Follies at the Coven Day Parade (Chapter 35)

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The scene cuts into a field. Around it was grass and flowers blowing from the wind and a lone person laying down on the field. This was the black wizard Zeref. He had his hands behind his back with his eyes clothes enjoying the nice breeze. Soon his eyes slowly started to open as he sat up and looked ahead. What he was staring at was the head of the dead Titan.

Zeref: *smiles* Oh mighty Titan. The legend of your story has been lost to time. The only thing that we know is that from your death magic was made.

The scene cuts over to bonesborough with demons, witches, and all magical beings enjoying their daily life.

Zeref: *voice over* Once you died magical beings were born and were able to use the very same magic that you once possessed.

The scene cuts to Hexside with some students practicing magic. Some students were successful and celebrated, while others struggled and was being patted by the teachers.

Zeref: *voice over* But one would have to ask.

The scene cuts back to Zeref staring at the Titans head.

Zeref: What could have brought you down? Was it age, an epic battle, or a spell that cost you your life?

It was silent for a bit until the sound of wind blew.

Zeref: What was your reason for passing your magic to others? *hair moves in the wind* I wonder...... Are you proud of what the magical beings did with the magic you created? Are you disappointed at the end result of all of this?

Again another sillents besides the wind.

Zeref: It's funny really. They all look up to you. Almost like you're some kind of divine creature. *chuckles* Can you believe that some people think that someone can speak to you? He claims that it is your will. *puts his arm on his lap* Maybe it is.... Or maybe it's not. Who could really say?........ Can one truly speak to a Titan? Is such a thing even possible?

Slowly Zeref started to stand. As he did everything around him started to wither away.

Zeref: If you truly are displeased about what is happening and if you truly want to save the world you have created ..... *eyes glow red* Then come.

The wind continued to blow as Zeref stared at the Titan head.

Zeref: *smirks and turns away* Of course... *begins to walk away* I'm talking to a corpse. After all, the mighty Titan is long since dead.

As he begins to walk away, the camera zooms over to the Titans head as it slowly starts to go into its eyes.


In an unknown location, away from the Boiling Isles, a heavy boiling rain was falling down around a rocky area. Once the rain made contact with the ground a loud steam echoed around. If anyone were caught in that rain they would be left in nothing but a pile of mush as they're skin and bones would melt off. However a lone figure walked through the rain without any injuries. As lightning struck, we were able to see the black wizard Zeref walking through this rain. Soon it made it to a cave around this rocky area.

With a smirk Zeref walked inside the cave and looked around. There were cracks, debris everywhere, and broken rocks. As he continued to walk he saw a small clearing. He stops as he sees a figure sitting down.

Zeref: It's been a long time.

The camera slowly started to show the figure sitting down. It was a rather muscular young man with long, dark blue-colored hair. He carries a sharp gaze; his eyes have black circles around them. He is dark-skinned, and on his body he bears the same light blue markings he does when he is a Dragon. For attire, he dons a high collared, black cloak (which also bears his draconian markings), sharp red claws around his neck, a sash around his waist, a gold arm ring tightened around his right upper arm, and baggy pants which are decorated the same as the most former article of clothing.

Zeref: Great dragon king. Or would perhaps I call you the great dragon destroyer?

Dragon Destroyer: *glares at Zeref* What do you want, Black wizard?

Zeref: Oh don't be like that. After all, we are old friends.

Dragon Destroyer: Since when were we ever friends?

Zeref: *a little shocked* I could have sworn we were. We spent a little bit of time back in the human realm. And I was the one who helped you find this place.

Dragon Destroyer: Funny the way I remember it you were using me as your tool.

Zeref: Really? *puts his hand on his head* Sorry it's been awhile so I don't quite remember.

The dragon destroyer didn't have the patience to deal with Zeref's sorry excuse of a joke. He glares daggers at the wizard as dark energy starts to surround his body shaking the cave.

Zeref: Ok ok. Not friends. More so like acquaintances.

Dragon Destroyer: *deactivated his energy and sighs* Why are you in my domain black wizard?

Zeref: *smiles* I just came here to ask you a few questions and to tell you about something.

The dragon destroyer looks at the wizard with a bit of curiosity.

Zeref: The last time we met you had both arms, what happened to your other arm?

The dragon destroyer looked at his missing arm. He places his right hand on his left shoulder as he starts to remember the events on how he lost his arm. At first he remembers an island that he was about to blow up. But then he saw something black shooting high into the sky. Next thing he heard a voice. The voice echoed in his head saying one word.

???: BASTARD!!!

The next thing he remembered was everything went all black and a red slash happened with a lot of blood covering the screen. A loud roar echoed in his head.

Dragon Destroyer: *smirks and squeezes his shoulder* Let's just say *looks at the black wizard* This was the result of an unforgetable battle.

Zeref: Seems that's all I'm going to get from you. For my next question, You have annihilated almost all the remaining dragons and dragon slayers in this land. I can count the remaining numbers on my hands. You also said that you would destroy this land and everyone in it. So why haven't you yet?

The dragon destroyer was silent for a second until he looked down and began to smirk.

Dragon Destroyer: I'm waiting for a true challenger.

