Out in the Beacon Hills Preserve, at night time, Derek was seen standing and talking with Scott about Cora and Boyd's disappearance.
Ivanna and Isaac leaning against a tree, staring at them as they talked.
"Is it them?" Scott asks.
"We're not the only ones that decided to stick together." Derek states.
"Is that going to make it easier or harder to find them?" Scott then asks.
A look of irritation was seen on Derek's face, before commenting. "I don't know."
"Derek, i just saw Boyd try to rip apart two little kids, are they going to do that to everyone to find?" Scott expressed his concern.
"Boyd would never hurt anyone, especially like this." Ivanna defensively says.
Scott sighing out at her, looking at her for a while, the girl with a determined look in her eyes that lacked barely any emotions.
Scott then looked at Derek, for his answer.
"Anyone and anything." Derek answers.
At the National Bank, Scott and Allison was seen talking with each other about what really happened that night at the rave.
The reason behind Victoria Argent's death.
"...wait, she tried to kill you?" Allison looked at her ex in shock.
"Yeah, um..." Scott trails.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Allison asks.
"Allison, i swear__ i was, i was going to but, l-look...i-i'll tell you everything, okay?" Scott stammered nervously.
Allison sighed out deeply. "Just...tell me."
"Because, Allison, i didn't want that to be your last memory of her..." Scott then railed off.
Allison then gasps, shaking her head, a horrified look on her face. "Oh! I hurt Ivanna so badly! I even destroyed something that meant a lot her, i-i just...just wasn't thinking."
"I should just make sure-." Allison was saying.
"No, no, don't! Don't go anywhere near her, Ivanna's is in an unbalanced place, right now, she's going off the rails, she's slightly unstable, she isn't thinking and she hates you, and if you go in front of her...just don't." Scott warningly says.
"Scott-." Allison sighs, trying to talk.
"Don't!" Scott slightly raised his voice, Allison blinking in surprise, the McCall then softly sighing out. "Don't...please don't."
"This doesn't make sense, the public pool is all the way on the side of the woods, we haven't tracked them anywhere near the-." Derek stressed.
"Derek, they killed someone." Scott emphatically says.
"You don't have proof." Ivanna interjects.
Scott deeply exhaled. "I know, he's your friend, but, your friend, killed innocent people!"
"Boyd's not only my friend, he's like, you know in a pack everyone means something to everyone and-." Ivanna says with passion.
Ivanna then scoffs. "You wouldn't understand."
Scott's attention was quickly diverted from Ivanna to Derek.
"How are they moving so fast?" Derek impatiently asks.
"Derek-." Scott tried to say.
"But, they can't be that fast on foot!" Derek stressed.
"They killed someone, someone totally innocent...and it's our fault." Scott quickly says.
"It's my fault." Derek glumly says.
"We need help." Scott says to Derek.
Derek had his arms crossed over his chest, his clothes slightly ripped from last night.
Ivanna and Isaac looked at Scott offensively.
"We have Isaac and Ivanna." Derek states.
Scott then glanced at them, then back at Derek. "I mean, real help."
"They're too fast! For us!" Scott frustratedly says.
"I can easily catch their scent." Ivanna quietly says.
"It's not about scent, Iva, we have to stop them." Scott then softly says.
"Then, what the hell are we waiting for?" Ivanna asks confusingly.
"We can't do it." Scott tried to reason.
Ivanna frowns in confusion. "Why not?"
"They're too fast! Too strong! Too rabid for us!" Scott says stressfully.
"We'll catch 'em." Derek calmly says.
Isaac scoffed, a look of disbelief on his face. "What happens if we do? Just gonna hold them until the sun comes up?"
"It'll be easier if we just kill 'em." Derek mumbled.
"Killing then isn't the right thing to do." Scott advised.
"We aren't killing them." Ivanna sounded slightly angered.
Scott nods, gesturing to Ivanna in agreement.
Scott then took a hold onto Ivanna's shoulder, pulling her close by.
"Maybe you should dial your anger to a four." Scott softly advised.
Ivanna shoved Scott away, glaring at him. "Oh, and how do i look now?"
"...seven." Scott slightly winced.
"Who asked you? J-just...i'm fine." Ivanna looked angry, but then placed a smile upon her face.
Her lightly touching his shoulders, giving a smile, which didn't assure him.
"I'm fine." Ivanna smiles.
"Okay, we can't kill him, you two ruled that, but what if what Derek says is that the only thing we can? What do you think is there else to do?" Isaac questioned.
