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-Y/n Pov-

I walked down the hallway and this house was really big.

Rui? Chen Rui...what a name...

Its a good thing i came in Katelyn's place... its not like i was expecting everything to go smoothly.

I stopped walking not even sure if i should keep going

I mean, we are dealing with a dragon here, but still...maybe i should just give up-


I should at least say what I came here to say. But what if he's still a blob? Can we even communicate?-

I paused seeing a man read a book ok the couch

Damn i think i just wet myself, he is crazy good looking

-Dragons's Mate-

-Y/n Pov-

Wow, to go from seeing a ripped-up portrait of someone to seeing the real thing...its a lot to take in.

I go up closer putting on my confident face

Y-um, may i have a moment of ur time? I am the first daughter of the house of Dae. May I call you Rui? I'm not sure how else to address you-...

He looked up at me and I kinda froze. I wish i was his mate cuz damn

He looked back down and i gulped looking away putting my hand down. He's not much of a talker i see.

I move over next to him sitting down beside him

Y-I have heard so much about you, but it's our first time meeting in person. To be fair, ur way out in the sticks. Its not the easiest trip to make.

I chuckled waiting for a response but...nothing

Y-I apologize for coming here unannounced...

He sighed covering his face

Y-Rui? Are u ok-...

I reach out about to touch him a bit worried

Y-You look-



R-don't fucking touch me.

He said, his veins bulging from his neck and his eye darken as he looked at his palm

I moved my hand apologizing

Y-My bad. Shall we get down to business then?

I smiled keeping my cool. He wants to be mad. He attacked me in his sleep!

Y-i understand u wanna leave the Dae family. As u can imagine, our family was taken aback by sudden decision. If you'd reconsider...we can compensate u for ur continued patronship. Whatever u want.

R-compensate me?...what exactly can u give me? U owe everything u have to me.

He said still reading going back calm and cold

R-did u think u were self-made? What i want, u say? I want u to get out of my sight.

I still had a smile on my face trying to keep me cool

Y-can u at least give me a reason?

R-I don't see why i should explain myself to u.

This bastard

Y-Haa. Alright i guess it's out of my hands... clearly, u no longer give a damn about our family and ur mate

I said getting up about to walk away

Y-i mean its been centuries since she pass-

R-You know?...

He asked grabbed my hand and i turned to him shock. The look he gave me...


Did that really get his attention

R-do u know what my mate looks like? Pls...tell me

Y-sadly, no. All the old portraits have been destroyed. Nothings left.

He put his head down groaning rubbing his face

R-but why... I can't remember what they look like...What they sound like...I can't recall anything since waking up...I...I...

He flinched going still and i was so confused-

R-get out.


He got up and I stumbled back backing back as he towered over me

R-i don't know why you came all the way here, but I couldn't give a damn about ur family. Fuck off.

What an ass. To think I was falling all over myself to butter him up because he's the dragon...

Y-Your mate has been reincar-

He grabbed my throat hitting me my back against the wall


R-Hey. How dare a lowly creature like u speak about my mate? Reincarnated? If that was true, they would've sought me out. Since that didn't happen, it means they're no longer among the living.

I looked at him listening struggling to breathe

R-I have no intention of helping greedy humans such as you to gain more power or authority.

Dammit. He's not even listening. I really didn't want to do this.

Y-That's why...I'm here.


I looked up at him holding his arm trying to speak

Y- Y-You said that if ur mate was really reincarnated...they would come running to u.

He loosened up his grip looking at me confused

Y-what if i was to tell u that i'm ur mate?

I said holding his arm

Y-Well, here i am. U never gave me a chance to talk.


He grabbed my arms pulling me close

R-Do you-

Y-oh, don't get me wrong. I don't have any memories of my past life either. It was the Dae Family shaman who suggested that i could be ur mate reborn

Really it was my sister but...

Y-Neither of us have any memories. Funny how that turned out, huh?

I smiled politely at him as he slowly released me

His face when blank as his hands dropped to his sides

R-is that what they told u to say? U expect me to believe that Lie?

Ok so he isn't a idiot

R-centuries have passed but humans remain unchanged. Your greed knows no bounds. Did u hope to use my amnesia against me? Were u hoping u could sweet talk me and seduce me with ur lewd body to give u everything u wanted.

Now i better use my finishing move. [Insist, persist and never desist].

Y-look ik its a lot to take in but what if it's true? You will regret not listening to me.


Y- You don't trust me yet. And i get it.

I said getting closer grabbing his face looking at him

Y-but...u have nothing to lose by keeping me around right? So why don't we give it a try? Let me prove it to u. Hm?-

He snatched away from me staring blankly at me

R-what are u suggesting?

Y-let's be roomies. Let me stay with u. Living together will give us some answers. U might think im being stubborn, but...This could help you remember.

I'm so fucked is he gets he memories back.

Y-personally I'm confident that i'm the mate ur waiting for...are u sure u wanna kick me out like this? No regrets?

R-...do whatever u want.

He walked away from me and i sighed sitting down. Ill take that as a yes, then.

I didn't mean to go this far but..I got all fired up for no reason. Well mainly because i kinda wish i was his mate. He is so hot.

Plus, I doubt he is the type to give out second chances... hopefully he buys it...If not...

I leaned back slumping in relief

Oh, well, i'm sure things will work out.

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