Goal 2 - Continued

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Rimitto: "That's enough Apale! NOW I'M MAD!!!" Rimitto's aura blazes, and he vanishes as he moves to Apale and left hooks his face, sending him flying backwards.

Apale rights himself in mid air, and there was a huge scrape mark on the side of his face where Rimitto had made contact. He puts his hand on it and then looks at his fingers, which had his blood on it.

Apale: "Damn you...!" Green energy gathers in both of his palms. "DIE!!"

Apale tosses these Green Ki blasts at Rimitto over and over again, each one causing an explosion when they hit Rimitto.

Nai: "Rimitto!"

When Apale had stopped firing, and the smoke cleared, Rimitto hadn't even been affected by the Ki blasts. He was still standing tall, and his aura was still blazing.

Apale: "H-Holy Hell...!" Apale lowered to the ground and took a small step back. He looked like a mouse who had been backed up into a corner.

Rimitto looked over at Nai, and she jumped as his eyes focused on her.

Rimitto: "Nai, I want you to take Crystal's body and get the hell out of here." He used a stern tone- a tone he had never used with Nai before.

Nai: "B-But what about you Rimitto? Wh-What's going on...?" She couldn't help but stare at the transformation Rimitto had gone through...

Rimitto closed his eyes as his anger started to build. His eyes snapped open and he looked at Nai in pure rage.

Rimitto: "NAI!" He barked. "THIS IS THE LAST TIME I'M GOING TO TELL YOU! GRAB CRYSTAL, AND GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE NOW!!!" Rimitto looks back over at Apale, while Nai was shocked.

She did what he had told her to do though. She picked up Crystal's body, but before flying off, she looked at him and spoke with a shaky voice, but a calm tone.

Nai: "You better come back to me, o-ok?" She looked away, and then jumped into the air and flew off.

Apale's attention was brought back towards Nai, and he clenched his fist and looked back at Rimitto.

Apale: "Do you really think after what you've done to humiliate me, that I would just let them go!?" He pointed up at Nai, but before he could even form the energy, Rimitto had instantly closed the distance between them and grabbed onto his hand.

Apale: "Wha-!?"

Rimitto stared down at him coldly.

Rimitto: "Remember what you did to me, Apale?" He twisted Apale's hand, and Apale screamed in Agony. Apale tried to kick him off, but Rimitto had an iron grip on him.

Apale: "NO! STOP THIS!" He used his free hand to attempt to fire a Death Beam at Rimitto's face, but Rimitto just leaned his head to the side and the attack missed.

But Apale kept on firing, and Rimitto kept on moving his head, and none of the shot's hit. Eventually, Rimitto got bored and he yanked Apale forward and got in his face.

He spoke with a deadly whisper. Rimitto: "I am going to enjoy breaking you slowly, and making you suffer for what you have done. Mark my words Apale: I will have your blood on my hands."

Apale stared in pure terror, and then Rimitto used his free hand to slam his fist into Apale's stomach. The impact was so strong, it lifted Apale off the ground and made him go wide-eyed.

Apale: "GUAAH!!"

Rimitto then grabbed onto his other arm and, now holding on to both his arms, pulled him forward and headbutted him, the impact sending Apale flying through three buildings.

Apale: "AAGH!!"

He crashed into the middle of the enrichment park, where the impact created a large crater. Rimitto flew over and floated above it, staring down at Apale.

Apale got up, his body all bloodied up, and his mouth guard was shattered in a couple of places.

Apale: "This isn't even my full power! You have no advantage over me!!"

Rimitto: "Then why don't you stop holding back?" Rimitto snapped back at him. "That is, unless you're bluffing."

Apale glared. Apale: "Why you dirty monkey...!"

Rimitto appeared in front of him and backhanded him across the face, the impact creating a shockwave and sending Apale flying to the side, and through a few more buildings.

Apale crashed into the city's main hall- which thankfully had been evacuated -and Rimitto flew over and landed through the hole Apale had made in the wall.

Apale forced himself up, breathing heavily.

Apale: "You want my full power? Then I'll give you my full power!!" Apale attempted to power up, but Rimitto moved behind him and grabbed onto his tail.

Apale looked at him and glared. Apale: "Why you-"

Rimitto: "We're gonna go for a ride." Rimitto gave a sadistic grin as he flew out of the city's hall, dragging Apale across the sky. Rimitto made sure to slam him into any object they came across, and eventually he threw Apale back into the center of the enrichment park.