"Get someone who knows all about Werewolves." Scott then says.
Derek squinted his eyes suspiciously at Scott.
"Who?" Derek skeptically asks.
"Someone who knows how to hunt Werewolves." Scott then says.
The three Werewolves knew exactly who he was talking about at had exact uneasy feeling about the plan.
Derek's car was seen parked in front the grocery, Ivanna in the backseat, whilst Isaac was in the front seat.
The Wolves waiting as Scott was talking with Argent inside.
"Think this going to work?" Isaac asks Derek.
"Nope." Derek simply says as he looked out the window.
"Neither am i." Isaac sighed out.
Neither of the wolves said anything else, making everything become an awkward silence.
Isaac wanted to say something but was afraid of how Derek would react.
Ivanna rocked her head back, groaning out tiredly, eyes closed.
"Awkward silence." Ivanna mumbles tiredly.
Isaac hearing his sister say this, made him brave.
"So, uh, your sister?" Isaac nervously asks interestingly.
Derek then turned to look Isaac, glaring at him, making the Beta even more nervous.
"Oh, i-i know...sorry, bad timing..." Isaac stammers.
Derek then looked away from him, looking out.
"Properly later." Isaac mumbles.
Derek, hearing this, glared coldly at his Beta, who got even nervous.
"Or, never, probably never...i'm good with never." Isaac nervously smiles.
Isaac sucked in a sharp breathe, leaning back on the seat.
Ivanna had an amused smile on her lips, leaning forward to her brother.
"Your game is weak, brother."
Isaac jumped up, turning to face her challengingly.
"Think you can do one better?" Isaac challenged.
"Best." Ivanna smirks.
"Would the both of you stop fantasizing about my sister!" Derek sounded irritated.
"Sorry, we're being bad Betas." Ivanna apologizes.
"But...little after? After everything sorts out?" Ivanna mischievously asks.
"So, if you had to make either of us your 'in-law', who would it be?" Ivanna jokingly asks.
"Neither! Annoying, irritable, just plain out insane, both of you!" Derek says in frustration.
Ivanna then smirks, leaning to Derek. "We're your Betas, so, sorry, buddy, you're stuck with us."
"She's older than the both of you." Derek says agitated.
He didn't want to be talking about his long lost sister to his two Betas, but he was forced to.
"Just by a few months." Ivanna says in a relaxing voice.
"I'm older than you, so obviously you're gonna you'll have to listen to me." Isaac smirks at his sister.
"Just by a couple of minutes!" Ivanna defensively says.
Derek rolled his eyes at the two bickering, a tired sigh escaping him. "Kids!"
Out in the preserve, Argent was seen walking with the four wolves, guiding then to where Boyd and Cora could be.
"You're tracking them by print." Argent states.
Scott shrugs at Argent. "Trying to..."
Argent then nods, taking a sharp breathe.
"Well, you've been wasting your time, there's only one creature on earth that can visually track footprints and that's...man." Argent states.
Argent then looked down besides footprints next to Isaac's feet.
"And, if you're not trained like me, then you'd never noticed that these footprints belong to Boyd and-."
Isaac then cut him off with a confident smile. "Cora."
"No, they're yours." Argent says, making Isaac's confidence turn into a frown.
"It was trampled over Ivanna's, who was obvious to Cora's." Argent states.
"I got her chemo-signals!" Ivanna's eyes lit up.
Argent then sighs, seeing each four werewolves masking their emotions, he could clearly read them careful and they were carrying four different emotions, which was distracting them from their key of focus.
Argent sighs, looking at the four wolves carefully. "Listen to me."
"Look, i know, that the three of you are focusing half your energy on resisting your own urges under the Full Moon, but that puts you at a sever disadvantage to Boyd and Cora, who have fully gave in, they put pedal on the floor, whilst the four are barely hitting the speed limit."
Derek had a look of impatience whilst he look at Argent. "So, what do we do?"
"Focus on your sense of smell, actual wolves are known to track their actual prey, may it be up to a hundred miles." Argent informs.
"I've caught their scents, that's how i was so sure they're here, their chemo-signals is high!" Ivanna eyes lit up.
"One wolf isn't enough, the others need to concentrate as well."
"You mean, an unhinged, deranged, unbalanced, unstable Wolf isn't to way to go to catch them, isn't it?" Ivanna asks in fury.
"Ivan-." Argent was saying.
