Outside the owl house, both Luke and Hooty were writing a letter to their friend Lilith. Well Hooty was writing the letter and Luke was watching. And when I say writing more like slamming his face repeatedly on the typewriter. Luke was watching and it looked like he had seen better days. He had a cast around his right arm and bandages around his head.
Luke: *raises his eyebrow* You sure you don't want me to write it?
Hooty: *stops and looks at Luke* Don't worry Lucas. I am a master at slamming my face. And writing letters.
Luke: *sweat drops* O-Ok then.
Hooty: Besides you need a break after what happened.
Luke: Thanks.
Hooty: Now where was I... Oh right!
Hooty goes back to smashing his face on the typewriter.
Hooty: Dearest Lulu, I hope this letter finds you well, and that you're enjoying your time with your parents. I'm writing to let you know, that I am a genius! [hears Luke clears his throat] oh me and Luke are geniuses! Whenst I wrote you last, I was in the throes of a malaise. That's when I got your letter!
(This whole thing is a flashback)
Nighttime in the owl house
Luke and Hooty were currently outside waiting for a letter from Lilith. The two approach the mail box and Luke sees a letter inside.
Hooty: *excited* Hoot Hoot! She wrote to us!!
Luke walks over and grabs the letter. He opens it and reads it with Luke over his shoulder.
Lilith: Hello, Hootsifer. Your letter concerned me. You write of feeling unimportant while Luz, Eda, Y/N, Luke, Flare, Nights, and King are off on adventures. But, Hooty, you are the Owl House. You take care of everyone inside you. If that isn't a worthy purpose, then what is?
Luke: Huh. You know sometimes I forget we do live inside of you.
Luke started to hear crying. He looked over and saw Hooty crying on his shoulder.
Hooty: I'm so worthless!
Luke: *pats Hooty on the head* There there, buddy. You're useful in some ways.
Hooty: *looks at Luke with tears* Like what?
Luke: *tries to think of something*.......... You give us a nice place to live?
This only made Hooty cry more as he wrapped himself around Luke. The pressure on Hooty's neck started to squeeze around Luke.
Luke: *struggles to breath* Ok Ok! How about this!? I help you try to help the others!
Hooty: *quickly becomes joyful* Really!?
Doing so Hooty ends up dropping Luke on the ground as he let out a painful noise.
Hooty: *looks down* Sorry Luke.
Luke: *laying on the ground* It's ok. You ever get the feeling this is going to be the theme of the night?
Hooty: *confused* What do you mean?
Luke: Don't know. Just a feeling.
Luke: Boy was it more than a feeling.
Inside the owl house
Luke and Hooty made their way inside the owl house.
Hooty: How we doin', Hoot House?
Luke: Nobody in here is dead, right?
The two looked around the room and saw King and Flare watching something on the crystal ball, Eda reading a whole bunch of scrolls with some behind her, Luz bothering the echo mouse, and Y/N looking up at the ceiling in a daze.
Luke: Esh...
King: Can you keep it [His voice cracks.] down? [Adjusts his voice.] Down! [Does it again.] Down! Why does this keep happening?
Lately, King's voice has started to crack. He couldn't figure out what was going on with him. Both Hooty and Luke walked over to him.
Hooty: Sounds like our little demon is becoming a "de-man"!
Luke: *claps for him* Congratulations.
Flare: *barks happily* Now you can stay up as late as you want!
King: Ugh! Why does that sound so wrong coming from *Voice cracks again* you? You! *Unintelligible angry noise* I am done with this!
King leaves as Flare goes over to follow him.
Luke: Poor guy. *walks over to Eda* Hey, teach. How's it going?
Hooty: Your little demon is going through his teen faze. You know what that means?
Luke: Acne?
Hooty: Nope! Moody swings! His moods are going to change like the wind.
While the two were busy talking, Eda lowered the paper that was in her face, revealing the shadows under her eyes, which are being kept open with clothespins.
Hooty/Luke: *spooked* Whoa!/Jesus!
