The cell Games Pt 2

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Last time on Dragon Ball D the terrifying cell games commenced and Goku was the first up to fight he fought valiantly but in the end gave up and passed the fight on to Gohan meanwhile a mysterious stranger shows up in the ring asking for a fight with Daiko how will our hero's make it out of this one? FIND OUT RIGHT NOW ON DRAGON BALL D!"

???: "Yes that is correct you will be fighting me Daiko."

Daiko: " Do I know you?"

21: " You may, my designation is 21."

Daiko: " Another Android! Y-You were hiding in your capsule!"

Trunks: " What are you talking about?!?"

21: "indeed I was working on something when I heard voicing coming into the sub lab I quickly head to get an Idea of who you were and you found me."

Daiko: "I was hoping that wasn't the case but looks like it is."

Piccolo: " But that begs the question why fight him? He is a child."

21: " Child or not his power is incredible and now I truly know that he would be a perfect test subject!"

Goku: " Kids."

He kneels to both of us.

Goku: " You kids can do this I believe in you, you just have to believe in yourself Daiko be careful make sure to feel her out we don't know what she is capable of."

Krillin: " Goku you can't be serious!"

Raditz: " Kakarot I don't believe this is the best course of action Son I'll fight her in your stead."

21: " Anyone who tries to fight me I'll kill right away that's a promise."

Daiko: " I'll do it."

Goku: " Good."

Raditz: "Son you don't have to if you don't want to."

He places a hand on his shoulder

Daiko: " Dad I can do it trust me:"

Raditz: " I do and you know I do."

Goku: " can do it right?"

Gohan looks unsure of himself but looks to his cousin Daiko who gives him a nod of confidence

Daiko: "If anything happens I got your back."

Gohan: " hmmmm."

Goku: " Look at me son."

He says placing a hand on his shoulder

Goku: " When you were watching cell and I fight did you have trouble keeping up? I mean, we're we ever to fast for you to see?"

Gohan: " No I could see it all but thats only because you and cell weren't fighting a full power maybe if you were moving as fast as you could them I wouldn't-"

Goku: "I don't know about cell, son, but I was giving my all you thought I was holding back because you were comparing the energy you sense from me to your own I'm willing to bet it's the same for you Daiko."

Piccolo: " Agh! Is this true? boys?"

Gohan: " Yes......"

Daiko: "Right on the zeni."

Vegeta looks in utter shock in the background

Vegeta: " (Unbelievable they are just mere children! How could they be- I-it's impossible!)"

Cell looks down on everyone loosing patience the other Android was as well

Cell: " Anyday now."

Goku: " Whaddya say, son? Go out there and win this one for me okay? Then we can all go home."

Gohan thinks it over a bit more before smiling

Gohan: " Okay dad.........I'll do it."

Krillin: " Uhhhh Gohan? Daiko?"

Gohan takes off his cape and sets it on the ground.

Daiko: " You ready?"

Gohan: " Mhm!"

They both blast off to the respective opponents they would face.

Daiko pov

21: " Finally I was loosing my patience."



21: "It's seems like your uncle isn't the brightest."

I sigh at the level of stupidity honestly it was such a dumb move but what do you expect from uncle kakarot. I heard more of the others yelling at him but I had to focus on my fight.



Ox king: " Calm down calm down."

————————Kame house————————

Roshi: " Gohan and Daiko are fighting now I don't know about this Bulma."

Bulma: "(please be safe please be safe please be safe......both of you be safe!)"

————————cell games————————

I noticed Gohan shout and begin to power up

Gohan: " Huuuuuuu!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

Daiko: " Incredible.......guess it's my turn."

I started to power up I let out a furious shout I raise my power to its max I felt a surge in power a spike like I've never had before but just as a quickly as it appeared it left I grunt as I reached my max power and finish with a mighty roar.

Goku: " You see the same thing that just happened to Daiko happened to Gohan in the time chamber I'm telling you guys they are on the brink of unlocking a power we can't even fathom did you feel that spike?"

Raditz: " No that makes this the second time Daiko has done that."

Goku: " He is a natural he will figure out how to push past super saiyan in no time!"

Piccolo: "............."

Krillin: " You may have a point but still giving cell a senzu bean was too much."

Daiko: " You wanted a fight so let's do it."

21: "Just what I wanted to hear this first experiment will be a delight!"

She rushes after me and starts with a front punch I cross my arms and block it sliding back a little

Daiko: " Heh not bad."

I vanish and reappear behind her I try and kick her but she puts her hands on my leg and spring up slamming both her feet into my face but I quickly recover when I look up she has a dark red aura surrounding her she throws a few blast I reflect away I close the Gap between us whilst shooting my own blast she dodges a few but now I have her where I want her I rush her.

21: "(faster than I expected.)"

I deliver a feint face punch into a gut blow knocking her to the ground.

Daiko: "I won't be over confident but looks like you won't be as much of a challenge as you thought you were."

21: " Hmph that attitude won't do you any good remember that."

Daiko: " Don't lecture as if your trying to teach me something your just another enemy that we have to destroy!"