Zeref: *confused* True challenger?

Dragon Destroyer: Doing the great dragon war I realized something. People place their hopes, dreams, and fates into one single person. A person they deemed to be their savior to save them from evil. * raises his head and squeezes his hand* I wish to do battle with this so-called savior and kill them with my own hand. By doing so the people will fall into a pit of grief and despair and then I will give them ultimate destruction. An ultimate end.

Zeref: *puts his thumb under his chin Ah, a true challenger. *smirks* Must be the dragon blood in you talking.

The dragon destroyed glared at the wizard for mentioning that.

Zeref: Sorry touchy subject. *clears his throat* Well with all of that out of the way I might as well get to why I am here.

The dragon destroyer looked at the wizard with a raised eyebrow.

Zeref: *chilling smirk* A war is coming.

Dragon destroyer: A war?

Zeref: Sadly it won't be as "epic" as the great dragon war, however it will decide the fate of the isles. Currently there are two sides of this war: The emperor, who promises to lead the isles into a land where their greatest wishes will come true, and the rebels, who sees what the emperor is saying is a bunch of nonsense and is probably leading everyone to their own demise.

Dragon destroyer: And what does that have to do with me?

Zeref: I wanted to come see which side you and I are on. I've been sitting on the sidelines watching the two sides and trying to figure out which side I should join. And yet I still couldn't decide. I figured talking to you would help...... and I think it did.

Dragon destroyer: Hm?

Zeref: Because now I know there are three sides to this war: The emperor and his followers, the rebels, and the great destroyer...... *looks up at the ceiling* And now that just leaves me. Do I join the emperor, fight against you and the rebels and lead the isles to their greatest wish, do I join the rebels, fight against you and the emperor and lead the isles to true peace, or do I join you and fight against the emperor and the rebels and continue bring ultimate destruction across all lands and realms.

It was silent other than the sounds of the boiling rain outside and the thunderstorms.

Zeref:..... It would seem talking to you helped me find the answer.

Dragon destroyer: *stares at Zeref*......

Zeref: Wiping out all life in both the isles and the human realm.... That has been my mission all along. *smirks and looks at the dragon destroyer* You've been saying you wanted someone to offer you a real challenge, right?

Dragon destroyer: *glares at Zeref*......

Zeref: I will make that happen.

Suddenly a breeze enters the cave, blowing Zeref's and the dragon destroyers clothes and hair. Suddenly Zeref's eyes became hollow.

Zeref: The final battle between an emperor, destroyer, rebels, and an immortal.

A giant lightning bolt struck near the cave as its light shone around the two. The two glared at each other with dark magic energy surrounding them shaking the cave. Suddenly Zeref deactivates his magic and turns away from the dragon destroyer.

Zeref: This will be the last time we speak to each other like this. *turns his head to the dragon destroyer* The next time we meet will be on the battlefield. *starts to walk away* I hope you're ready..... Dragon destroyer, Acnologia.

As the dragon destroyer named Acnologia watches the black wizard leave. He breaks into a sinister smile, excited for the upcoming battle, excited for all the blood shed and even more excited to destroy this land once and for all.

Acnologia: Same goes for you, Black wizard Zeref.

A final lightning bolt struck down as the scene went completely dark.


The scene opens up to the boiling isles passing by all the living creatures that reside there.

Strike Back

The scene cuts to the head of the titan. As the music plays flames start to surround the titans skull with a dragon appearing behind, letting out a roar. Slowly the title screen appeared

Dragon Slayer of the Boiling Isles

Although the slightest chance of changing

The scene shows Belos walking up to the edge of the balcony of his castle, with guards behind him standing at attention. Once he makes it to the front, he removes his mask, showing the residents of the isles his face. The crowd let out a yell while he watched with a sinister smirk.

The path in which our world is taking low

The owl house group, along with Levy, Gajeel, Willow, Amity, Wendy, and Gus are seen walking through a destroyed Bonesborough. They all held serious expressions on their faces as they were getting ready to do battle with the emperor and his followers.

It makes sense that the smallest little voice can make the loudest noise

King was on top of Flare as they looked down at the Titan head. Suddenly they looked up and saw a stone Titan riding on top of a stone dragon as it looked at the little ones with smiles on their faces.

And if they try to tell me my own fate

The scene showed both Blaze and Hunter standing back to back. Blaze looked up and saw his parents and his sibling. While Hunter saw Belos and beside him was a person that looked almost like him.

I'll turn it around won't hesitate

The scene showed Blaze running towards his parents and brother, but before he could touch them they vanished out of sight, leaving the poor boy alone in his child form.

What's the point of tomorrow if it's a future missing you?

The camera goes into Igneel's head. Inside his head was a teenage Igneel looking at a picture. The picture showed him with a teenage Eda, Zack, Lilith, and Raine. As he stares at the image, he sings along with the lyrics as it changes to an Adult version of him carrying a baby Blaze and M/N carrying a baby Y/N.

Bring it on 'Cause I'm just gonna grow up in the battle (hey)

The scene shows Zeref and around him was Medusa, Redtooth, and Vetto. There were two more curses but their faces were blackened. All of them stared at the camera with smirks on their faces.

