"It's Draco"

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The rest of the week, after consulting Professor McGonagall, went as usual. Classes had ended earlier that day, and it was time for Dinner in the great hall.  She walked over to her usual spot with Ginny and Luna, but her face fell instantly when she saw Lavender sitting with them. She walked over and sat down between Ginny and Luna. Both looked uncomfortable sitting by her. Ginny's face was bright red and Luna was gripping her wand under the table until her knuckles turned white. Hermione greeted both kindly, and scoffed at Lavender who waved hello to her. Lavender sighed as she flipped her perfect brown hair over her shoulders. 

"Look Hermione, I'm not asking you forgive me, but you probably should because I might just become your replacement, but anyways I came here to call a truce. Please." She said 

"No. One, out of all the people in this school, you could never replace me. Here's a wake-up call 'Lav-Lav', I'm the brightest witch of our age, and you could never top that. Second, You can have Ron, he wasn't that great anyways." Hermione spat, with a smirk growing on her face.

Luna had looked up from under the table, and flashed Hermione a shocked look, while Ginny was holding back hysterical laughter. Lavender, flipped her hair over her shoulder again, and laughed.

"Honestly, I was trying to be the bigger person here, and try to apologize, but I guess old habits die hard."

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

"You will always, and forever be just another filthy little mudblood, that will amount to nothing, and just like your parents, you'll live a sad life with a sad muggle husband, and have sad muggle children, because Hermione Granger, isn't 'Hermione Granger' without her magic, and we all know that." She said sadistically.

She stood up from her chair grabbing her pumpkin juice and splashed it in her face. Lavender shrieked, as everyone in the great hall to stare directly at them.

"Like you will do anything. Just because your a pure-blood, doesn't mean anything." She said slamming her cup on the ground.

 Hermione ran out of the great hall and into the only place that she knew she could get some peace, quiet, and isolation from the rest of the school. The library. She walked into the library and saw no one there. She sighed, and walked her way through all the bookselves. She worked her way back, skimming through every book shelf. She eventually landed in the romance section. She scoffed at the sight. She walked through the isle, running her finger along the spines of the books. Her hand landed on one book in particular. It was beaten and torn down. The spine and cover was reduced to almost nothing, and the lettering was barely legible. She took it out fo the shelf and started to flip through the pages. She eventually landed on a chapter that caught her interest. "Soulmates". She read through the chapter, taking all the information in. 

A stack of books and a couple of hours later, Hermione realized the time. 

"Damn. 9:30." She muttered.

She stood up, and started to place the books back. While she was putting th books back, she felt someone breathing down her neck. She whipped around and grabbed her wand from her pocket. She looked around her and saw a familiar blond mop of hair speed out of the isle way. 

"Malfoy! Malfoy! Come here!" She yelled running after the boy

She caught up to him by pulling on the hoodie of his robe. She pulled on him making him land on his back.

"What do you want Malfoy?"

He gave a cocky grin and simply replied, "You."

He let that soak into her until she felt a huge rush of heat ran through her cheeks. She could feel her face becoming red. 

"You, to help me with divination homework!" He said smirking, "Eh, did you think I liked you?" He said getting up, "Well you right thinking that way." 

He smirked proudly, while he just watched her mouth drop open. He gently pushed her chin up.

"Close your mouth or you'll catch a fly." He said 

She straightened herself out and cleared her throat. She wasn't about to lose in this battle.

"Okay." She said smugly.

She watched him return a face of shock at her as she replied smugly. He didn't expect her to say yes.

"Meet me here tomorrow, and we can start."

She turned around and walked out of the library, she was going to sleep good tonight.

Hermione's Flashback (Fourth Year)

She walked into the warming office, as she let out a sigh of relief. She was comforted to see some familiar faces. McGonagall looks at her with pain, Dumbledore watches her uncomfortably, but not as nearly as Professor Snape. His face looked contorted and almost disgusted. She sat down in front of them. She started awkwardly at them cracking a slight smile to lighten the mood. But all of them remained cold and unmoving. 

"Hermione," Dumbledore perked up, "look, obviously your not here because your in any sort of trouble, not you as in right now, but there might be some discomfort with how your life will play out in the future, and it might not be to your liking."

"What he means to say Hermione," McGonagall started, "yesterday Proffesor Trelawny, had been predicting the futures of Harry, since he was mysteriously choosen to compete in the goblet of fire, and she became intrested in Ronalds' and Your future, to see if there was any effect that you would have on him. But yours, however, revealed an interesting result. It showed you future affairs."

"Okay, they'll me." She said with a slight chuckle.

"Proffesor Trelawny said that in the next three to six years, that you will lose everyone dear to you, one by one, until there is one person, which will be very unexpected." McGonagall said.

"Is there a clue to who this person is?" She asked 

"Professor Snape." Dumbledore said gesturing to him, "He will search through your mind, please do not attempt to resist, it will only make it harder. Just sit down and relax."

She closed her eyes and layed back. She felt Snape's wand touch her forehead lightly. As he shifted trough her mind she recalled specific memories. Childhood memories, school memories,  and memories she never knew she had, but throughout all this, a particular blonde's name kept ringing through her head. 

Draco Draco Draco Draco Draco. 

The voice repeated. She opened her eyes to the widened eyed Snape.

"It's Draco." He said flatly.

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