The impact created a bigger crater than before, and Apale this time struggled to get up even more.

Rimitto floated above the park and stared down at him. The rage had subsided a bit, but he was still going to kill him, no matter what.

Apale: "You say you want my full power...?" Apale got up to his feet, as electricity sparked off his body. "Then fine! I'll show you true terror!!" 

Apale's energy began to skyrocket, and he gained more muscle mass as his mouth guard fully regenerated. His pupils went from white, to red, and soon his entire eyes turned red as well. Spikes grew on his tail, and the horn-like structures on his head grew and curved.

This, was his Fully-Powered Final Form.

Rimitto: "His energy shot up..." Rimitto was about to close the distance when he suddenly felt an overwhelming pain in his stomach.

Rimitto: "Wh-Wha-!?"

Rimitto looked down and realized that Apale had somehow closed the distance between them, and had his knee implanted in his gut. How had he become so fast??

Apale: "I hope you're prepared to suffer!!" Apale grabbed onto Rimitto's neck and flew downwards, slamming him into the ground. Then, he flew forward, dragging Rimitto across the ground while holding into his neck.

Rimitto: "G-Ggh..!" Rimitto tried to pry his hand off his throat, but he couldn't.

Apale finally lifted him up and threw him into a building, causing it to collapse.

Rimitto: "Damn...! He got way stronger than before!"

Rimitto flew out of the wreckage and up into the air. Apale saw him fly out and began to shoot energy waves at him. Of course, Rimitto was easily able to dodge these beams, and eventually he made a huge turn and started flying straight towards Apale.

Rimitto: "This is it...!" He began to focus energy within his fist.

Apale clenched his fist, and green energy sparked off of it.

Apale: "You'll regret ever challenging me!!"

Rimitto: "I was just about to tell you the same thing! FINAL STRIKE!!" 

Apale: "Omega Crusher!!"

Rimitto and Apale's fists collided, causing a huge explosion of both Spirit Ki and Rage Ki. The explosion was so large, the light from it could be seen from space.

Nai saw the explosion from the border of the city, where the evacuees were being kept. She was still holding onto Crystal's body, and she had refused to give it to anyone until Rimitto came back.

Nai: "Come on Rimitto..." She stared at the explosion, as it began to die down.

Once it died down, Rimitto was able to see that the attack had lead to a standstill. Both his and Apale's fists were still colliding, and they just stood there, staring at one another.

Apale: "I say we finish this now."

Rimitto: I couldn't agree more."

Both of them leaped into the air, vanishing as they did so, and soon shockwaves began to rang out all around the city as they made contact with one another.

Student Number123: "What the hell is going on over there...?" 

Everyone had no idea what was going on, but for Nai, it didn't matter if it did or not.

Nai: "Make him pay Rimitto!!" She yelled out towards the city.

Apale and Rimitto appeared, and they both shot their fists forward as they punched each other in the face at the same time. The impact of them colliding created a huge shockwave.

Rimitto: "You know, you're not that bad...!"

Apale: "Same to you, monkey."

Rimitto grins sadistically. Rimitto: "If it weren't for the fact you killed the girl I loved, maybe I would have spared you for future training matches!!" He reared his left foot back, and then he swung his foot upward and kicked Apale off him.

Rimitto: "HAA!!"

Apale: "Ggh!!" Apale got sent back into the city hall, and this time, the building collapsed on contact.

Rimitto waited. He had some time to spar before he finally killed him.

But Apale wasn't having it. He screamed as loud as he could, and then he flew high out of the wreckage.

Apale: "YOU KNOW WHAT!? I'VE HAD IT! I'M DONE MESSING AROUND!!" Apale held his hand in the air, and a small ball of orange Ki formed.

Apale: "I'M GOING TO BLOW YOU, AND THIS PLANET INTO SPACE DUST!!" The ball of Ki grew to almost the size of the moon. "ISN'T THAT FUN!?"

The people at the evacuation border stared at the huge ball of energy forming. They started to become afraid, hearing what Apale had said.

Citizen Number1435: "We're gonna die... This is it, we're gonna die!"

Everyone started to panic, and the police tried to get them to calm down. Eventually Nai got annoyed and she piped up.

Nai: "Everyone shut the hell up!!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing, and they all looked at her, still looking terrified.

