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All beings share this earth, both seen and unseen.

In days long past, humans lived intertwined with the spectral folk- ghosts of eras now dust, ghoulish guardians along woodland paths, spirits watching over stream and stone.

We walked with eyes open to the otherworldy all around. We all lived in harmony.

But as eons passed, our sight dimmed; the veil fell opaque between realms.

Mortals forget our ethereal neighbours, blind to ghosts crowding just beyond our campfires.

Gone are the days when Fox spirts were a common sight the mountain side.

The lingering dead are also a thing of the past.

These creatures have now become old myths kept alive through the mouths of storytellers.

Even tho they still live amongst us till today

Yet some few have kept that truer vision. A fortunate few continue to receive divine protection, as well as wealth and honor, to this very day from these divine beings.

In return, the humans present offerings and pledge servitude to them.

Its a mutual beneficial relationship

And so...Servitude to the spirits is rewarded with health honor and power

The gains are proportional to the power of the spirit one serves

Many powerful families have amassed great wealth thanks to such spirits

Amongst them, there is one...whose mere existence can grant ur every desire

A spirt who belongs to ur family who also makes ur abilities stronger

The immeasurable and mysterious...


-Dragon's Mate-

-21st Century/South Korea-

-Y/n Pov-

It was almost time to go and my clients and assistants followed behind me

Me being the CEO of the Night and Dae Hotels of the Night and Day group isn't a easy job especially me being a woman

?-Director Dae. Would you like to drop by the Photo Shoot after the board meeting?

Y-Mm. I don't know wouldn't that be a bit much for the CEO to show up? Also go with this for the fall season lineup

I say pointing to my assistant Mr. Christian Daloii notes and he nodded

Chris-Yes, Ma'am.

He showed me some more stuff and i was confused

Y-This is too dated. Did the other executive really approve this? Or is it this dated because of them? Scrap it, its no good.

Chris-Yes ma'am. I shall let them know.

I sighed

Y-forget this. What time is it? I better head home if i want to make it in time for dinner. Let's go u gotta drive me-

A man with a lot of boxes crash into me and fell dow. Luckily Christian caught me before i could fall

??-Ah- I-I'm sorry madam! I'm so sorry the boxes were blocking my view. Ill just-

Y-hush now

I say bending down helping him smiling gently handing him his boxes


He looked me in the eyes shocked and i chuckled

Y-are u gonna take it?

I levitated the box with my powers over to him and he took it

Everyone here knows I have powers but still treat me like a human

My family says its a Family Legacy. Abilities that were passed down through bloodlines, their ancestors also acting as protectors/guides in earlier eras.

??-Th-Thank u miss!

We get up and he thanks me again blushing

Y- you can't make such mistakes in front of clients. Be carful next time ok?

He bowed and i walked on.

I can still hear them thanks to my abilities.

My older employees was telling the new guy how I use the hotel like a personal love shack

Which is true. I have a new guy in the suites almost whenever I can.

I don't care either


I looked at the same ripped painting of the man that was inside my family's home

A young man's portrait hung on the walls like a prized family heirloom- u don't see that everyday.

I have never seen this man in the flesh, so it doesn't his home that he's real

K-Yn, What're u doing here?

I look over and see my little sister

Y-Ur out of school?

K-Yea, for some time now. You would know if you took some interest in ur little sister life. Anyway, dinners ready.

She asked what was i doing in the study and it took forever to find me in this big house

Then she asked did i come to see the portrait again. I was confused until she said when i was little all i would do was stare at it for hours


K-mhm. I don't get it because its all ripped but i guess

I looked at it and thought about it

Seems i really did...i remember sitting on the floor with a blanket watching



I was sitting at the table with my dad, Kate and step mom

Jacob is never here because he has business abroad. Thats why he gave me this position.

Dad-how's the hotel business treating u Y/n

Y- a lot of responsibilities but its fun

Dad-i'm glad

Sm-congratulations on the hotel award my love i am so proud of u.

They told me Jacob was in the U.S doing business right now.

Sm-i swear its like getting the whole family together is next to impossible

Y-well still its not like we have many gatherings so we should be able to make time for them

I smiled. I knew something was up tho. We only gather like this when something is about to go down or they finna drop a bomb

They even sent away the help...

Sm-so kate how do u like that university, love?

K-its alright i guess-

Sm-oh great then u should get married

I coughed up and spat out all my water

K-...? Wait, what? Come again?

Sm-i think u should get married.

K-am i sick y/n? I must be hearing things...

I wiped my mouth confused

Y-wh-what brought this on? Ur trying to arrange a marriage for her?

Dad-as u two know our family serves a powerful spirit...that's where u two get ur power strength from. Where us 3 got it from-

K-Ugh! That dragon nonsense again?! I thought we got our powers from our family legacy

Dad-we did but with that dragons help it became stronger. We live like this because of him

Sm-and that's no way to talk about the great dragon.

Dad-that's right. A few days ago, he awoke from his centuries-long slumber. And he intends to part ways with our family.


Dad-because he has given us this gift we didn't need to learn to control our powers but who knows what will happen if he does part ways. It would be like a toddler trying to rule the world. So, for the sake of the family-

Sm-hold on dear. Ms. Park can u explain everything

Msp-yes pls. Allow me.

Ugh...I hate shamans

She told us that according to our family records that the dragon went into a deep sleep after the lost of his mate

His grief was so great that he neglected to even take the family's offerings to preserve his strength.

However his recent awakening suggests that theres been a new development concerning his mate.

She says that she has been sensing some...energy? In our family i guess

She thinks his mate has been reincarnated

They think because shes the youngest and this energy sense could be newer that she thinks kate is the mate

K-DO U EVEN HEAR URSELF? I'm the mate of a dragon?!

Msp-i think so yep

K-so u want me to talk to convince the dragon to stay...by claiming i'm his wife?!

Sm-calm down honey pls...

She keeps yelling and i sighed. I was getting stress and they wasn't even talking to me

K-who says he would even want me? He wants to leave the family right?!

Msp-Calm down, Miss Dae. If that happens, there's no guarantee that the Dae family's fortune and power will endure. The Korea's biggest conglomerate's stocks would crumble to dust. If that is what the dragon wants. I understand ur distress, but this is a serious matter.

Y-Ill do it.

Everyone looked at me

Y-Ill take her place. At the end of the day our goal is for him to stay. No one has to get married.

Sm-but ur business-

Y-I can move in and do my work from there. If i play my cards right there will be no reason to sign away my sisters freedom. We don't even know if she really is his mate. It's not fair to ask a girl who just turned 20 a week ago to get hitched. Ill think of it as a business deal and go instead of her

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