The scene opens up to an island. It was clear blue skies and trees all over. The camera eventually stops on a small little creature: Baby dragon. Though he was a lot smaller than usual. The little dragon starts to walk around the forest looking for something. The baby would let out little whimpers as it continued to walk. Suddenly baby dragon started to hear voices. Curious, the baby dragon walked over to where the voices were. It soon saw three figures as it hid in the bushes.
One of the figures walked away from the taller figures and kneel down. Baby dragon got scared and was about to run away, but the voice stopped him.
???: Hey it's ok. I won't hurt you.
The sound of one of the voices was that of a child. It was kind and gentle. The baby dragon slowly started walking out and looked up at the figure. Just as it was going, everything started to go white.
The scene opens up to baby dragon laying down beside Y/N. The baby opened his eyes and looked over and saw Y/N sleeping soundly. As the baby continued to stare at Y/N, he started to see him as another certain teenage boy. This caused the baby dragon to look down and sadness as it curled into a ball and hugged itself.
Baby dragon: *whimpers*
A tear started to fall from the baby dragon's eyes as it continued to hug himself. But unknown to the dragon a certain tear fell from Y/N's eyes as well.
In an abandoned tent far from the isles. Inside the tent was broken glass, floors, and most of all dried up black blood all around. Not only that, a demon was laying down in the pool of blood. This demon was Ragnorak.
Ragnarok: *cough cough* A-Another day. *smiles weakly* I wonder.... how.... many times.... I've woken.... Up to my own..... Blood.
Ragnarok continues to lay on the ground as he stares at the ceiling of his tent. The reason he was like this was because he was beaten senseless by other witches and demons. This happened a lot for our young demon. The only thing he had for him is this little tent he built far away from the isle. For why he ever leaves that tent is a question he's been asking himself.
Ragnarok: *chuckles weakly* (I wonder..... Why do I continue to live?)
As Ragnarok slowly starts to close his eyes, he hears a low growl.
Ragnarok: *opens his eyes* Oh... Hi old friend...
Another growl was heard.
Ragnarok: *chuckles* Yea... I got beat up again....
Ragnarok: R-Right.... I shouldn't.... Be laughing.
Over the course of Ragnarok's life, he started to hear a little growl whenever he got really depressed. At first he thought he was just hearing things, but soon it became something he could talk to. It took him a while to understand whatever was growling at him, but he eventually got the hang of it.
Ragnarok: But can.... Can you blame.... Me?
Ragnarok: Right.... Complaining about it.... Won't help. *slowly starts to sit up as he holds his sides* But... What else do I do?
Ragnarok: *chuckles* Very funny.
Ragnarok: R-Right Right, not joking.... *sighs* But where..... Am I..... supposed to.... Look for one?
Ragnarok: I guess..... *leans on the wall* You know, I used to think you were some kind of noise I heard, or a random wild animal, but now you became something that I can open up to. Or maybe just a voice in my head.
Ragnarok: Hehe, *looks down* Sometimes I think I've gone crazy. *looks up curiously* I never asked, do you have a name?
Ragnarok: Huh.... *slowly closes his eyes* That's a nice name.
Slowly the black blood demon started to drift to sleep.
Theme Song
Music starts playing
The scene starts to open up at the abandoned house in the human world. It starts to zoom in to the portal door that leads to the Boiling Isles
It now flies over inside showing the bright sky and sunlight of the land. It then crosses over to the Isles itself showing the dead Titan. Suddenly the title screen started to show.
Dragon Slayer of the Boiling Isles
I caught a glimpse of light (when I was empty inside) and through the nothingness (I found this world)
The scene shows the three friends walking through the city of Boonsboro. They passed by many townspeople eventually making it to the owl house where Eda, King, Baby dragon, Nights, and Hooty waiting for them with smiles on their faces
I'll wander calling your name. Until the end of my days! 'Til I find the answer!
The three friends ran up to their friends. Both Luz and Y/N gave Eda a big hug with smiles on their faces. Eda had an uncomfortable look at first, but then eased into the hug. King, and Baby dragon, join the hug, while Luke looks at the scene with a small smile. Nights rubs on Luke's leg as Luke just pets the nightfurry.
