The scene opens up to Hexside Academy in the cafeteria. Y/N, Luke, Willow, Luz, and Amity were currently sitting at their table. The group were having a fun conversation, until Luz had to use the bathroom. Y/N left to go get some more food, and Luke followed him to make sure he didn't eat all the food. This left Willow and Amity alone. The two just awkwardly looked away from each other. Though the two did make up they never really found the time to reconnect. Luz eventually came back and the three started smiling. However the two looked away sadly, wishing they could go back as they used to. Unknown to them Y/N was watching, with food in his mouth, hurt from what he saw.
The sun was setting and school was out. The group was heading back home until Y/N grabbed Luke and brought him behind the school. Luz got a little worried and curious but Y/N told her not to worry and said they'll met them back at the house. Luz agreed and headed back home. Luke was leaning on the wall with his arms crossed with Y/N walking back and forth.
Luke: What's going on?
Y/N: It's Willow and Amity.
Luke: What about them?
Y/N: Oh come on. You've seen it. It's obvious those two miss each other.
Luke: *sighs* Y/N. Even if it was by her parents, their friendship was still ruined. They still need more time to rekindle their friendship.
Y/N: But what if it never happens? What if they stay like this forever? What if-- what if--
Luke slapped Y/N to get him to stop.
Y/N: Thanks.
Luke: No problem.
Y/N: But we can't just leave them like this. They are our girlfriends and we need to help them.
Luke: And how?
Y/N: I have an idea.
Luke: No.
Y/N: What!? Why!?
Luke: Y/N the history of your ideas always ends up with us almost getting killed. Pretty sure if we do this idea they will kill us or worse.
Y/N: But if we don't do something they'll just awkwardly look at each other forever! Don't you want Willow to be happy with her friend?
As much as Luke wanted to argue, he did want his little flower to go back being close friends with mittens.
Luke: *sighs* I said this many many times, I'm going to regret this.
Y/N: Yes! *wraps his arms around Luke* Operation; get our girlfriends to be best friends again is a go!
Luke:...... I just want to let you know when they catch us we are dead.
Y/N: As long as they're friends again it will be worth it.
Cuts to bonesborough
Amity was currently walking around town. She got a message from her scroll from Y/N telling her to meet him near a white building. Y/N was watching her from above a building. He jumps down and walks inside.
Y/N: Alright! Amity is on her way!
Luke: *sighs* I message Willow and told her to met me here.
Y/N: Yes! Now to get started!
Y/N walked into the back and pulled out two outfits.
Luke: *goes pale* Oh no....
The scene cuts to Amity walking to a nearby building that Y/N told her to meet. Once she made it she looked around and tried to look for Y/N.
???: *offscreen* Amity?
Amity slightly froze as she looked over and saw Willow.
Amity: Willow.... *rubs the back of her neck* What uhh.. What are you doing here?
Willow: *rubs her arm* Well I uhh.. Was meting someone? What about you?
Amity: S-Same here...
The two awkwardly looked away from each other. The awkwardness was so intents you can cut it with a knife.
???: Oh-ho! Do I see a group of good friends that need help!?
The two looked behind them and saw a person. The person jumped down and it was out dragon boy Y/N. He was wearing a f/c wig, a top hat, a long mustache, a monocle, holding a black cane and was wearing a black tux.
Amity: Uhhh...
Willow: Who are you?
Y/N: *adjusted his monocle* Well my dear friends, my name is Bill. *points his staff at the two* And you seemed to be having friendship trouble.
Amity: *crosses her arms* And makes you say that?
Bill: *spins his staff around* I used to have a lot of friendship trouble myself. Ain't that right Tobi?
The man named Tobi walked out and it was Luke. Luke was wearing the same outfit Y/N was wearing only that his monocle was on his left eye. Luke looked at the two and was very contemplating life.
Tobi: (Oh Titan help me.) *clears his throat* That's right Bill! *wraps his arm around "Bill's" neck* After all, we are closer than a slitherbeast with his newborn.
The two friends chuckled while the girls just stared at them.
Amity: Riiiight... Well we aren't interested in buying this little scam.
Bill: *appears between the girls* Who said anything about buying? We are just just trying to help two friends rebuild their broken bonds?
Amity raised an eyebrow still not believing none of this. Willow on the other hand was tempted to give it a try.
Tobi: Tell you what; If we are able to succeed in rebuilding your friendship then it will be 20 snails up front, if not then we owe you 20 snails and you'll never see us again.
Before Amity could comment..
Willow: Deal!
Amity: *looks at Willow in shock* What?
Willow: *looks at Amity* Let's at least give them a chance.
Amity: *hesitant but sighs* Alright then.
Everyone smiled as Bill opened the door to allow the girls in. The girls walked in with Tobi and Bill talking with one another.
Y/N: Step 1 is a go. *looks at Luke* Nice acting though.
