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"I AM DAENERYS STROMBORN OF HOUSE TARGARYEN, OF THE BLOOD OF OLD VALYRIA! I am the dragon's daughter, and I swear to you, that those who will harm you will die screaming!"

The Targaryens. Loathed by many, adored by others. Hungry for power and destruction, conquering lands with fire and blood. They brought power, vitality, and madness upon the world, a thin line separating their abilities from creation and destruction.

Control. It slipped so easily through their fingers, ending lives in a blink of an eye, soon enough, they were almost extinct, just like their dragons.

But not all of them were like that.

As Khal Drogo got engulfed by the flames, Daenerys Targaryen held her three dragon eggs closely to her, listening to the maegi's screams that took her beloved husband and baby away through the forbidden use of blood magic.

The fire consumed all the wood, a torrent of flames illuminating the starless night. Daenerys sat in the middle, the flames burning her clothes away, yet her skin remained untouched. Her heart jumped when she heard a loud cracking noise coming from the eggs, the glistening case shattered, piece by peace, revealing three small dragons that had their eyes closed, stretching their transparent wings as they screeched.

The sunset started to welcome a new day, and the night had taken the flames along with it. Daenerys sat on the ground, three dragons crawling on her body in need of their mother's milk. Her bare body was covered in ashes, as the Dothraki stared at her in awe, not believing their eyes.

In the clear sky, a red comet flew across it. So bright, it looked like a slashed wound, as though the heavens have been wounded. But everyone knew what it meant:


They came back to life, after centuries of being extinct.

The Dothraki gasped, tears forming in their eyes, as they kneeled to their Khaleesi.

A small cry was heard between the piles of ashes, alerting Daenerys. She made her way where Khal Drogo used to be, and she kneeled, clearing the ashes from the whimpering noise.

Through all the ashes and blood, a spark of hope was born.

A creature so beautiful, it was the only thing a mother could have wished for.

The newborn opened her eyes for the first time, two large glowing amethysts that sparkled between the rays of Sun kissing her face. She broke down into a cry, making Daenerys pick her up and cradle the baby in her arms.

The dragons curiously sniffed the newborn, groaning softly, before they caressed their faces in the baby's, instantly showing affection.

"Khaleesi," whispered ser Jorah Mormont, cautiously approaching her.

A smile appeared in his face as Daenerys turned around with three dragons clawing on her skin, and a newborn sucking on her breast.

"She- she's beautiful... just like you, Khaleesi... What will her name be?"

Daenerys didn't respond, as she was too entranced staring at the baby's eyes, as her abilities of speaking were completely forgotten. The baby started giggling when the small dragons nudged her small arm playfully, tickling her. A new life was born, and the passion of taking what belonged to her grew like wildfire inside her. Her Sun and Stars was now dead, but now she had (Y/n), and she promised herself she'd keep her safe no matter the consequences, even if it meant death.

"(Y/n) Targaryen," she whispered, as a toothless smile appeared on the baby's face, hearing her mother say her name for the first time.

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