Mysterious Youth

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With peace reigning once more and the prospect of Goku returning home eventually everyone goes back to there normal live after the namekians wish themselves to a new planet namek
Gohan goes back to studying Daiko trains with piccolo mostly and off and on Vegeta whenever he isn't traveling in space Daiko and Piccolo watch Gohan from his rooms window

Piccolo: "if you ever need me Gohan I'll be there for you kid."
Piccolo turns and walks away
Daiko: " Piccolo? Where ya going?"
Piccolo: "You know where to find me if you want to train more that's a dumb question kid if you boys ever need something don't hesitate to ask me."

Daiko smiles at his namekian friend before going and knocking on the door to Goku's home
He waits to get an answer and chi chi opens the door

Chi chi: " Oh Daiko dear how are you? Did you stop by for a meal?"

Daiko: " Well no ma'am I just wanted to stop by and say hi to you guys and Gohan."

Chi chi ushers him inside

Chi chi: " Nonsense how about you stay the night Gohan would love your company and your welcomed here anytime sweetheart."

Daiko gives into his aunts whims

Daiko: " Well if your insisting I'll stay I just don't want to intrude."

Chi chi smiles

Chi chi: " You could never Gohan is studying and should be just about finish though I'm sure he hears your here and probably can't focus anymore so go on in to his room."

Daiko walks to Gohan's room door and opens it seeing Gohan just closing his book to look at him

Gohan: " Hey Daiko! How's it going."
He cheerfully greets his cousin

Daiko closes the door and takes a seat in an empty chair

Daiko: " It's been great although I wish we can train more."

Gohan laughs a bit Before grabbing his saiyan armor

Gohan: " Well I'm finished for today let's spar before dinner."

Daiko peps up at the idea especially since he agreed to be tutored by Gohan in exchange for chi chi letting him train but that hasn't happen quite as often as all the studies so they run out the house to spar

Gohan: " Mom I finished my work Daiko and I are going to go spar for a bit bye!"

Daiko: " Bye aunt chi chi!"

They both run out the door


She shouts before sighing and giving a satisfied smile she always wanted to meet someone who was at least related to Goku through blood after meeting grandpa Gohan and hearing about Raditz she is happy to have someone around Gohan's age Thats family to grow up with him.

Daiko and Gohan fly away from the house as not to cause damage once in an open field they get some distance from each other and prepare to fight

They rush each other dodged heavy strikes one after another to feel each other out then they get right to it breaking into a clash of kicks punches and elbows

Gohan: " You've gotten a lot stronger Daiko amazing!"

Daiko: " Just had to train more Heard about you and that tutor guy!"

Daiko say kicking Gohan in the chin

Gohan: " AH! yeah he was disrespecting dad I wasn't going to allow that!"

Gohan says getting an elbow drop on Daiko

Gohan: " So how has it been staying with bulma?"

Gohan dodged a few strikes

Daiko: " It's been awesome so far issue is I want to give her something nice as a thanks for caring for me got any ideas?"

Gohan and Daiko stop fighting

Gohan: " Well we can ask mom then let's go back huh?"

Daiko: " Wait first I want to show you something."

Gohan raises an eyebrow in confusion.


Daikos yell echos through the plains and he transforms into a super saiyan

Gohan: "J-Just like Dad! Your a super saiyan!"

Daiko lchuckles a bit

Daiko: " That's right and you'll be soon as well don't worry if can do it so can you."

Gohan smiles and they return back to Gokus home for dinner During which Gohan pops his question to his mother

Gohan: " Mom Daiko wants to give Bulma something for being so good to him do you have any suggestions?"

Chi chi: " How about a card where you can write how you feel about it down huh? It's always a better gift if it comes from the heart."

Daiko: " Sounds great but how do I get one?"

Chi chi: " Easily sweetie I'll give you a nice one."

Chi chi excuses herself from the table and returns with a beautiful card

Daiko: " Thank you aunt chic chi."

Daiko quickly writes his thoughts down and rushes out

Daiko: " Sorry to leave so soon but I really have to get this to Bulma."

Daiko blast off back to capsule Corp

He wanted to hand her the letter personally but it was too late she was asleep so Daiko slid it under her door and went to his room or so he thought Bulma was just coming from a shower when she saw the letter slid under the door

Bulma: "huh what's this maybe a love letter of some sorts?" She opens it to read it "dear Bulma thank you so much for taking care of me and giving me a place to stay uncle kakarot has done a lot for me so far and I didn't want to be a burden especially with how we met. So thank you I'm really starting to see you as a mother figure miss.


Bulma smiles and puts the letter on her dresser

Bulma: " Such a sweet kid. Daiko briefs? I like that welcome to the family son." She smiles then giggles to her self

The next day everyone was relaxing once more Daiko and Vegeta were considering training but decided to put it off till later

Vegeta: " So Daiko mind telling why your power dramatically increased yesterday?"

Daiko: " Oh uhhhh I learned the K-Kaio ken from king Kai! Yeah when I was in other world!"

Vegeta scoffs at him

Vegeta: " What are you trying to accomplish by learning kakarots silly techniques."