Luke: *sighs* Let's just get this train wreck over with.
Y/N: *bows his head* After you my wonderful chum.
Luke just sighed as the two followed the girls. Once inside the building the girls looked around and saw many paintings and furniture all around the place.
Willow: It's a nice place.
Bill: Cause us a whole bunch of snails. But it was worth every snail.
Luke: (Yea. About 2 months worth of savings.)
Amity: So how exactly are you guys going to help us?
"Bill": Simple really
Bill snapped his fingers where two chairs appeared sitting the two girls down. A giant chalkboard appeared behind both Bill and Tobi.
Bill: I call it the three ways to ensure ex friends become best friends.
Both Amity and Willow looked at it confused.
Tobi: Dear Bill, I think you need to explain it better.
Bill: Quite right my dear friend. Pretty much we have come on with a three sure way program that will get you two to become friends. First is step 1 *writes on the board* Talk it out. To improve your friendship you must first talk it out.
Both Willow and Amity looked at each other trying to figure out what to say.
Willow: *rubs her arm* Well....
Amity: *rubs her neck* I umm...
The two boys watched as the girls struggled to say something.
Bill: How about we give an example? *looks at Tobi* Tobi, I enjoy being around you. You're not afraid to tell people how you feel. You're like the bile sack to my chest.
Tobi: *looks at Bill and smiles* And Bill, you are not afraid to speak the truth. You're like the sock to my shoe. (Annoying to remove.)
Bill: *looks at the two* Now your turn.
Willow: *sighs and looks at Amity* I enjoy.... Your snarky attitude.
Amity: I enjoy.... Your surprising toughness?
Willow: *raises her eyebrow* What does that mean?
Amity: Umm well you improved more than usual?
Willow: What? Are you shocked by that?
Amity: No! I mean maybe!
The two watch the scene with wince faces.
Tobi: Doesn't seem to be going well oh chum.
Bill: Yeaaaa...
Willow: Well maybe I could be improving if you bother to ask.
Bill: *gets in between the two* Ooooook lets try something else.
The scene cuts to a room with a diving board.
Bill: Step 2: trust. To remind you both of your broken trust.
Amity: *sighs* Alright Willow I'll catch you.
Willow: Why do I have to go up there? Why don't you go up there?
Amity: Oh come on! I can easily catch you!
Willow: So!? So can I!
The two continue arguing while the two boys watch.
Tobi: Doesn't seem like the two trust each other.
The scene cuts to Willow wearing a blindfold being led by Amity.
Bill: Step 3: Listening. This exercise will teach you to listen to the other.
Luke: (I feel like he was running out of ideas.)
Willow was currently walking through the room with Amity guiding her. Only problem was, Amity was a few feet away from her.... In front of her.
Amity: Go left!
Willow: *goes right* Left?
Amity: No my left!
Willow: Why your left!?
Amity: Because...
Before Amity could finish, Willow ended up hitting her foot on the nearby chair. The young witch held her foot in pain as Amity and the other two winced.
Tobi: Doesn't seem like this idea is working, Bill. *noticed his silence* Bill?
Luke looked over and saw Y/N freaking out.
Tobi: Oh boy...
Willow takes off the blindfold and glares at Amity. The two realized that their friendship was even more destroyed than before.
Amity: *sighs* Bill, it doesn't seem like your little exercise has been working.
Bill: *desperate* No! There's one more thing we can try!
Tobi: Uhhh Bill?
Suddenly Bill brought out a little cube from under his coat.
Tobi: Bill? Where did you get that?
Bill: Online! Final step: Uhhh work it out!
Suddenly Bill activated it. Suddenly the cube opened up and trapped the two inside. Both Y/N and Luke watched as the two formal friends were trapped inside.
Luke: What the hell!?
Y/N:...... Too far?
Luke: Oh let me think for a sec- YES!!
While the two were arguing the two formal friends were currently trapped inside the cube. Around it the two saw their reflection all over the place.
Amity: Ugh! I knew it was a bad idea to trust those two!
Willow: Well if you knew why would you?
Amity: *glares at Willow* What is that supposed to mean?
Willow: Aren't you the so-called "star student"?
Amity: Hey! I'm not that person anymore!
Willow: *crosses her arms and looks away* Well I'm not so sure.
Unknown to the two, some parts of their reflection would show a past Amity with her star student badge. Meanwhile, outside both Luke and Y/N were trying to get the girls out of the cube. Luke tried using his sword to slice it open but the cube had no damage.
Luke: Damn it!
Y/N: Desperate times call for desperate measures!
Y/N pulled out his sword. He lets out a battle cry and runs at the cube. Before he could hit it the cube shoots him with lighting, making the dragon slayer crash into the wall.
Luke: You ok!?
Y/N: *eyeballs spinning* I see so many stars.
Back in the cube
Amity: Are you trying to say that I'm still the same person!? I've been trying to fix what I did!
