Chapter 22:Not Gonna Die:Blayde

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Blayde opened his eyes, looking up at the wooden ceiling in his room.
   He felt the bruises on his back, arms and legs, and head from the rocks that fell in the explosion. His whole body throbbed in agony.
   He wondered where the baby dragon was or if it had run away. He tried to listen for it, but strangely he couldn't hear anything. He couldn't even hear the people in his village working like he usually could.
   He slowly sat up, wincing in pain as his bruises throbbed.
   He looked around his room for the blue dragon. Finding no sign of it.
While he was searching someone from behind grabbed his shoulders and turned him around. He faced his mother's worried expression.
He saw her say something but he couldn't hear what she said.
He tilted her head at her in confusion. That made his mother's face look more stricken.
His mother gave him a bone crushing hug, and cupped his face in her hand, looking into his eyes.
His mother led him over to his bed and laid him down and covered him up with a blanket. His mother blew out the candle and left, closing the door.
As soon as she was gone he climbed back out of bed and continued searching for the baby dragon.
He soon found it, huddled underneath his bed. He brought it out from underneath the bed.
He checked it over, making sure it wasn't hurt from the explosion. It was perfectly okay, just shaken up.
The dragon licked his hand affectionately, clearly missing him deeply while he was sleeping.
He climbed into bed with the gem colored dragon. It snuggled against his side under the blankets, he could tell it didn't want to be seen by either of his parents.

   A few hours later, by his own reckoning, he climbed out of bed, hunger gnawing at his stomach.
   He entered the kitchen, walking in on his parents talking.
   He still couldn't hear anything. The fact that he couldn't hear was starting to worry him. He would have thought by now that his hearing would have returned, but it didn't.
   His mother saw him, and quickly got up from the table and crossed the room to him.
   She cupped his face in her warm hands, her worried brown eyes searched his.
   He saw her mouth move as she spoke words that he could not hear.
   He titled his head at her to signify that he couldn't hear her.
   More worry and concern spread across her face.
   His father came over. The same worry and concern as his mother's spread across his face.
   His parents turned him around and marched him back into his room. They made him get back into bed and left.
   He hated being locked up in his room all day with nothing to do.
   The baby dragon nudged his hand from underneath the covers. He scratched it on the head between its head, before taking another short nap.

An hour later he awoke once again, finding it to be dusk by his own guess.
He still couldn't hear anything. He wasn't sure if he would get his hearing back over time or if he would be deaf for the rest of his life. Whatever his fate was he was determined not to ket it kill him. He would fight until he could fight no more and he was on the brink of death and there was no saving him.
He climbed out of bed and quietly crept into the kitchen and returned to his room with some slices of bread and dried fruit.
He ate his bread while giving the dragon some dried fruit; he didn't know dragons like fruit, he assumed they liked to eat meat, at least this one wouldn't eat their flocks when it got older.
He still hadn't come up with a name for it. The only one that he could think of that seemed fitting enough was Blue because of its mostly blue scales.
He hadn't spoken since the day the explosives went off, burying him in the rubble. Forming the words in his mind, he spoke them aloud to the baby dragon, though he didn't know how loud he was. "I'm going to call you, Blue." He spoke the words he could not hear.
He couldn't hear the dragon's growls but he saw it look at him for a moment before acknowledging that it like the name.
   He stayed up for a little while, thinking of how he was going to be able to attend school when he couldn't hear. The only good thing that came out of his situation was not having to listen to Daffodil and Violet blabber their mouths like crazy.
   But it still pained him to know that he might never hear again. The sound of the birds, his mother's sweet voice, the gurgle of the underground stream, or the peaceful lapping of the lake against the shore. He hated it, but he wouldn't let it kill him, not while he could still live to do good for others.
   Changing the depressing subject, he thought about maybe leaving Valor to help other countries. He had heard there were other continents out there with dragons as well.     
   Maybe he could help the Dragon Riders, but he didn't know if they were still around. No one had heard of them for almost a century. Everyone in Valor thought they were nothing but a myth, a story to scare little children into behaving, or else the Riders would come and take them away forever.
   He wasn't sure how he was going to get out of Stretriol, the continent in which Valor was located, since Blue couldn't fly due to his missing wings. Maybe he would grow them later because of the weird bumps on his back. He didn't know. He just had to wait and see.
   Still not tired, he went over to his desk and started working on his homework from Mrs. Laurel his mother must have placed on the table while he was sleeping.

   At dawn he climbed back into bed, his hand hurting from writing all night, but was satisfied that he got all his homework done.
   Blue stayed next to him for the rest of the early morning, laying next to his side. His smooth scales gently rubbing against his side.

   When it was time to get up, his mother and father took him to the village apothecary.
   The village apothecary was also kind of like a doctor, he diagnosed and gave out treatments.
   The apothecary study his ears, trying to determine if he was deaf or just temporary lost his hearing.
   When the apothecary was done examining his ears, he slowly walked over to his parents and said something to them.
   His mother placed her hands over her mouth in despair. His father looked distressed at whatever the apothecary said.
   He had already caught onto whatever the apothecary said too. He was going to be deaf for the rest of his life.
   His mother came over to him, holding his head in her hands, her eyes filled with sorrow. Her only child deaf for the rest of his life. He could imagine the impact that it would have on his parents.
   His parents took him home after that, sadness etched into their faces and their postures.
   He went to his room after that, not wanting to be a painful reminded to his parents that their only child was a cripple and would need help to survive in the future. He would do his best to get through this. He wouldn't let it kill him. He wasn't gonna die tonight or for a long time, not while he was still able to breath and move.

P.S. I know the song might not fit Blayde just right but there are a few parts that I feel like apply to him. Here's the lyrics so you can kind of see what in taking about. I just feel like this whole song talks about Blayde not wanting to give up even though he is deaf now and a liability to his parents and those around him. He's going to take his life back, no matter what stands in his way, he's just not going to give up and die, he's going to fight to live. And I think this song kind of voices that.
I do not own these lyrics it says at the bottom who owns them.
Hope you all are enjoying.

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