Nai: "Right now... my best friend Rimitto is fighting that monster. I know things look bad, but I know Rimitto. He wouldn't just let us all down- his planet down..."

She looks down at Crystal's body, which she was still holding onto.

Nai: "He wouldn't let her down." She looked back up at the battle.

Nai: "So, trust me when I say, Rimitto will find a way... I know he will."

The evacuees all look between themselves. They... didn't know how to feel about putting all their trust into some stranger.

But Nai didn't care if they were ok with it or not. She called out to Rimitto, knowing he would hear.


She kept on calling out to him, and soon the others started to as well, until soon, all the evacuees were calling out to Rimitto.

Rimitto heard them all, and he looked back at them. He saw Nai among them, and he gave a small smile, and then a thumbs up. Then, he turned back to Apale.

Rimitto: "Apale. I got everyone in this city on my side. They're all counting on me, and I won't let them down..."

Rimitto: "I wont let Nai down, and I won't let Crystal down." He glared, determined.

Apale laughed. Apale: "Don't give me that trash! Now, enough talk! DIE IN THE VACUUM OF SPACE!!" He tossed the orange ball of Ki at Rimitto, and it made it's way to him slowly.

Rimitto closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. He could feel everyone reaching out to him... their chants... their souls... their energy... all of it flowing within him, gathering within. But most importantly... He could feel Crystal with him, pushing him to keep going, to keep fighting.

And he wasn't gonna let that go to waist.

His eyes snapped open, and he cupped his hands together, and all that energy gathered from the people started to become concentrated into one point.

Rimitto: "Apale..."

All the evacuees began to chant and call out louder, all of them cheering him on.

Rimitto: "This... is West City's...!"


Rimitto: "KAMEHAMEHA!!!!" He fired the beam, and it was the largest one yet. It clashed into the SuperNova, and began to push it back slowly.

Apale was shocked. Apale: "No... No! I won't let you!!" He shot a Ki wave into the SuperNova, and it began to push it back down towards Rimitto.

Rimitto: "Nrgh... G-Ggh..!!" Rimitto was struggling. He was using all of his and the City's power, but...

Rimitto: "I-I can't do this..!! H-He's too strong..!!"

The SuperNova got closer and closer, and Apale was convinced that he had sealed his own victory.

Apale: "That's what you get monkey! That's what happens when you get mad over the lost of a single human!!"

Rimitto gritted his teeth, and he could feel himself being pushed over the edge.

Rimitto: "You seem to have forgotten.. THAT I LOVED HER!!!!"

Rimitto's hair suddenly spiked up and changed a bit, and his aura grew two times it's original size as it also became charged with electricity. The Kamehameha also grew in size, and it pushed back the SuperNova with little to no effort.

Apale: "What! No! NO!!" He caught the SuperNova and tried to push it back. He, however, was the one being pushed back.

Apale: "No! I will not let it end like this!!"

Rimitto: "You're through Apale... Now give up, and go to hell."

Right as he said that, the SuperNova exploded, blinding the area in a brilliant light.

Apale: "No! NO! NOOOO!!!!" Apale was overwhelmed, and he was slowly disintegrated by the explosion.

Rimitto guarded against the harsh winds, and so did the evacuees- including Nai. She did it by holding Crystal's body close, and she closed her eyes tight.

When the explosion cleared, they all looked to see Rimitto floating in mid air, looking up at the sun as it parted through the clouds. He was in rough shape, but he stood up tall. 

Nai: "R-Rimitto..!" She could feel a smile creep across her face. The evacuees all began to cheer, and Rimitto looked over at them and gave them a pained smile, and a thumbs up. They all began to cheer louder, and Nai stood up, still holding onto Crystal's body.

Nai: "You won...!" She laughed happily, and so did everyone else.

Rimitto lowered his hand and chuckled, then, powering down, he looked back up at the sun as the clouds gave way fully.

He smiled. Rimitto: "I did it Crystal... I won." He lifted his hand up, and reached out to the sun.

Rimitto: "For us."

He closed his hand, and then he looked back over to where the evacuees were, and then flew over to them so he could reunite with Nai... and give one, last parting with Crystal.

(Author's Note: I hope you all enjoyed, and I'm sorry updates have been slow. Midterms are going on this week, so it might be hard for me to give you guys uploads. But don't worry- I'll be sure to make it up to you all. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! And yes, this two part special is cannon to the story. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you next time!!)

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