Willow: *looks at Amity with a glare* Oh really!? Doesn't look like it! Everytime Y/N and the others leave and we are alone you always turn away from me almost you don't want to!
The mirrors around them showed flashbacks of Amity and Willow looking away from each other.
Amity looked away hurt from the comment.
Willow: Like you really don't care!
Amity: *with tears in her eyes* I do care!!
Everything went silent as Willow looked at the tear filled Amity.
Amity: *tears falling from her eyes* Everyday I tell myself; today I finally talk to her! Today is the day I finally get my friend back! But everytime I try, I see you not wanting to see or even talk to me! Almost like you still hate me!!
Willow: *gasp a bit* A-Amity I--
Amity: *looks away with tears falling from her eyes* I really wanted us to be friends again. *falls down and holds her knees* Willow I'm so so sorry.
Willow looked down at the crying Blight girl and felt her heart shatter. She never knew the girl really felt this way. She walks up to her and hugs her.
Willow: *tears falling from her eyes* I'm sorry to Amity. I never knew you felt this way. *looks at her with a smile* What I really wanted was my old friend back.
Amity: *smiles with tears falling* Me too.
The two hugged each other tight. Around them were memories of when they were kids. As the memories continued to play around them the cube started to break.
Meanwhile Y/N and Luke were still trying to figure out a way to get the girls out. However, they saw the cube start to crack. Once it fully broke a power air wave pushed the two to a nearby wall. Once the force died down they saw the two friends hugging each other.
Y/N: You two did it!!
Amity: *looks over in shock* Y/N!?
Y/N looked down and noticed that his costume was gone, same with Luke.
Willow: Luke!? What's going on!?
Y/N: I umm well... *sighs* I'm sorry girls. Me and Luke staged this whole event for you two to be friends again.
Amity: Why would you two do that?
Luke: *points his thumb at Y/N* We did it because he- *noticed Y/N looking at him with a sad look* Well *heavy sigh* Because we...
Y/N: *looks at the two of them* We wanted you two to go back and be friends again. You both missed each other so much, we just wanted to help.
The two girls looked at each other for a bit. Though they were mad at the boys they were also happy they were able to make it up with one another.
Willow: I guess our boyfriends can be a little crazy.
Amity: You said it.
The girls shared a giggle between each other.
Amity: Listen Willow, I--
Willow: Don't. What I really want *smiles at her* Is my best friend back.
Amity smiled happily hearing Willow's words. The two hugged each other happily. They were happy that they got their friendship back.
Y/N: *holds back tears with a sniffle* Isn't it beautiful Luke? It's almost like it squeezes you so tight that your internal organs will come out.
Luke: *struggles to speak* Uhh, that will be the abomination goo around you and the vines around me.
Y/N: *eyes wide* Abomination and vine what now?
Y/N looked down and saw that Luke was right. Around Y/N's body was abomination goo and around Luke's were vines. The two looked up and saw both girls had spell circles around their fingers.
Willow: You didn't think you two would get off easily did you?
Amity: You two need to pay the price.
Y/N gulped while Luke just sighed heavily already predicting this outcome
Cuts to a garden
Willow was walking around the garden with a little old lady witch beside her.
"Thank you so much Willow for your help."
Willow: *smiles* No problem ma'am.
"I'm just glad the little ones are enjoying the new little flower you brought in."
Giggle was heard. The scene cuts over to the kids playing with the new flower... Which was Luke in a flower suit. He was dressed as a daisy, with the kids using the pedals to run around with. Our little moody friend was forced to smile as he watched this.
Willow: *smirks at Luke* I'm glad to.
Luke: (Y/N! You better be having a worse time than I am!)
Cuts to a carnival
To pay Amity back, Y/N was forced to go on ride after ride with her.
Y/N: *on his knees begging* Amity! I learned my lesson! I promise I won't go behind your back anymore!! Just please! No more rides!
The young Blight walked up to her boyfriend and rubbed his head. Y/N looked up hoping that it was over, but his face went pale when he saw the sadistic smirk on her face.
Amity: We still have 10 more rides to go on. *whispers in his ear* Better enjoy yourself.
Y/N eyes started to dilate as his face went even more pale. He tried to escape but Amity grabbed him by the collar and started pulling him to the next ride.
Y/N: *claws the ground* HELP MEEEEE!!!
This short was for Amity and Willow to work out some issues that they had. And like always Y/N had a part to play with Luke also there. And like always the two pay the price for what happened.
Hope you guys enjoyed the short, let me know what you thought of it in the comments below.
Sorry I've been gone for so long and don't worry I have two chapters in the works for you guys and it should be done soon. Don't want everyone waiting weeks for a long chapter.
That's all I have for you all. So like I always say; Comment on the short, Vote on it, Share it with your friends, Follow your boi, and I'll see you guys next time!!
"True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart."
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