Eda: I'm freaking out, you two. Belos is planning something big, and I'm weaker than a newborn witchling. If I wanna protect you guys, I have to train as hard as I can to get strong! No rest!
Luke: M-Maybe you should take a break Eda.
Hooty: Y-Yea. Every time you overwork yourself, you turn into the Owl Beast!
Eda: I said no rest!
Eda drops some papers and blows an air horn, making everyone around cover their ears.
Luke: *covering his ears* There goes my eardrums!
Eda walks away, while Luke and Hooty look at each other.
Luz: Can you please be quiet? You're scaring the echo mice. And if they're not happy, I'll never make my way into Y/N's heart. [Realizes what she just said, a flush spreads across her face.] I mean make a portal back home. Uh, we have to go.
Before anyone says anything, Luz quickly grabs the mice cage and starts to run off. The two looked over at Y/N hoping he heard it but the boy was still looking at the ceiling in a daze.
Luke: *walks over and kneels down* Heey buddy.
Hooty: *stretches over to him* You ok there?
Y/N: *roughly gets up* I don't know what to do guys! Even after all the advice I've been given, I don't want to break either of their hearts, but I also want to be with both of them! Ahhh! Why are emotions so hard!!??
Y/N started squeezing his head as he started panting.
Luke: *pats his shoulder* There there, man.
Hooty: I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind if you choose both of them. As long as you show them an equal amount of love, it will be fine.
Y/N: You're right... *stands up* I just need to go and train.
Luke: *deadpan look* You're doing that thing when you just hear what you want to hear, aren't you?
Y/N: *smiles at both of them* You guys are the best.
Hooty: *deadpan look* Yep. He's doing it.
Y/N: *walks out* I'll see you guys later!
As Y/N leaves Luke and Hooty continue to give him a deadpan look.
Hooty: You were right, Lulu. These four needed our help. So we devised the plan of plans.
Luke: A very very painful plan.
Theme Song
Music starts playing
The scene starts to open up at the abandoned house in the human world. It starts to zoom in to the portal door that leads to the Boiling Isles
It now flies over inside showing the bright sky and sunlight of the land. It then crosses over to the Isles itself showing the dead Titan. Suddenly the title screen started to show.
Dragon Slayer of the Boiling Isles
I caught a glimpse of light (when I was empty inside) and through the nothingness (I found this world)
The scene shows the three friends walking through the city of Boonsboro. They passed by many townspeople eventually making it to the owl house where Eda, King, Flare, Nights, and Hooty waiting for them with smiles on their faces
I'll wander calling your name. Until the end of my days! 'Til I find the answer!
The three friends ran up to their friends. Both Luz and Y/N gave Eda a big hug with smiles on their faces. Eda had an uncomfortable look at first, but then eased into the hug. King, and Flare, join the hug, while Luke looks at the scene with a small smile. Nights rubs on Luke's leg as Luke just pets the nightfurry.
Right through my fingers I'm losing the light!
The scene changes with the eye of the Portal door. The eye opens and ignites on fire. Luz jumps in front of it, with her cap on her, as she pulls out some glyphs in her pocket. She slams them together creating multiple light orbs around her.
Why can't I ever do anything right!?
Eda appears in front of her holding Owlbert in her hand with her new outfit. She spins her staff with a smirk on her face and was about to cast a spell but King jumps out from her hair, raising his hands up with a big smile on her face. Eda had a look of annoyance from King interrupting her.
This is the time!
Y/N jumps down in front of Eda with Zack's sword strapped on his back. He then summons fire in his right hand and lighting in his his left. He smirks at the camera as his right eye glowed red and his left eye glowed a shocking blue. Flare was on his head barking at the camera.
Throw it aside!
Luke appears from below in front of Y/N, with a serious expression on his face. He holds his blade in his right hand and has a demon claw in his left. His sword had black blood on it causing it to glow as he lifted it over his head.
Take all your scars and just leave them behind (Oh)
Willow appears from below Luke and in front of him. She jumps up with both her arms out. Her eyes start to glow green as she lifts her arms up in the air. Giant vines start to appear behind her growing all the way to the top.