"No, don't stop, rip away, i mean, it's not like half of this is your daughter's fault." Ivanna sarcastically says, with anger in her eyes.
"Ivanna, you can't catch them like this, you need to focus, okay?" Argent softly says, hands on her shoulders.
Ivanna shoved him, angrily frowning her brows at him.
"I'm fine." She took a walk away from them.
"Okay, you come with me." Derek says, grabbing a hold onto Ivanna's hand.
"Wh-." Ivanna protests.
"No, no 'if & buts', no questions." Derek firmly says.
"You're staying with me.
Derek's eyes then went to Isaac, glancing at Scott. "You go with him."
"...you can't separate us." Isaac argues.
"You two are difficult, i swear!" Derek stressed.
Ivanna then leaned in with a smirk. "But you still love us."
"Derek..." Argent trails.
Derek looked away from his Betas, to Argent.
"When was the last time you saw your sister?" Argent asks.
"Not in years, i thought she died in the fire." Derek states.
"Do you feel like you a lock on her scent?" Argent asks.
Derek just stares at him, not saying anything.
"Scott, how confident are you in your skills?" Argent asks the McCall.
"Honestly, most of time i'm trying not think of all things i can smell." Scott says.
"All i get, is longingness, surprise and relief, but, Boyd...all i got is anger and fury." Ivanna answers.
"You still have hope, Ivanna, and that hope is blocking you from your true potential." Argent states.
"I'm not distracted, if that's what you're worried about." Ivanna snapped.
"It's no way to visualize it, Ivanna, get rid of the distraction and i know it's gonna be hard, you're-.
"Can you just give me some good news?" Ivanna snapped.
Argent sighs, shaking his head at the girl's attitude.
"Wherever they are, they're aren't going to kill everyone, are they?" Isaac then asks.
"Listen, when they breach the woods, they hit the residential area, once they pass the high school, they're back right in the middle of Beacon Hills." Argent states.
"They aren't going to kill, but, there's an important difference to recognize, wolves hunt for food, at a certain point–––Boyd and Cora are hunting for some apex predatory satisfaction, that comes from the ripping of warm bodies to bloody sheds." Argent informs.
"Anyone knows when that needs to get satiates?" Argent asks looking at the four wolves.
"We can't kill them." Scott states.
"Wasn't a choice." Ivanna comments.
"Well...what is we can't catch 'em?" Derek negatively asks.
"Then maybe we just need to contain them, there's no one at school at night, right?"
Derek states at Argent as if he was out of his mind.
"You want us to trap them inside?" Derek incredulously asks.
Argent shrugs. "Is there any strong enough door or windows or access to the outside..."
"What about the boiler room?" Isaac suggests.
"...yeah, it's just one big steel door, barely anyone goes there." Ivanna states.
"Sure no one's at school?" Argent asks carefully.
"It has to be––there can't be anyone at school, this late, right?" Scott then asks.
"These are ultrasonic emitters, it's one of the tools we use to corral Werewolves, pushing them into a direction we want them to run." Argent picked a couple of tools, showing it out in display.
"It gives off a high-pitched frequency that only they can hear." Argent says flicking on the emitter.
A high-pitched scream echoed through the emitter, making the male Lahey hold his ears in pain, screaming out.
Ivanna had her hands on her ears, breathing out in pain and anger.
It seems like anger is all she's been feeling these days.
"Yeah, no kidding!" Isaac groans out in pain, removing his hands from his ears.
"Thanks for that." Ivanna sarcastically smiles.
"These are going to drive them to school?" Derek then asks after a while.
"And then it's up to you to get them in the basement." Argent states.
Isaac seemed nervous. "Does anyone else want to think of the plan, where we just, uh...kill 'em?"
"No, no one's killing Boyd." Ivanna angrily says.
"It'll work, guys, trust me." Scott says with confidence but with a hint of worry.
"And, Iva? Calm down." Scott softly advised.
Ivanna shrugs with a smile that didn't satisfy him.
"I am calm." Ivanna smiles.
Scott nods slowly, but seemed not to believe her, but he just took what he got.
That night, at the high school, outside the boiler room, the wolves and Argent was getting into the plan, Derek needed to get them into the room and the Lahey siblings and Scott would take care of the rest.
Derek had successfully caught them into the basement.
Whilst Ivanna and Isaac was trying to keep Boyd and Cora inside, it seemed the more they tried to restrain them, the more stronger and hungrier they got.