Right through my fingers I'm losing the light!
The scene changes with the eye of the Portal door. The eye open and ignite on fire. Luz jumps in front of it, with her cap on her, as she pulls out some glyphs in her pocket. She slams them together creating multiple light orbs around her.
Why can't I ever do anything right!?
Eda appears in front of her holding Owlbert in her hand. She spins her staff with a smirk on her face and was about to cast a spell but King jumps out from her hair, raising his hands up with a big smile on her face. Eda had a look of annoyance from King interrupting her.
This is the time!
Y/N jumps down in front of Eda with Zack's sword strapped on his back. He then summons fire in his right hand and lighting his his left. He smirks at the camera as his right eye glowed red and his left eye glowed a shooking blue. Baby dragon was on his head barking at the camera.
Throw it aside!
Luke appears from below in front of Y/N, with a serious expression on his face. He holds his blade in his right hand and has a demon claw in his left. His sword had black blood on it causing it to glow as he lift it over his head.
Take all your scars and just leave them behind (Oh)
Willow appears from below Luke and in front of him. She jumps up with both her arms out. Her eyes start to glow green as she lifts her arms up in the air. Giant vines start to appear behind her growing all the way to the top.
I'm going to get there dead or alive!
Gus comes from the left scattering in front of Willow. He was holding a book under his left armpit. He pulls the book out and opens it up to a random page. He slams his left hand on the book and then lifts it up. Suddenly two clones of him appear beside him as they all smile at the camera.
But on my own I cannot survive!
Amity does a spin in front of Gus. She then stops in front of the camera as she holds her hands over her head. She then brings them down, with them being on both sides of her. Her hands start to glow as she looks at the camera with a smirk. Suddenly abomination goo starts to cover the camera.
I don't want to lie to myself!
The scene opens up with a three frame slot showing Lilith, The golden guard, and the dragon guard. Lilith had an angry expression with her left arm out about to claw the camera, the golden guard had his staff out as his cap looked like it was flowing in the wind, and the dragon guard had his weapon in front of him. The frames then flip over showing: a Depressed Lilith that had a look of regret and shame, the golden guard who was holding his mask but showing his right red eye and some of his golden hair, and the dragon guard that was holding his mask in one hand, showing of his dark red glowing eyes that had a scare coming down from it, some red hair, and he was holding his weapon in his other hand.
Keep on the fight, that's right! (I'll never lose and cry)
The scene opens with Luke staring into the darkvoid. He was holding Sally's necklace in his right hand and his sword in his left. He looked down the whole time contemplating. Suddenly Sally appeared on his left side with a sweet smile and the little demon appeared on his right with a sinister smile.
Keep running day and night! (It's time to rewrite)
Y/N was surrounded by fire as he had fire in his right hand and lighting is his left. He looked at the fire with determination on his face. Suddenly his mother and Zack appeared behind him on his left, Igneel and a fire dragon appeared behind on his right.
No matter what anyone says I'll find my way
Luz is seen practicing her glyph magic. She then looks up at the sky as she is thinking about all the events that played out. She then sees a picture of her , her friends and her mother. They were all smiling and hugging each other close. She holds the picture in her hand and smiles brightly at the picture, and goes back to looking at the sky.
Yea~ never go away~ (Never go away now!)
A hand suddenly comes and smashes the screen to bits. Belos squeezes his hand as the camera shows his bright blue eyes behind his mask. The camera then distances itself from the Emperor and shows him on top of his castle as he orders his supportents. Below him were coven scouts and the 4 shadow figures. They all looked like they were ready to battle. The camera then shows The owl house crew looking at the army as they were ready for a fight.
Nobody can stop me no way!
The scene shows Gajeel blitzing through multiple coven guards and charges an iron roar at them. Levy was at his side creating multiple script magic blasting through the guards. Lily was in his buff form using his red blade striking through all the guards. Suddenly a figure rushed at Gajeel cliding his fist with his. Gajeel smirked at the figure as he saw the figure smirking back at him.
That promise is engraved in my memory!