I'm going to get there dead or alive!
Gus comes from the left scattering in front of Willow. He was holding a book under his left armpit. He pulls the book out and opens it up to a random page. He slams his left hand on the book and then lifts it up. Suddenly two clones of him appear beside him as they all smile at the camera.
But on my own I cannot survive!
Amity, with her new hairdo, does a spin in front of Gus. She then stops in front of the camera as she holds her hands over her head. She then brings them down, with them being on both sides of her. Her hands start to glow as she looks at the camera with a smirk. Suddenly abomination goo starts to cover the camera.
I don't want to lie to myself!
The scene opens up with a three frame slot showing Lilith, The golden guard, and the dragon guard. Lilith had an angry expression with her left arm out about to claw the camera, the golden guard had his staff out as his cap looked like it was flowing in the wind, and the dragon guard had his weapon in front of him. The frames then flip over showing: a Depressed Lilith that had a look of regret and shame, the golden guard who was holding his mask but showing his right red eye and some of his golden hair, and the dragon guard that was holding his mask in one hand, showing of his dark red glowing eyes that had a scare coming down from it, some red hair, and he was holding his weapon in his other hand.
Keep on the fight, that's right! (I'll never lose and cry)
The scene opens with Luke staring into the darkvoid. He was holding Sally's necklace in his right hand and his sword in his left. He looked down the whole time contemplating. Suddenly Sally appeared on his left side with a sweet smile and the little demon appeared on his right with a sinister smile.
Keep running day and night! (It's time to rewrite)
Y/N was surrounded by fire as he had fire in his right hand and lighting is his left. He looked at the fire with determination on his face. Suddenly his mother and Zack appeared behind him on his left, Igneel and a fire dragon appeared behind on his right.
No matter what anyone says I'll find my way
Luz is seen practicing her glyph magic. She then looks up at the sky as she is thinking about all the events that played out. She then sees a picture of her , her friends and her mother. They were all smiling and hugging each other close. She holds the picture in her hand and smiles brightly at the picture, and goes back to looking at the sky.
Yea~ never go away~ (Never go away now!)
A hand suddenly comes and smashes the screen to bits. Belos squeezes his hand as the camera shows his bright blue eyes behind his mask. The camera then distances itself from the Emperor and shows him on top of his castle as he orders his supportents. Below him were coven scouts and the 4 shadow figures. One of them was Zancrow while the other three were still shadows. They all looked like they were ready to battle. The camera then shows The owl house crew looking at the army as they were ready for a fight.
Nobody can stop me no way!
The scene shows Gajeel blitzing through multiple coven guards and charges an iron roar at them. Levy was at his side creating multiple script magic blasting through the guards. Lily was in his buff form using his red blade striking through all the guards. Suddenly a figure rushed at Gajeel cliding his fist with his. Gajeel smirked at the figure who was the demon that was inside Luke. The demon Luke smirks back at him.
That promise is engraved in my memory!
Luke, Willow, Gus, Amity, and Nights were all battling covent scouts. Luke using his blade and shadows, Willow tangled them up in plants, Gus using his clones to prank or knock them out, Amity summoning giant Abominations slamming them away, and Nights blasting them away with a blast from his mouth. A cloaked figure, who turned out to be Redtooth summoning a dark red cursed energy in his fingertips headed straight for Luke. Luke's eyes widen as he quickly counters with his sword. He was glaring at Redtooth as the left side of his face started to turn demonic, while the figure looked at him with a smirk of interest.
We'll take it back, you just watch!