Bulma who was using the barbecue looks at Daiko

Bulma: " Oh Daiko thank you so much for the letter it was so sweet of you I'm so glad you think of me as a mother!"


Bulma Yamcha puar and oolong laugh

Bulma: " I'm sorry it was just so adorable I couldn't help but brag about it." She admits as she give Daiko a peck on the cheek

Daiko gains a shocked expression that turns to anger

Bulma looks surprised
Bulma: "Hey what's wrong no need to get upset we were just joking."


Daiko: " Seems like it this isn't good at all the last thing I need is Vegeta being all pissy because I'm a super saiyan but forget that more important is my revenge and keeping earth safe."

Yamcha: " now hold on it could be someone else how do you know."

Daiko: " Once you've felt that's monsters power you know when he is near........"

Vegeta: " Damn it all you got wished back and you'll still be of no help looks like me Daiko kakarots kid the namekian and the bald earthling will have to deal with this again."

Yamcha: " What's that supposed to mean!?"

Bulma :" Hey Vegeta you want extra barbecue sauce on your ribs?"

Vegeta taking this as a hint to calm down sits back down

Vegeta: " Yeah, sure fine."

Daiko: " Need I remind you we don't have time for this as FRIEZA IS COMING TO EARTH!"

Vegeta: " You don't think I know that everyone can probably feel it by this point so we will meet with them."

Daiko runs to put his saiyan armor own he rushes and ends up just putting the chest plate that's similar to vegetas old one over his hoodie that Bulma gave him he puts the shoes on and runs back

Vegeta: " You look like a mess."

Daiko: " Shut up. Let's get this over with."

Everyone flies to where the energy's is closing in

Daiko Yamcha and Piccolo are the first to make it

Vegeta: " Frieza is landing here."

Yamcha: " Vegeta! Are you sure?"

Vegeta: " Yes I'm sure now zip it I don't want him to know we are waiting on him so try to lower your power level."

Daiko: " If Frieza thinks he can beat us twice he has another thing coming!"

Vegeta: " That's for certain."

The three here something coming and look to see a small plane coming to them



Bulma :" I didn't see him on namek so I want to catch a glimpse of him here and now besides I already know he'll try and blow up the planet."

Vegeta: " it amazes me that everytime you open your mouth you prove just how much of an idiot you are."

Just then Tien and chaiotzu land together

Tien: " Tch I didn't realize you were going to be here Vegeta?"

Vegeta: " Awww is that okay?"

Tien: " As a matter of fact it's isnt how can you stomach this guy Yamcha? I still haven't forgotten what you did on earth and unlike the kid over there you haven't redeemed yourself for you past actions."

Daiko: " least he isn't bent out shape over me anymore."

Vegeta: " Quit whining loser."


Yamch gets in between them trying to de escalate the situation

Yamcha: " Alright guys stop this isn't the time to be fighting each other."

Tien: " It's Frieza isn't it? How long till he lands

Yamcha: " could be any minute now."

Daiko starts to stretch loosening his muscle

Vegeta: " would you buffoons quit your jabbering it's annoying besides all this scary talk has the namekian getting nervous."

Vegeta smirks and looks at piccolo

Yamcha: " Woah piccolo how long have you been standing there?"

Piccolo turns his head back to look at the group

Piccolo: " Long enough to hear your unnecessary bickering."

Gohan and krillin arrive after that

Gohan: " Hey Daiko!"

Daiko: " Yo Gohan

Daiko and Gohan walk away out of earshot

Daiko: " I know what your going to ask and I might have no other option."

Gohan: " You sure you know how Vegeta is going to act as a result right?"

Daiko rubs the bridge of his nose

Daiko: " Of course I do but I'd rather keep everyone safe the try and hide the fact I became a super saiyan from Vegeta."

Piccolo still turned around jaw drops slightly hearing what the boys are going on about

Piccolo: " Daiko? A super saiyan? Gohan told me about what Goku did and looked like but how can he do that so soon."
Piccolo smirks to himself

Piccolo: " We might just have a chance.......... Ah! HES HERE!"

Piccolo shouts as the others see talking they all now looked shocked as Frieza giant ship starts to land

As soon as Frieza lands Yamcha begins to freak out not wanting to die again can do that to a person

Vegeta: " Quit with the crying and let's find Frieza before he finds us."

The z warriors slowly make there approach as to not tip of the scouters climbing instead of flying Gohan and Daiko had to help Bulma

Once they reach the top they see a mysterious young man with purple hair dawning a blade on his back

Meanwhile with trunks

Trunks: " Listen up you two have been underestimating me this entire time so how about I tell you just what I am your about to fight a real super saiyan.......And I'm not talking about Goku."

Frieza looks shocked and king cold growls at the young man.

Frieza begins to laugh at this but trunks merely shows this isn't a laughing matter and begins to power up

Frieza: " It's those eyes........T-They have the S-Same eyes!"
Frieza glares at trunks

Trunks: " is it something I said?" He says with a confident smirk

Frieza blasts trunks with a ki beam

Back with the z warriors after they see the blast

Krillin: " If that's really Goku then! We have to he-"

Vegeta grabs krillin arm before he can fly away

Vegeta: " What the hell are you doing! Until we know what we are dealing with don't go rushing off alerting them with the scouters your gonna get us found!"

