"Demon Secrets Witches and Wizards" (Chapter 2)

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Luke POV

Right now I'm standing on the other side of a door with a weird demon looking creature staring right at me. I've never seen this place before nor have I ever seen this thing before in my life but for some reason it feels like this isn't our first meeting.

Little Demon: [smiles] Well aren't you going to come in.

Me: [crosses my arms] And then risk getting devoured by you no thanks.

Little Demon: [chuckles] Ah cautious as always. [gets up and begins to walk around] Worry not child I won't harm you, after all this is our room.

Me: [confused] What?

Little Demon: I'll explain more once you come in.

Part of me is saying don't do it, it's a trap you'll die, but then the other part of me wants answers like who is this? What is he? And why does he call this place our room? So I decided to walk in the room. As i'm doing so I started to notice some clothes were beginning to form on me.(Now thinking about it I didn't have any clothes on when I was on the other side of the door). Not going to lie I kind of like it, black has always been a good look on me.

Little demon: Well don't you look great.

Me: [glares] Alright im in what do you want?

Little demon: Now now no need to be rude. [goes over to the record player] How about some music to ease the mood?

It's that same song again.

Little demon: [walks] Like it quite relaxing ain't it. [sits in the chair] Come take a seat.

I just continue to stare at him but I know I won't get any answers just by standing and glaring at him all day.

Me: [takes a seat on the other side] So music but no drink what kind of host are [a teacup appears in both our hands full of coffee] you?

Little demon: [smiles] I am a kind host or more like a kind helper.

Me: [confused] Helper?

Little demon: Remember I was the one who helped you summon the sword.

I started to remember the events that took place back with wrath. Now his voice sounded familiar.

Me: [looks at my teacup] So that was you?

Little Demon: Yes it was [drinks the coffee] Now I know you have a lot of questions

Me: Yea like who the hell puts coffee in a teacup that's just ass backwards.

Little Demon: [Laughs] HAHAHAH yes it is quite strange but then again you're used to strange aren't you.

Me: Yea [picks the teacup up] I guess I am [begins to drink it]

Little Demon: Hehe i'm surprised you didn't ask if it was poison.

Me: Let's just say life is all about risk and I've been taking a lot of risks since I got here. Also I feel like if you wanted to kill me you would have used something more deadly than poison.

Little Demon: Quite the perceptive one aren't you.

Me: [puts the teacup down] Alright now I've got questions for you.

Little Demon: And I have answers but however we are low on time so I can only answer three and I can only give you the short version.

Me(mind): Of course guess this is what I get for being cautious.

Little Demon: Yes indeed.

Me: [shocked] What how.. Did you

Little Demon: [points his thumb at a clock] Tick tock.

Me: [regains my composure] Ok What is this place?

Little Demon: Well as I said this is our world we call it the black room.

Me: [confused] What?

Little Demon: You see everyone has a place where they can call their second home. Where it be the Library, school, park, ect. It's a place where they feel most comfortable. This is what the black room is for us: it's a place where we can finally get away and relax and escape from the outside world.

Me: Why am I just now finding this room then?

Little Demon: Is that your second question?

Me: [grunts but sighs] Yes

Little Demon: Building things takes time and hard work. When you were busy handling the stress of life, I was busy building this room for you and I to share and relax in, and thanks to the magic around the boiling Isle I was able to get it done faster.

Me: Magic?

Little Demon: Yes you see this room would have taken a little bit longer to form due to the lack of magic the human world has. But thanks to the magic the Boiling Isle provided for me I was able to create it with little to no effort at all.

Me: [beginning to understand] So this whole room

Little Demon: Is made up of magic, The same magic that was provided for you to summon the blade that stabbed Wrath. And it will continue to grow the longer you're in the boiling isles.

Me: Right.

Little Demon: [smiles] Now then we have time for one more question.

Me: You keep on saying "our" over and over again so i'm going to ask this once. [stares right at the demon] What are you?


Little Demon: [Huge grin] Can't you tell? 

Little Demon: [Demonic voice] I. Am. You.