Luke, Willow, Gus, Amity, and Nights were all battling covent scouts. Luke using his blade and shadows, Willow tangled them up in plants, Gus using his clones to prank or knock them out, Amity summoning giant Abominations slamming them away, and Nights blasting them away with a blast from his mouth. A cloaked figure summoning a dark magic spell in his fingertips headed straight for Luke. Luke eyes widen as he quickly counter with his sword. He was glaring at the figure as the left side of his face started to turn demonic, while the figure looked at him with a smirk of interest.
We'll take it back, you just watch!
Eda, Lilith, Wendy, Carla, and baby dragon were all battling more scouts. Eda and Lilith would use combination glyph magic, Carla would power glyph magic, baby dragon would blow fire at them burning the scouts, Wendy would blast a dragon roar from her mouth blasting them all away. The dust would settle and a figure ran at Wendy. Wendy quickly grabs the figures hands as they both start to squeeze as they look at each other. The figure would smile at Wendy mocking her and Wendy would struggle at first but slowly her eyes would start to glow a bright blue
Everything that we lost, raise up in this world~
Luz was running at the guards striking them with multiple glyphs. She then runs at the castle and throws multiple ice glyphs on the ground. Ice pillars started to appear as Luz ran and jumped on each one of them. Once she reaches the top she jumps in the air above Belos. Belos looks up in the air and sees the human girl with a fire glyph in her right hand. She brings her right arm back and quickly brings it back forward trying to strike the emperor. Belos summons his staff and counters with his own magic. The two clash in the middle resulting in a bright explosion.
The end of our journey is on repeat
Y/N and the dragon guard were battling at an abandoned lake. The two would clash their weapons over and over again, dodging and countering each other. They would clash in the middle and glare at one another.
But I won't let it stand between you and me
Y/N was down on his knees panting heavily. He held his left shoulder with his right arm as he looked up at his opponent. He couldn't see their face since the shadows were blocking it but he could tell they were smiling sinisterly at him. He then looks down at Slayer in front of him and saw the demon smiling sinisterly at him
What are you fighting for!?
The scene shows Y/N's mother in a white void staring at a hooded figure. The figure had their back to her as he looked down. Y/N's mother had a look of sadness as she had her arms close to her chest as tears fell from her eyes. She yells the same words as the lyrics at the figure, causing the figure to flinch as a tear falls from his eye. For a split second it showed a teenage boy with red hair beside an orange hair girl and a black hair boy as they all smiled brightly.
Cause it's not over!
Y/N gets up from his knees and glares at the camera. Suddenly his right eye starts to go full red and the right side of his body slowly starts to change.
Rise up in this world!
Y/N picks up his blade and dashes at the camera. He lets out a battle roar and slash's the camera making everything go white
End of Theme Song
The scene opens up with Y/N looking at the sunset with a sad look on his face. Suddenly Luz came beside him and intertwin her hand with his. This caught his attention as he turned to the smiling human girl. He then felt someone rest on his shoulder. He turns and sees Luke just smirking at him. This made him start to smile. Just then all of his friends walked up and looked at the young dragon slayer with smiles on their faces. Y/N smiled at them then turned his face back at the camera and gave a smirk as his eyes started to glow red.
The scene opens with Luz in the corner practicing glyphs. Ever Since Lilith's discovery of glyph combination the young human girl has been practicing on how to combine certain glyphs together. However, she's been having a hard time trying to figure out how to combine them.
Luz: *draws a circle* Maybe if I *balls up the paper* No that won't work either.
She then throws it to the side and takes out another piece, trying to come up with the right spells. Before she could start, King came out of nowhere.
King: Luz! I need your help! *points* I think Francois is trying to start a rebellion!
The camera shows a castle made up of plushies. Francois was in the middle of it sitting with his minions of plushies. Behind his back was a knife, waiting to cut down the king of the plushie castle. King shutters, seeing Francois trying to strike him down.
Luz: In a minute King *goes back to drawing glyphs* I'm getting so close figuring out this glyph combo.
King: *annoyed* It's always glyphs and portals with you these days! What about King!?
Luz: *points* Why don't you ask Lilith or Luke for help? Lilith was in the emperor's coven, she has more experience with unworthy mobs then anyone.