Eda, Lilith, Wendy, Carla, and Flare were all battling more scouts. Eda and Lilith would use combination glyph magic, Carla would power glyph magic, baby dragon would blow fire at them burning the scouts, Wendy would blast a dragon roar from her mouth blasting them all away. The dust would settle and Chelia ran at Wendy. Wendy quickly grabs Chelia's hands as they both start to squeeze as they look at each other. Cheila would smile at Wendy mocking her and Wendy would struggle at first but slowly her eyes would start to glow a bright blue
Everything that we lost, raise up in this world~
Luz was running at the guards striking them with multiple glyphs. She then runs at the castle and throws multiple ice glyphs on the ground. Ice pillars started to appear as Luz ran and jumped on each one of them. Once she reaches the top she jumps in the air above Belos. Belos looks up in the air and sees the human girl with a fire glyph in her right hand. She brings her right arm back and quickly brings it back forward trying to strike the emperor. Belos summons his staff and counters with his own magic. The two clash in the middle resulting in a bright explosion.
The end of our journey is on repeat
Y/N and the dragon guard were battling at an abandoned lake. The two would clash their weapons over and over again, dodging and countering each other. They would clash in the middle and glare at one another.
But I won't let it stand between you and me
Y/N was down on his knees panting heavily. He held his left shoulder with his right arm as he looked up at his opponent. He couldn't see their face since the shadows were blocking it but he could tell they were smiling sinisterly at him. He then looks down at Slayer in front of him and saw the demon smiling sinisterly at him
What are you fighting for!?
The scene shows Y/N's mother in a white void staring at a hooded figure. The figure had their back to her as he looked down. Y/N's mother had a look of sadness as she had her arms close to her chest as tears fell from her eyes. She yells the same words as the lyrics at the figure, causing the figure to flinch as a tear falls from his eye. For a split second it showed a teenage boy with red hair beside an orange hair girl, which was a young Eda, and a black hair boy, which was Zack, as they all smiled brightly.
Cause it's not over!
Y/N gets up from his knees and glares at the camera. Suddenly his right eye starts to go full red and the right side of his body slowly starts to change.
Rise up in this world!
Y/N picks up his blade and dashes at the camera. He lets out a battle roar and slash's the camera making everything go white
End of theme song
Hooty: Your words inspired us to help everyone, Lulu. So we'll start with King!
Hooty started slithering around the place making into the kitchen, with Luke walking beside him. They looked from the entrance and saw King and Flare reading different types of books.
King: Maybe if I figure out what kind of demon I am, I'll know what's going on.
Flare: *barks* True. You could be a strong demon.
King chuckles from Flare's response and pets him, making the baby purr. King was glad that he had someone like Flare to be there for him.
King: Hey I never asked, what's your dad like?
Flare: *thinks for a second* Hmmmmm *barks* I never met my dad. I only remember Igneel finding me. *barks* I like to think of you guys as my family instead.
King was touched by Flares words. He walked up to Flare and rubbed his head making Flare nuzzled into King's touch.
Luke: Ok what is your plan to help King? *noticed Hooty is gone* Hooty?
Hooty: Our little bundle of joy was growing up, and he had questions. As the only other demon in the house, I had answers! But would he accept help from me?
Luke: Pretty sure no one would.
Hooty: Exactly! That is why I took matters into my own hands.
Luke: You mean beak?
Hooty: No hands!
Suddenly Hooty appeared above King and Flare and swallowed both of them whole. Luke looked at the scene very disturbed.
Luke: *walks over to them* Uhhh..
Hooty: Hoot! Hoot! Come on! Lets get before Flare burns me inside out!
Hooty stretches away leaving Luke to contemplate life.
Luke:...... I am very disrupted now.
Cuts to the attic
Two giant owl pellets dropped to the ground and they began to crack revealing a shivered up King and Flare.
Flare: *chirps* What just happened!?
King: I don't *realizes what happens and gets upset* Did Hooty just owl pellet us!?
Flare: *growls* That's it!! I'm burning that bird tub thing to a crisp!
???: Are you angry, sweaty?
Both King and Flare jumped from the sudden voice. They looked around the dark room trying to find the source.
???: Is there hair in places?
Flare: *barks* The strange voice knows!!
???: Does your voice crack in a super embarrassing way? I have the answers you seek...
The lights turn on revealing Hooty and Luke standing around many billboards.
Hooty: You're going through demon puberty!
Luke: *holds his stomach* And I'm trying my best not to vomit.
Both Flare and King stared at Hooty
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