Vegeta throws krillin to the ground

Gohan runs up to check on krillin

Gohan: " Are you hurt?"

Krillin sits up

Krillin: " Only my pride."

Daiko: " Vegeta relax even if Frieza is here we have a fairly high chance at winning with all of us even if we have to use a few meat shields."

Yamcha shudders at what Daiko suggested them Bulma voices her opinion on the matter

Bulma: "hey guys how about we all calm down maybe some music will help us relax."

This only further ticks Vegeta off
Vegeta: " Shut up! God you haven't said one useful thing since we got here women I don't have time for your stupid antics."

Bulma: " Stupid......."

Yamch: " Vegeta take that back that's a little harsh."

Bulma: " So you think I'm smart then?"

Yamcha: " As as smart a normal girl could be in this situation."

Daiko: " Your one to talk Yamcha."

Yamcha: " Aw what brutal......" he looks down

Gohan laughs a bit getting krillin and some of the others to laugh as well

Vegeta scoffs and runs ahead piccolo Tien and Daiko not far behind yamch krillin and Gohan join after

The group runs to the top of the mountain area and see Frieza fighting another person in the distance

Krillin: " THATS NOT GOOD!"

Daiko meanwhile is look at Frieza nothing but fury on his face Gohan notices and tries to calm him down

Gohan: " Hey Daiko c-calm down Frieza caused us all a lot of pain I get it-" he was stopped by piccolo placing a hand on his shoulder and shaking his head no.

Daiko: "Have to hold back.......tch if I go super saiyan here Vegeta will throw a fit......WHY THE HELL DO I EVEN CARE!?"

After the explosion Daiko couldn't take it anymore he needed his vengeance against that monster now


Everyone looks at the boy confused and Daiko let's out a powerful shout transforming into a super saiyan. Vegeta looks as if he shit his pants

Vegeta: "a child a super saiyan! Impossible the boy has yet to hit puberty and yet he has realized the legend!?"

Daiko flys off to fight Frieza and dashes right past trunks who was in a spot where Frieza and cold couldn't see him Daiko zips past him

Trunks: " What the?!"


Frieza and cold look and see a little boy Frieza looks confused but quickly realizes who that is

Frieza: " Your a super saiyan too this has to be some sort of nightmare!"

Daiko: " Shut up your going down right now. HEY YOU!"

Daiko turns and shouts at trunks. Trunks hesitated but flys down to them

Trunks: " Hmmm your a super saiyan so young......"

Daiko: " Dont worry about that listen the big one is all yours deal with him but Frieza is mine to destroy."

Trunks: " I don't think that's such a good idea."

Daiko: " Dont doubt me just carry your weight."
Frieza laughs evilly

Frieza: " And what do you possibly think you can do super saiyan or not your still that same child."

Daiko glares at Frieza and vanishes in a blink of an eye he knees Frieza in the chin knocking him in the air

Daiko: " Care to test that theory?"

Frieza rushes Daiko in anger without thinking

Daiko gets into a fighting stance and rushes Frieza

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Only 59-1:04. And it doesn't end with kamehameha.)

Daiko unleashes two large pink
Beams and the explosion left nothing but dust and debris as only a piece of Frieza head gear drops to the ground.

Daiko: " You stand no chance against me now."

With the z warriors

Vegeta: " Daiko just beat Frieza effortlessly how in the hell did he get so strong in such a short time!"

Bulma: " How could you even see that I can't tell there just tiny dots it could be Goku mr super saiyan himself

Yamcha: " It's not Goku he doesn't kill like he just did it's definitely Daiko and he is a super saiyan."

Vegeta gets angry and flys of to get a closer look piccolo follows followed by Tien chiaotzu krillin and Gohan

The rest of the z fighterz have finally caught up with Daiko in a way as Trunks blast a hole through colds chest

Vegeta: " First Daiko now this! Who is this kid?!"

Cold: " Wait you can't. No please I'm defenseless please I'm not bad my son was evil but not I, I wanted nothing more but peace I meant you no harm. I swear it -"

Trunks blasts him into dust then destroys the ship

Daiko: " Finally shut him up that pathetic grovel for life what a loser."

Trunks: " Heh you seem pretty talented you might even be a prodigy."

Daiko: " Your not bad yourself don't know where you came from but we should fight some time."

Trunks :" Hehehe well maybe next time anyway gimmie a sec."

Trunks reverts to his base form and looks at the others


Daiko: " Huh what the? How do you know that."

Gohan: " no way how does this guy know about my father."

Trunks :" COME ON HE IS THIS WAY HE SHOULD BE ARRIVING IN A COUPLE OF HOURS!" Trunks points in the direction of Gokus landing zone.

Piccolo: "alright what's this guy up to?"

Vegeta: "he can't be a super saiyan Daiko kakarot and kakarots brat are the only saiyans left of that is for certain he can't be a super saiyan!"


Trunks flys off and Daiko without hesitation follows him and everyone gasps After mulling it over they follow him

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