Gonna light the darkness

The scene opens up into some kind of battle field. In the center of the battle field was a spikey blond hair boy and beside him was a messy black haired boy. The two looked up at the sky and stared at it.

Keep on burning my fire

Igneel was seen standing in the middle of a volcano. He closes his eyes, reflecting on his action. Behind him was Acnologia smirking at him.

Ain't nobody gonna stop me I gotta stop this nightmare

Belos and Zeref were both underground looking at the almost ready human portal. Their shadows started to form into a face, with the right side a crescent moon shape, that smirked at the camera.

Because I'm dreaming of my future

The scene showed an underground hexside. We saw a giant crystal and inside the crystal was a girl with golden hair that had a tear running down her face.


As the tear fell, The scene splits. On the right side, two kids are seen playing with one having golden hair, and the other with brown hair wearing a mask. On the other screen a black haired boy was holding a pink haired boy on the other screen.


On the right side of the screen a giant gump monster is seen screaming at the camera, while on the other side showed Zeref laying on the ground with blood falling from his mouth.


On the right side of the screen it showed Belos was holding up a bloody knife, panting heavily, and looking at a mirror. While on the other side Zeref is seen touching a giant test tube crying.

It's the world that we live in

Amity is seen crying as she hugged Y/N from behind. The dragon slayer smiled weakly with blood dripping from his mouth and around them was fire everywhere, with Acnologia and Zeref staring down at them with smiles on their faces.

I ain't scared of my past

In a destroyed isles, a single figure is seen moving the rubble off him. He had pink hair panting heavily. He summons fire in his right hand and starts running, letting out a battle cry.

Because tomorrow keeps approaching fast

Slowly the figure changed into Y/N and beside him were his friends rushing towards the emperor's castles, with the emperor towering above them, his scouts below welcoming the challenge.

I'm screaming out for my pride

The camera spins around Ryuga as he stands in the middle of a burning battlefield. Once the camera makes it to his face his smirks with L-Drago appearing behind him letting out a roar.

I need you to wipe away your tears

Willow, Gus, Amity, Flare all are seen fighting against coven scouts. Out of the smoke, came a long dark blond hair person. He touches the ground making it explode. The group was in the air, with the person appearing in front of Amity with a smirk as she glared at him whipping some blood off her face.

The time has come to face our fears tonight

Levy and Lily were seen on the ground coughing heavily. Gajeel was seen panting heavily and very injured. He looked ahead and saw a muscular demon creature looking at him breathing purple dust and around him were multiple dead scouts, people, and skeletons. Gajeel glared at him and let out a roar as he transformed into his iron shadow dragon form, ready to do battle.

I'm never falling down I'll keep on sailing Now this is my destiny

Luz and Luke were fighting against the emperor. They launch a bunch of magic spells at him but Belos deflects it with his staff. When the attacks came back at them, something appeared in the middle blocking the attack. Once the smoke cleared up, it showed both Hunter and Blaze with their weapons at the ready glaring at him.

Defy the world to make you smile

The scene opens to an abandoned training ground. The demon slayer that was training Luke, had appeared in front of the screen, with a spear in their hand fighting against Vetto who smiled sinisterly at the guard.

If it keeps you around a while

Wendy was seen transforming as she let out a yell. She looks ahead staring at her opponent Redtooth, who licked his lips and started to transform. She closed her eyes and remembered the promise that she made to Ryuga. With a new found confidence she charges at Redtooth who charges back at her.

Don't go

Luz cries out with tears in her eyes, holding her hand out. In front of her was a bloody Y/N as he turned towards her with a smile on his face.

I gotta shake of the pain for your and me

Ryuga was seen trading blows against the long blue haired male. The man punches Ryuga hard, as the dragon emperor gets up and lets out a yell, with L-Drago roaring behind him

May our failures all rest in peace

Y/N was seen getting launched to the ground. He gets up panting heavily with Zeref smirking down at him.

Now we'll strike back

Raising his sword in front of him, black lighting and fire slowly starts to surround him. Once he opens his eyes the screen turns white. Once the light died down, Y/N with all his comrades were standing near the owl house looking up in the sky ready for the upcoming battle.

End of Theme song

The owl house

After a few hours from their human world experience, Y/N had finally awoken from his slumber. Luz was the first one to hug her boyfriend with tears in her eyes. The girl was relieved that he had finally awakened. Seeing this, Y/N hugged his crying girlfriend and told her not to worry he's alright. The next to hug him was King and Flare, especially Flare. Ever since he fell asleep, Flare had been by his side, never leaving him. The baby dragon went up to Y/N head and hugged it tight, chirping and letting his tears fall freely. Y/N rubbed the baby dragon's head comfortingly, while King was hugging his torso, happy that Y/N was back. Next was Eda and Luke, even though the latter didn't show it, the two were happy to see their friend/student/child awake.

A lot of Y/N's friends had showed up when they heard the news that he was awake. A certain lavender hair girl, Amity, had dropped everything she was doing to go see him. Soon as she saw her boyfriend awake, she immediately hugged him, letting all her tears from her eyes

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