam asks.

Stiles looks at Liam, not knowing what to say. "...um, better...?"

"I know you two." Liam looks over at the siblings.

Isaac and Ivanna looks at each other confusingly, then at Liam. "You do?" Ivanna confusingly asks.

"Well, um, not really know you, but, heard of you, saw it on the papers, 'the runaway siblings'." Liam states.

"Well, we're pretty much better." Isaac says with a frown of brows.

"Right." Liam sarcastically says.

"Are those for me?" Liam asks, noticing a bunch of thick and heavy chains.

"No, they're for me." Malia glowed her blue eyes at Liam.

Liam stepping back alarmed at her.

"How'd you do that?" Liam whispers.

"It'll be easy for you once you complete your first transformation and you're able to keep yourself under control." Ivanna states.

Liam sarcastically laughs. "You all are crazy."

"You really should trust us, Liam." Isaac advised.

Liam scoffs, sarcastically laughing. "Wow!"

"I'm definitely losing my mind, taking advice from a fugitive."

"Liam." Ivanna's hand latched onto him.

Liam looks at the brunette's hand, seeing clawed exposed, him then gasping out, then looking at her, him seeing her eyes glowing a bright golden color.

"H-how are you doing that?" Liam asks nervously.

"It's okay, you're scared, but, i promise–––you'll be fine, i was just like you." Ivanna softly says.

"Are you feeling something?" Scott asks.

Liam glares at Scott. "I am! You all are a bunch of nutjobs that's seriously needs to be committed!"

Isaac chuckles. "Oh, i love this kid, you have rage issues."

Liam glares at him. "I don't have rage issues!"

Liam then screams in pain, falling on the ground.

"Liam." Ivanna looks at him.

"I think there's a party outside." Stiles peeked outside.

"You told people there was a party?" Scott looks at Liam.

Liam heavily breaths out, lowly growling. "You said it was a party!"

"Okay, okay, um, Isaac! You with Malia, and, Ivy, take wonder boy out here." Stiles says to both of the siblings.

"Liam? It's okay." Ivanna whispers, holding onto his arm.

"Is this you being helpful?" Liam heavily breaths out.

Ivanna scoffs, smiling at him. "Trust me, i'm anything but helpful, never truly understood it, though." Ivanna then shrugging.

Ivanna then impatiently looks at Liam, her wanting him to move faster.

"Let's go, Liam, it's okay."


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