Me: W-what?

Suddenly the door opens and a bright light is flooding the room causing everything to slowly disappear.

Little Demon: [sighs] I really hate the light that's when our magic is at its weakest. The night is where we draw our true power.

Me: Wait what!!?? [slowly see my arms and legs fading away] WHAT THE--

Little Demon: You're always so dramatic. Just calm down your only waking up. [gets up from his chair] Word of advice: if you want to chat more, go to a dark place then we can talk more. [begins to walk towards a door away from the light] Until then [opens it and begins to walk in it] stay alive.

Me: [Tries to reach for him] WAIT HOLD ON I STILL--

But it's too late the door is shut and I am consumed by the light as my body begins to completely fade away. I slowly start to open my eyes and notice the same ceiling I stared at before I went to sleep. I got up roughly as I looked around my surroundings and noticed that I'm back in the owl house.

Luz: [in the other room] It wasn't a dream! Good morning, terrifying fantasy world.

I ended up hearing Luz shout from the other side of the room. It seems she's right that the events that happened yesterday were real. Then that would mean--

???: Good Morning! [sounds of water splashing]

.. Just going to ignore that. Anyway I start to look around the room and notice it's still the same as we left it, junk all over the place.

Me: [scratches the back of my head] Jeez Y/n at least try to keep it--- [realized] Wait a second where is Y/N?

Y/N pov

I started to walk around the woods of the Boiling Isle, and I got to say this place is not half bad. I kept wondering how come he never brought me here. I mean, there have been some wild creatures trying to eat me, poisonous plants, and insects--- ok nevermind I see why. But still beside all the wild life here this place isn't so bad.

Me: Welp this was fun but I should probably head back. My friends are going to kill me if I [hears something in the bushes] Who's there?

I took out my sword and held it tightly waiting for whatever it was to come out of the bushes. The rustling became louder and louder. I was brace for whatever came out. Soon the thing came out of the bushes and..... It was not what I expected it to be. What came out was a red baby dragon that was on all fours. It had 4 pointy spikes, 2 on its head, and the other 2 on its wings and spikes going all the way down its back to its tail. It had green eyes with a black slitted pupil. I started to put away my sword and stared at the baby dragon.

Me: uhh [waves] hey how's it going?

It just stared at me with confusion.

Me: uhhhh what are you doing in the forest?

It just kept staring at me.

Me: [begins to sweat] uhh right can't talk huh [starts to walk away] well i'm going to--

I started to hear rumbling. I look back to see the little guy looking up at an apple. It tried to jump and reach it but it was out of its reach. It kept jumping and jumping but no success of him getting to the apple. He started to whimper. I started to wonder why it didn't use its wings to fly and get it, but I decided to help him out.

Me: [walks towards him] Hey don't worry little guy I got it [jumped up and grabbed the apple] Here you go little guy [put the apple down]

He went up and sniffed the apple, as he took a bite I noticed some kind of juice that came out of it and it was..... Really red. Well ok then. As he finished the apple he began to walk towards me and started sniffing me. I bent down and started rubbing his head.

Me: hehe glad I can help, little guy.

He started licking my hand and I couldn't help but find it adorable, almost as adorable as-- OH CRAP!!

Me: [stood up] Hey listen I gotta ok [started running] Let's meet again sometime stay out of trouble ok!!??


I started to have a dream of me Y/N and Luke being sent to a world where magic and witches exist. When we discovered the Y/N was a child of a legendary dragon slayer and king of dragons. We also defeated an evil jail warden wrath and freed prisoners that were captured for being who they are. Eventually I woke up with a loud gasp, and looked around my surroundings and noticed I'm not home nor at a summer camp. I also notice King (the adorable creature) was at the foot of my bed. That's what made me realize that it wasn't a dream.

Me: [whispers] It wasn't a dream. [Yells] It wasn't a dream! [Opens a window] Good morning, terrifying fantasy world.

Weird sea monster: [waving at me] Good morning. [sinks into the ocean]

Ok that was strange. I closed the window and walked up to King who was still asleep.