The two looked over and saw Lilith finishing up a glyph, only problem is she looked very very scary. Most of her hair was sticking out, she had many bags under her eyes, and she was staring at it very intensely.
Luke: *beside Lilith: Uhhhh Lilith?
Lilith: *giggles darkly* Watching the ink dry is the best part.
Luke: *sweat drops* We really need to get you a hobby.
Both Luz and King shutter as they agreed with Luke on that.
Hooty: *appears on the other side of Lilith* A cup of tea for my cup of tea. That's you Lulu.
Lilith: *fixes her hair* Hootsifer you really are such a gem. *pats his head* How do you always know what to do?
Luke: I question that one.
Hooty: Awww don't worry *wraps himself around Luke* I still love you Lucas.
Luke: *grunst* God damn it.
King: *whispers to Luz* What's going on? Is Hooty blackmailing them?
Luz: *looks at them* Oh I think they're actually friends.
Hooty: *offscreen* Best buddies!
Luke: *offscreen* Still on the fence with that one!
Luz: *finishes a glyph* Ok! This will work for sure! Hey guys!
Everyone turned their attention to Luz.
Luz: *holds the glyph up* Now you see me...
Luz then slams the glyph on her chest making her disappear. Everyone let out a gasp as Hooty unwraps himself from Luke, as he falls on the ground.
Luke: Oww...
Luz: *reappearance* Now you don't! *looks at herself* Oh I guess it only lasts as long as I hold my breath.
Luke: *face on the floor* Laammme.....
Luz: *pouts but smiles* Still pretty cool huh?
King: *hugs her leg* Don't ever do that again!
Lilith: Do that again! How ever did you accomplish it!?
Luz: *tries to shake King off* Well since you guys figured out we can combine glyphs to make new spells I've been experimenting.
Luke: *gets up* You can put this much work into magic but not in normal school work?
Luz: *rolls her eyes playfully* Anyway, I got the invisibility spell from your history books Lilith.
Lilith: Fascinating. As the led of the Emperors coven, *starts to walk* my aid can be very helpful in
Lilith then trips and falls over King's plushy kingdom. The kingdom falls over and lands on the ground.
Luke: Lulu you tripped.
Lilith: I can see that.
King: An ambush! *grabs a nearby doll* Man, defend your ruler!
King throws the doll at Lilith, and before it could hit her Hooty takes the hit for her.
Hooty: *falls in her arms and speaks weakly* I'm done for Lulu.
Luke: *deadpan look* Take it easy, it's just a doll.
King: *offscreen* A warrior!!
Lilith: Lucas is right Hootisfer, this is just make believe.
Hooty: Too die in your arms. Avenge me.
Hooty then "dies" in Lilith's arms with X's on his eyes. Both Luke and Lilith give Hooty a deadpan look as they were both hit by King's dolls.
Luke: *looks at King* Hey!
King: The king of demons yields to no one!
Luke: *growls and mutters* You are about to be the King of dead demons.
Lilith: Historically demons have never been unitain under a single rule until Belos. There is no King of demons.
Luke: *coughs* Nerd *cough*
Lilith glared at Luke as he just smirked. They were then hit again by King's plushy as they glared at him.
King: Blasphemy! Clearly you know nothing of my rain of terror! Allow me to tell you.
Luke: *rolls his eyes* Here we go.
King: I was once the mighty King of Demons. I was beloved almost as much as I was feared. But one dark day, an evil spell was cast...
In one illustration, a giant green hand takes a large crown from King's head. Transition back to King, who falls to his knees.
King: ...transforming me into this!
Hooty: Oh what happened to your crown of power?
Luke: You mean that burger crown we almost died for?
King: That was just to test you guys' dedication to me. You all passed. My real crown is still out there. But when I shrank my memories are kinda.... Fuzzy.
King pats his head trying to remember more of his past but can't seem to be able to. Luz kneels down and pats his back to comfort him.
Luke: Wow isn't that convenient. A hole in your memory just like the holes in your story.
Hooty: Ha! *gets up* Nice one Lucas! Up top!
Hooty lifts up his face to Luke as the young half demon slaps
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