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~In the hallway~
~8 minutes until dinner~
~Draco's POV~

'Where are they? I've walked around for 20 minutes, wait oh there they are.'

"Hello Ronald and Hermione, can I talk with you for a moment?" I said.

"Sure, I don't mind," Hermione said, "Hermione!" Ronald shouted.
"Ron, he just wants to talk." Said Hermione.

"Fine, what do you want to talk about Malfoy?" Said Ronald.

"Well, I want to talk about Potter," I said.

"What about him?" Said Hermione.

"We talked earlier, and he wanted me to tell you something," I said.

"And why should we believe anything you say?" Said Ronald.

"I don't care if you believe me or not, Butterfly wanted me to talk with you," I said.

"Um, butterfly?" Ronald said.

"I mean Potter, Potter wanted me to talk to you guys," I said.

"About?" Hermione said.

"Okay," I said, 'Just say it and it will be less awkward'
"Harry is gay," I said.

"We accept him, right Ron?" Said Hermione.

"Yeah of course, but why are you telling us not Harry? And why did you call him 'butterfly'?" Ron asked.

"Well to answer your first question he was scared that you would react as Ginavera did," I explained.

"So was that the secret he told Ginny?" Hermione asked.

"Yep. For your second question, I called him butterfly because..." I paused for a moment, "Because butterflies are small, delicate, and easy to kill." I said.

'butterflies are also beautiful, just like Harry.'

"Um ok," said Ronald.

"Did Harry say anything else to you? Like, why he was having a panic attack?" Hermione asked.

"He was nervous that you would react as Ginavera did," I explained.

~Sorry if I spelled Ginny's name worng~

"What made him changed his mind?" Ronald asked.

"I did, I told him that Hermione is very supportive and accepting and that he shouldn't be worried," I explained.

"Thanks for compliant," Hermione exclaimed.

"What did you about me?" Ron asked.

"I just said you're like Hermione. I mean you guys are dating, so I thought she probably rubbed off on you. Also, I don't know anything about you." I said.

"For starters, you would know me if you weren't such a git, Malfoy. Secondly, how did you know me and 'mione are together?" Ronald asked.

"Well you guys look at all your friends the same way, but now when you look at each other your eyes are full of love and care," I explained.

"That was beautiful, but how do you know that?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, are you watching us?" Ron asked.

'I know that because I want Harry to look at me that way,' I thought.

"Um, I..." I paused, "I know that because I am jealous that you can give that look you give each other easily, and I want... someone to look at me like that," I looked down at the floor, for some reason it looks so interesting right now.

"Wow, who knew Draco Malfoy wasn't heartless after all-" Hermione hit Ronald with her elbow, "Shut it, Ron." Hermione snapped at him.

Then I said "Ouch, That was hurtful. And of course, I'm not heartless, I just don't like you and only you."

"Why don't you like me?! I have done nothing to you!" Ronald shouted.

"You did do something, and you're still doing it," I said.

"What did I do to you Malfoy?!" Ronald shouted.

"I have asked you so many times to call me by my name. Every time I ask, you just say 'I call you what you are, a disgusting Malfoy' or something along those lines." I can feel myself wanting to cry but I hold it in.

"You are a Malfoy! You are the same as your family, rude and heartless!" Ronald shouted.

"Ronald Weasely! Take that back right now!" Hermione demanded.

I started to say "I could say the same about you and your sister." I paused, "I actually was trying to be your friend and make a truce, but I'm guessing you don't want to be friends with me. Just so you know I am a tsundere, and I am sorry." I walked away on the break of tears.

~Hermione's POV~

"Ronald! How dare you!" I shouted.
"Me?! How is this my fault?!" Ron exclaimed.
"You're so stupid Ron!" I shouted running towards where Draco went.

~Btw a tsundere is a person that is rude, cold, or even hostile, to people they don't know very well, but in time start to open up.
For Draco, it took a long time to become friends with Harry and the others (Luna, Neville, and others that I don't know the names of) ~

~5 minutes later~
~in front of an abandoned classroom"

"Draco, where are you?" I said.

"Hermione! why did you run off?" Ron asked, running up to me.

"I am not talking to you," I said.

"Oh come on, It was just telling the truth! He is cold and heartless."

"Ron! He is tsundere!"

"I don't know what that means!"

I sighed, "It means he takes time to open up to people! He just opened up to us and wanted to be friends until you ruined it!"

"Ok maybe I was being a little bit rude, but it's true he is a cold git!"

"But he can't help it!"

"Why are you taking his side, I'm your boyfriend!"

"That doesn't mean I can't side with him."

"Are you serious!? It's Malfoy!"

"Ron, haven't you noticed none of are friends hate him anymore? That's because he talked to them and made friends with them! Or at least became not enemies!"

"What?! No! What about Harry? Harry still hates him right?"

"I don't know, go talk to him not me!"

Ron sighed, "I am sorry Hermione. I should have thought more about Malfoy's feelings, I stepped out of line. I am sorry."

"Apology accepted, but you need to tell Draco that you are sorry."

"Ok, I wil-"

"Achu!" Someone in the classroom sneezed, "Ugh, stupid dust."

"Who's there?" I asked, "Show yourself." Ron demand.

~The door opened and out came a Slytherin girl~

"Pansy? What were you doing in there?" I asked.

"I was reading, then I heard you guys talking so I was going to come out, but then you guys started talking about Draco so I just stood by the door listening," Pansy said.

"Oh ok, Do you happen to know where Draco is?" I asked, "I do, but you have to answer my question first." said Pansy.

"Ok, what's your question?" I asked, "Why are you looking for him?" She asked.

"He wanted to be friends, but Ron made him runoff. I was hoping to talk to him and see if he still wanted to be friends." I said.

"Ok. He is probably in the astronomy tower, he goes there a lot." Pansy said.

"Thanks, Pans!" I said before walking away.

~Astronamy Tower~
~Now 10 minutes into dinner~
~Hermione went alone~

"Draco are you here?" I asked, looking around.
I saw Draco facing the wall, I wasn't sure what he was doing so I asked, "What are you doin-"

I was speechless from what I saw.

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