Me: [picks up King] Good morning, you little cutie‐pie. [kisses his head repeatedly]

King: I am not your cutie-pie.

Me: Yes, you are. [hugs him tightly before putting him back down on her sleeping bag]

King: [sighs] I know.

I started to change my clothes and walk up to both Y/N and Luke's room. Maybe Y/N might be able to talk to me about his teacher. I started knocking at the door and was surprised when Luke answered it, usually he sleeps longer around this time.

Luke: [rubs the back of his head] Hey Luz whats up?

Me: oh yea sorry did I wake you up?

Luke: Nah I woke up to a sound of giant water splashing. [glares] Care to explain?

Me: [sweats and starts whistling] hehe nope don't know anything about monsters and water.

Luke: uh-huh [crosses his arm] So what do you want?

Me: oh right I wanted to know if Y/N was here?

Luke: [smiles] What so you both can go to the woods and make out?

Me: [blushes bright red] WHAT NO LUKE IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!!

Luke: [little chuckles] Relax I was only kidding.

Me: [crosses my arms and turns away from him] Why do you always find the need to do that?

Luke: [mumbles]

Me: [turns around] What was that?

Luke: [smiles] Oh nothing but anyway I don't know where Y/N is, he wasn't here when I woke up.

Me: [shocked] Really [starts to panic] where could he-

Luke: [pats my head] calm down Luz. Y/N is a big boy he'll be fine.

Luz: [looks down and smiles] Yes you're right.

Luke: Besides he wouldn't leave his future wife all alone would he.

After he said that I began to blush mad red as I shoved Luke back inside the room as he fell on the ground.

Luke: Worth it.

Me: [still blushing] JERK!! [walks away]

3rd POV

After the little event that played out, Luke got up from the floor and began to look around for a bathroom. After spending time looking around for a bathroom he finally found one.

Luke: [reads] Ladies and king huh? Well either the title needs to change or we need a new bathroom. [opens the door and owls appear] Ahhh!! Geez I can now see why they call her the owl lady.

Luke began to look around the bathroom.

Luke: [impressed] Got to say this place is not half--

Hooty: Hiha Luke!!

Luke: [panics] AHHHHH!! [punches Hooty in the face]

Hooty: Ow! I just wanted to say good Morning [retreats to the front door] Sheesh! Hoot! Ow!

Luke: [scratches the back of his head] Whoops uh sorry hooty (Geez don't sneak up on me like that)

Meanwhile Luz was looking around the house.

Luz: Alright, old girl. Your first day on the Boiling Isles, as a Witch Apprentice. [punches the air] Hyah! [opens a closet door while covering her eyes] Please have witchy clothes. Please have witchy clothes. Please have witchy clothes. [takes her hand off her eyes and sees a closet full of stereotypical witchy stuff] Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! [screams]

Just then Luz hears the front door open with someone she was excited to hear.

Y/N: Im back

Luke: [Walks down stairs] There you are [walks up to Y/N] Geez where the hell were you?

Y/N: [scratches the back of his head] Sorry I wanted to explore the forest, you won't believe what I saw out there.

Luke: Well you can explain when we have breakfast i'm pretty sure your girlfriend would like to hear all about it.

Y/N: Ok. Wait. [processing what Luke just said. Then reality hits] LUKE!!! [Blushing madly]

Luke: [chuckles] Hehehe works every time.

Y/N was about to jump at Luke until he noticed something was on his head and on Luke's head.

Y/N: [starts to feel it] Uh what is this?

Luke: [Feels it too] And where did it come from?

They both heard some giggling and turned their heads. They saw Luz in a black witch robe with a hat that matches, and a name tag that says "Hi my name is: Witch Apprentice Luz".

Luke: [confused] uhh Luz what is [Crazy arm Gestures] all this?

Luz: [excited] She has witch clothes!!

Luke: uh-huh.

Y/N: Wait where are our name tags?

Luz pulls out two name tags one says the "Dragon slayer Y/N" and the other one said the "Moody wizard Luke"

Luke: [angry tick] Moody huh?