"Scott, Scott! Scott! Look." Isaac panics, seeing the sight of the sun.
"It's the sun! What do we do?" Ivanna nervously asks.
"Wait, i think i hear something." Scott whispers, putting his hand by his ear.
Ivanna focused on her hearing and heard heartbeats...
"Who the hell is that?" Ivanna asks confusingly.
"Hello? Is there anyone here?" A female fearfully asks.
"Ms. Blake? What the hell is she doing here?" Ivanna asks confused.
"Who's Ms. Blake?" Derek asked confused.
"Um, uh, she's our new English teacher, Jennifer Blake." Ivanna frowns her brows.
"Yeah, she has brunette hair, the hot one." Isaac bluntly says.
Ivanna and Scott gave Isaac a "seriously' stare, who just shrugged, sheepishly smiling.
"Wait, where are you going?" Scott then asks, noticing Derek about you open the door.
"There's someone innocent in there, i have to help her, before they kill her." Derek impatiently says.
Before anyone could say anything, Derek rushed inside, locking the door, the two Betas seeing him, growling aggressively and ferociously, going to rush at him.
"Come on, come at me!" Derek baits.
The unstable wolves did he told them to, them getting trap, having no idea where to escape.
"...I think he got them." Ivanna whispered, feeling a little relief.
"That's good...good he got your friend out." Scott smiles.
Ivanna then sighs. "He's not only my friend, Scott."
"It's more than that, you know? It's a pack thing, it's like family, like...like you are––." Isaac didn't know how to explain it.
"Soulmates...are if one is gone, it feels like a piece of you just got destroyed, you know." Ivanna sighed out sadly.
"Is that how you feel with Erica?" Scott softly asked.
"...worse." Ivanna gave him a sad look.
Ivanna then walked away from both boys.
"So, good news is that Boyd and Cora didn't kill anyone?" Scott says to Stiles happily.
"You're gonna wish they did." Stiles sighs.
Scott frowns at his best friend's words. "Why?"
"Because the bodies that were found dead, isn't normal." Stiles informs.
"What were they?" Scott curiously asked.
Scott's arms were crossed over his chest, a serious expression on his face.
"Human Sacrifices, Scott." Stiles informs.
Scott turned in a full blow out of shock and worry instantly.
"Hey, um, so, have you talked to Ivy? I mean, you were with her the whole, night, so..." Stiles interestingly asks.
"Why don't you ask her?" Scott smiles.
"I don't know where she is!" Stiles threw his hand up and down.
"You'll figure it out." Scott smiles, then walked away.
Stiles frowns at him confused, not understanding him at all.
Stiles had reached by his house, the Stilinski with his hands on his hips, wondering where Ivanna could be.
Then his eyes looked up and saw legs dangling from his roof, an emotionless looking Ivanna Lahey sitting on his roof.
"Oh, there you are." Stiles whispered out.
Ivanna was seen sitting on the roof, the cool air hitting her face, blowing little strands of her dark blonde hair.
Ivanna felt someone sitting next to her and she faintly smiles, knowing exactly who it was, according to the person's scent.
"Hey, Ivy." Stiles softly says, caressing her shoulder.
Ivanna had a cigarette in her mouth, her eyes closed, then she slowly pulled it out, puffing out a couple of smoke slowly, her then smiling at Stiles in a daze.
"Condolences." Ivanna says in a cool and relaxing tone.
Stiles' brows frowned in confusion at her. "Condolences for?"
"Your friend? Heather? Heard she died, seems like she was strangled or whatever." Ivanna shrugs.
"Yeah, um, thanks?" Stiles says confused.
"And you too." Stiles awkwardly says.
"I mean, no one should ever have to find the one person they love like that." Stiles sympathizes.
Ivanna smiles, a look of denial on her face. "Erica..."
Ivanna decided to change the subject.
"Want a blow?" Ivanna talked with the cigarette in her mouth.
"Um, i don't think-." Stiles says awkwardly.
"Come on." Ivanna urges.
"Ivy, maybe we sho-." Stiles was saying.
"Come on, for old times?" Ivanna's eyes lit up.
Ivanna then took the cigarette from her mouth, softly blowing some grey smoke on his face with a smile.
"Stiles, come on." Ivanna urges, taking his hands in hers.
Ivanna then used his fingers to take the cigarette out from her mouth, making him place it his mouth, a happy gleam in her eyes.
"Oh! Damn,
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