Cell is trying to land a hit on Gohan but with quick nimble movements he avoids and counters his blows

Krillin: "This is too hard to watch......"

They take to the sky Gohan flies high up but cell catches him

Cell: " Your pretty quick huh? What do you say we take things up a notch or two?

Cell moves faster than the eye can see and head butts Gohan grabs his collar and starts punching him over and over again.

Piccolo: " No this was a mistake!"

Krillin: " Goku! You have to stop this before it's too late!"

Daiko: " Gohan!"

I try and fly over to him but get knocked into the ground by the other Android.

Android: " Test subjects aren't allowed to leave until the experiment is over! In Other words your fight is with me."

Daiko: " Get out of my way!"

Cell kicks Gohan to the ground Gohan gets up with a smirk on his face before he gets back into his fighting stance

Daiko: " Attaboy! Now back to our fight!"

She wasted no time snatched me up by the face and used ki cut my shoulder a bit then threw me to the ground.

Daiko: " Ah! What the hell?!?"

She takes the blood on her hand and puts it in a vile for later


21: " Stop worrying about it, it's just to run some test on it later."

Daiko: " That's exactly why I'm worried who does that in a middle of a fight you weirdo!"

And she actually looked offended by me saying that

21: " Don't be preposterous it's in the name of science! It isn't weird!"

I rush for the vile and try and take it she dodges me for a bit before opening her bra and dropping the file into her chest area.

Daiko: "Oh come on!"

We keep fighting trading blows at high speed clashing sometimes landing a solid hit but not enough to end the fight for one side

Daiko: " You know your pretty good at fighting I'm starting to enjoy myself!"

21: " Well might as well make it fun for my lab rat a happy test subject yields the best results!"

I land a spinning kick to her chin but she shakes it off before slamming me to the ground  at incredible speeds.

(Like this if you play fighterz you know the move.)

I stay on the ground for awhile and fall out of super saiyan........on purpose

Goku: " OH NO!"

Piccolo: " We have to help him guys!"

Trunks: "Come on hurry!"

Some Of the others try and go but see Raditz hasn't even bothered to move

Vegeta: " your a coward but when it came to Daiko you would have tried to fight Nappa or I if we wanted to kill him is he finished?"

Raditz: "No. not a chance he is playing some sort of trick right now it has to be!"

21 got closer to me

21: " A shame I thought you would be able to handle a lot more damage than this poor baby........"

She was right infront of me I spring up and into super saiyan as fast as possible and land an uppercut to her chin launching her into the air Then I charge two beams in my hands Pink balls of ki once ready I unleash them before she can recover

Y/N: "WEEKEND!!!!!!!"


Cell had Gohan against the ropes two kicks to the face a punch to the gut then launches him in the air before vanishing and appearing right in front of him

Cell: "Good fight kid but I'm afraid all good things must come to an end say goodbye! HAAAAA!"

He launches a powerful attack at point blank range knocking Gohan in some rock formations in the distance

Trunks : " He's gone....."

Cell: "that was almost too easy.......hahahaha then again it always is."


Goku: "Your wrong piccolo, look you can still feel his energy, he's fine."

. Cell thought he all but won but Gohan's power erupts once more from under the rubble and he walks out mostly unharmed besides a few cuts and bruises.

Daiko: " Way to go pal! Now I'll finish this off and back up Gohan."

21: " Go ahead if you can try."

Cell: " Well maybe I misjudged you, you have a lot more nerve than I gave you credit for."

Gohan: "We don't have to do this........this fight cell it's meaningless."

Cell: " Huh? Hahahahahahahahaha! You sound just like your father do you really think I would stop my cell games because you think the fight is meaningless?"

Gohan: " All I can do is warn you."

Cell: " Let me explain something to you: you have to fight! Unless you beat me here today, I'll destroy the Earth! Now how's that for meaning?"

Gohan: " I'm telling you I don't wanna fight anymore cell even though your evil, I really have no desire to kill you."

Daiko: " (all of what Gohan is saying is true he likes to fight but doesn't like to kill I hope this doesn't bite him in the butt.)"

Gohan: " You don't have to continue this senseless violence. You can put an end to it right now. I don't want-"

Cell: " You don't want to fight yes I understand that! Now correct me if I'm wrong but did I just hear you threaten to kill me? Interesting and what makes you think you can carry out this threat? Really do tell."

Gohan: " I know now what my father meant why he wants Daiko and I to fight."

Cell: " Don't make me laugh. Neither of you kids could touch me."

Gohan: " No maybe not right now. But I think it's important that you know exactly what's going to happen if you were to push us to far. You see up there is my uncle he came to Earth with Daiko with the purpose of hurting people much like you cell and when he hurt my dad, tortured him. I was trapped, helpless I could still hear my fathers screams."

Gohan: " Each time he cried out in agony, my heart cried out along with him the pain I felt not being able to help him was maddening........then something happened. Something snapped the pain that I felt became so great that I, lost my self in it my power skyrocketed in a furious blinding force, and I knew only one thing that I had to help my dad no matter what. That was the first time I realized I had a hidden power. But I still had no idea where it came from or how to use it."