Luz: [smiles] Come me, we all know it's true. [grabs Y/N and Luke's hand] Let's go, Eda is probably waking up by now [drags them to the staircase.

The three friends made it to the bottom of the staircase as they waited for Eda. Luke had his hands crossed with a small smile on his face, Luz was standing with her arms by her side with a huge smile (Y/N found it adorable), and Y/N had his hands behind his head with a smile ready to learn more about this world. They hear the toilet flush as Eda exited the bathroom. She yawned and looked down at the three friends.

Luz: Good morning, Eda the Owl Lady. We are ready for our first day of Witch Apprenticeship.

Y/N: [pumps his heads up] I'm excited to learn.

Luke: [smirks] So teacher what's the first lesson?

Eda: Ugh! [shakes some spiders out of her hair]

Luke(mind): (Geez did she at least take a shower)

Eda: [digs in her ear pulls out a spider and flicks it away] Who are you three again?

Both Y/N and Luz look in shock as their name tags fell down on the floor. Meanwhile Luke

Luke: [facepalms] You have got to be kidding me.

Was being Luke.

The scene cuts to everyone walking towards the kitchen as Y/N and Luz try to get eda to remember them.

Luz: Its us remember [points to herself] Im luz the human? The one that wants to be a witch. [Looks at Luke and Y/N]

Luke: [sighs and points to himself] Luke Martins ringing any bells? The guy that kicked the warden with [points a Y/N] him so your ass didn't get cut into.

Y/N: And I'm Y/N, Y/N dragneel remember? The guy that wants to understand how to control his fire?

Eda: [pours in red liquid] Kids lay off with the details. I haven't had my daily cup of apple blood yet.

Y/N&Luz: You mean apple juice?

Eda: No. [takes a sip]

Luke: Well that's not creepy at all [sees king stabbing some yell bulb and eyeballs] So what are you eating?

King: Scrambled eggs and eyeballs [takes a bit while the others feel disgusted. Brings his spoon to Luke] Want some?

Luke: [stares at it then shrugs his shoulders] Eh sure why not? [takes a bite, begins to chew and swallow] Huh shockingly not as bad as I thought it would be. [everyone looks at Luke] What?

Luz: A-anyway [breaks out of shock and faces Eda] Teach me some spells. When do I get a magic staff? Was I supposed to bring my own runes? [gasps] Do you have a dangerous magical quest for me?

Eda: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, kid. Being a witch doesn't happen overnight. Also, you're wrapped in a bathrobe and wearing the dirtiest traffic cone I've ever seen.

Luz takes off the "Witches Hat" and blows on it to reveal a traffic cone. As both Luke and Y/N did the same as King laughed.

Eda: [wipes away the apple blood] But a magic staff huh? Do you really want one?

Luz: [determine] More than anything.

Eda: [smirks and extends her hand] Magic staff come to me!

Everyone waited patiently for Eda staff to come, then they started to hear noises coming from the halls. Eda was looking proud while everyone else was looking with confusion.

Eda: Oh by the way Luke you're cleaning that up.

Luke: [sighs] Of course.

Eda started to notice it was taking too long so she turned her head only to receive a smack to the face by her staff.

Luke: [tries to contain his laugh] You ok there "mighty" owl lady.

Eda: [grunts and picks the staff up, spinning it before tapping it on the ground While glaring at Luke] It's early. Now, witches are awarded their staff from school. With me as your teacher, you three will be taking a different approach.

Luke: I'm going to regret asking this but how so.

Eda:[drops a bag of potions onto the floor] You'll have to work for it.

Luke: [pinches the bridge of his nose] Of course.

Eda: [leads the kids through the living room] I run a few businesses. On weekends, I offer rare human treasures that Owlbert drags over from your side of the realm. [pulls out a toy sword and press the button]

Sword: I shall smite my enemies! Ages six to eleven.

Luke: A child's weapon for a grown child makes sense [gets hit in the head with Eda's staff] Ow! [falls face first on the ground]

Eda: [tosses the sword at

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