Gohan: " But I'm not the only one I learned even more about my abilities through piccolo and through when we fought with Frieza and that I wasn't the only one Daiko is a prodigy of sorts and when our rage releases itself our enemies aren't in for a good time. we both put Frieza in a situation that brought him to his knees. That was a long time ago since then I've gotten a lot stronger I think he knows that we are close to becoming incredibly powerful if pushed to far again. But there's no telling the damage a power like that might cause."

Cell: " Hahahahahahaha an interesting story.....but it didn't work."

Gohan: " huh?!?"

Cell: "Well not in the way you intended. You see Gohan this hidden. Power you spoke of intrigued me greatly. I'm determined to see it for myself!"

Cell punches Gohan then elbows him in the head knocking him to the ground then stomps on his head


Daiko: " Alright then shall we continue?"

21: " A fascinating story Gohan told is it true?"

Daiko: " How about you find out."

21: "looks like my hypothesis needs to be put through a controlled environment to be proven correct. Don't regret saying that later."

Her speed outclassed mine and she suddenly was behind me she wrapped her legs around my neck area and slammed onto the ground holding me in down

Daiko: "(this is odly nice and all.)"

she squeezes and start to choke me I was able to get out with a Kiai but it she quickly retaliated locking me in a flurry of kicks and punches before knocking me to the ground

Raditz: " DAIKO!"

I slowly get up

Daiko: " Damn lady you are hard to put down!"

21: " The same could be said for yourself."

Krillin: " We can't just let the kids fight them!"

Cell rushes Gohan and but this time Gohan has had enough and kicks cell knocking him on the ground


Cell growls blood trickles down from his lip and he wipes it off

Cell: " Well then it looks like I may actually get through to you yet."

Goku: "(That's right......just keep pushing once they get back into that corner they will go right through you.)"

Daiko rushes the Android and kicks her up in the air multiple after images surrounded her
She tries to see the real one but gets hit a few times before grabbing Daiko by the neck and applying pressure. He struggles for air

Cell started to launch death beams at Gohan he manage to dodge them all but cell grabbed him as he dodge and starts to squeeze him

Cell: " Think about it a awful way to die and no one can stop me hahahahahaha!"

Gohan screams in agony as cell squeezes his body

Daiko: "Let go!"

He chokes out

21: " not a chance if you wanna help him get out yourself."

She squeezes his neck harder and the poor full blooded saiyan pre-teen can only slump down as he is loosing air But something clicked and he picks his head

Daiko: " LET ME GO!"

He shouts with fire in his eyes, his eyes glow and a powerful force launched from them knocking the androids back

Daiko: " IM COMING GOHAN!!!!"

He immediately rushes to the aid of his cousin but to no avail 21 was right on top of him and sledge hammered him into the dirt. And stomps on his back.

Daiko: " AHHHHGHG."

Raditz: " I-I have to help him!"

Piccolo: " Goku! stop cell!"

Goku: " Wait guys and hold on Raditz you really have to trust me on this one!"



Goku: " NO YOUR NOT! We both know you two can't stand up to them your not strong enough! But just wait! Once the Gohan is backed into a corner with no way out he will unleash his furious power within him and Daiko is a prodigy it's only a matter of time before he figures it out just wait it only takes a few moments for Daiko he picks up techniques like with the kamehameha he learned it after seeing me do it once much like I did and when that happens just watch Gohan and Daiko will win easily!"

Cell: " That's right scream out! Get angry! Your mad that your in pain!"

He continues to squeeze a screaming Gohan while Daiko can only helplessly watch

Piccolo: " Enough of this game Goku! You're wrong about your son! Gohan may have that power but it doesn't matter! He doesn't thirst for battle and mayhem! He's not a fighter like you or Daiko!."

Goku: " Ahhh!"

Piccolo: " Do you want to know what he is thinking?! HES NOT THINKING ABOUT STRENGTH OR COMPETITION! HE IS WONDERING WHY HIS FATHER IS SITTING THERE LETTING HIM DIE! and so your son may be the most powerful in the world but he doesn't have Daiko's mentality he is just a scared 11- year old Boy!"

Goku looks as if he saw a ghost like the realization physically hit him

Piccolo: " I'd rather die! Then wait!."

Piccolo yells taking off his cape and turban.

Goku: " Krillin! Throw me a senzu bean!"

Krillin: "Oh?! Sure!"

Cell chuckle and let's Gohan go.

Cell: " Stubborn creature. You refuse to fight back despite all the pain I inflict on you."

21: " How about this we test how your power will react to the rest of this fight!"

He places ki bindings on his arms and legs attached to the ground only letting him look upwards but he faces down she sits on his back elegantly and and pulls his head up forcing him to look.

Cell: " .........fine boy if you want to be that way go ahead if you won't get angry enough to defend yourself then surely you will react if I inflict harm on your friends!"

He flies up to the others piccolo tries to stop him but he dodges and goes right to krillin and snatches the senzu beans from him

Cell: "These are now tournament banned. I'll be holding on to them!"

Goku: " Damn! I was too

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