Daiko in peril Off to namek we go

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Last time on dragon ball z Our hero's were able to ward off the evil saiyan Vegeta but at the cost of many of their friends lives and Vegeta has taken Daiko away with him now They plan to travel to namek to get the Dragon balls and wish their fallen companions back to life so they may look for Daiko together meanwhile Daiko travels with Vegeta to a fate unknown what will happen to our young warrior? find out RIGHT NOW! ON DRAGON BALL Z!

Vegetas pod lands on the Frieza outpost planet and opens up the soldiers look inside
Frieza soldier: " H-Hey Thats prince Vegeta!"
Frieza soldier 2: "Yeah but why does he have this kid with him?"
Frieza soldier 3: " It doesn't matter let's just get them to the healing chamber. Have someone inform Frieza of this!"

They carry them into the healing chamber and place them both in a healing pod.
And long after Daiko and Vegeta exit the pods fully healed
Frieza soldier: " I'm sorry prince Vegeta I couldn't save your tail."
He apologizes as Vegeta and Daiko put on clothes.
Vegeta: " It's fine leaves us now!"

Daiko: " Serves you right you jerk!"
Vegeta: " Quit whining already I have a plan."
Daiko: "Oh yeah? What's that to turn me over to me over to Frieza so you can continue to kiss his butt?"
Vegeta: " No idiot I'm going to get immortality and free you later."
Daiko: " And how the hell is that any better?"

Vegeta: " Well it's all I've got so your doing this whether you like it or not or I could just not get you and leave you to rot Frieza won't be able to kill me anyway."
Daiko turns from Vegeta
Daiko: " Tch fine but just know I'm not doing this because I want to in fact I hate you and I always will."
Vegeta: " Don't be so dramatic I won't let a young full blooded saiyan with such potential die."
Daiko: "Oh spare me your pity let's get this over with."


Krillin Gohan and Goku have been admitted into the hospital to recover

Krillin: " Yeah Gohan and I will be getting out of here within a week or so so I guess we got lucky huh?"
Goku now wrapped up like a mummy laughs a bit
Goku: " You got me there Doc said I wouldn't be able to leave for four months and even then I won't be the same."
Korrin: " I wouldn't worry about it next crop of senzu beans should be ready in a month you'll be back to full strength in no time."

Goku: " Awesome!"
Someone knocks on the door
Roshi: " Who could that be?" He questions before he opens the door.
Bulma: " Hey everyone! Quick turn on the tv look at the news!"
Roshi: " Oh Bulma it's You? I thought you were a maniac nurse with a dated hair do."
Bulma: " I'm going to pretend like I'd didn't hear that. Here check it out!" Bulma turns the tv on.

A news reporter talks about the spaceship that landed in east metro.
Bulma: " Right." She says enthusiastically
Goku: " Hey I can't see!"

Roshi: " I don't like the sound of this our only hope and it's locked up in a lab somewhere."
Bulma: " It won't be for long." Bulma pulls out the remote Vegeta had. "if this remote control we got from krillin really works we can summon the ship right to our doorstep. They won't even know what happened."

Krillin walks up to the genius
Krillin: " You really think that's a good idea Bulma?"
Bulma: " Look I'm the genius guys just leave it to me besides I spent most of last night studying the remote anyways. Look at this."
She presses a few buttons and the remote starts making noises suddenly the pod explodes

Goku: " Hhrrgg ughh hey what's happening I wanna see too!"
Bulma: " W-What went wrong? Oh no that must have been the self destruct button. THAT WAS THE ONLY SHIP ON THE PLANET FASTER ENOUGH TO GET US TO PLANET NAMEK, WHAT ARE WE GOIING TO DO NOW?!"

Korrin: " It was our only chance....."
Yajirobe: " You sure are dumbs for a "genius."
Krillin: "it's hopeless."

Bulma: " You realize this is your fault for bringing this remote to us right!"
Krillin: " Hey aren't you like famous all over the globe you could have just ask to take it from them and I'm 90........8 percent sure they would have gave it to you."

Bulma just blinks a few times.
That when mr popo makes his presence known
Mr. popo: " Excuse me everyone."
The group looks out the window
Goku: " Hey mr popo!"
Bulma: " Who is that?"
Korrin: " Thats mr popo he lives on the lookout with Kami."

Mr. popo: " Well if your looking for a spaceship I could provide some help I'll need one of you to accompany me."
Bulma decides to go after a few minutes she and popo return.
And she explains everything
Krillin: " So your saying Kami ship got you to Jupiter that quick?"
Bulma: " Yes if that's the case we could make it to namek in a few weeks maybe even days!"

Roshi: " Well looks like everything worked out in the end."
Bulma: " I know isn't it great! Now we just need to work out who is going it could be dangerous so going alone is out of the question for me krillin would you mind joining me after you healed?"
Krillin: " Huh? Really well I don't mind."
Gohan looks down and grabs the sheets to his hospital bed

Gohan: " I-I" he starts as everyone turns there attention to him. "I want to go to namek too!"
Goku: " Hmm."
Chi chi: " aww sweetheart that's adorable but let's not joke around like that."
Gohan: " But I'm not joking! I wanna see piccolo when he gets wished back!"
Chi-chi: " But you would be gone for another two months!"

Gohan: " I know mom but I want to be there when they wish piccolo back to life besides Daiko is out there by himself he saved me so I'll do the same!"
Chi chi: " How could you say that! YOU ARE NOT EVEN FULLY HEALED!"
Gohan: " I'm fine mom! At least I will be." He begins to unwrap his head bandage "please all I want is for you to say I can go!"
Chi chi: " Absolutely not think of how much school you'll miss and the piano lesson won't happen by themself I forbid you Gohan you can't fall behind for piccolo or Daiko!"

Gohan: " SHUT UP!."
Roshi and krillin literally look like they shit themselves.
Chi chi: " No G-Gohan My baby boy is T-Turning into a delinquent!"
Gohan: " If you want to talk about how bad I've gotten we can do that later right now we have to focus on our friends." Everyone smiles at Gohan's words " Besides they fought hard to save everyone even if it cost there life and Daiko isn't just a friend mom he is family he is my cousin Dads nephew so your nephew! He saved me so many times already he told me I taught him what family truly meant because I showed him friendship and compassion even though he came to earth with bad intentions at first. To me he isn't just my cousin we have been through so much already we might as well be brothers!"

Chi chi looks at her son and sees how much he grew up
Goku looks at his son proud of the boy and soon to be young man he is becoming
Gohan: " They sacrificed themselves to protect us to protect the earth I just can't let it be for nothing I'm sorry mom I really am I love you but this is something I have to do!"

Ox king: " He has a point chi chi give him your blessing let him go."
Chi chi looks down.
Goku: " Thats my Gohan he is getting stronger everyday."
Bulma: "don't you worry about a thing we will take good care of him. And with all of there to look after each other what's the worse that could happen meet us at roshi's in 10 days."

Gohan: " Ahh! Great!"

Back with Daiko

Cui spotted Vegeta and Daiko walking to the pod launch bay
Cui: " Your the brat right move it Vegeta he has a ship straight to frieza!"
Vegeta: " Beat it cui your not touching the boy I'm sending him anyways Frieza already knows that."

Daiko gets put on a pod to Friezas ship.
Vegeta: " Don't forget the plan Daiko if you fail I'll kill you myself."
Daiko ignore him and the pod takes off
A few hours later it's arriving at friezas ship and surprise surprise the tyrant himself is waiting for him

Frieza: " Ho ho ho ho ho you stupid brat you really thought you could escape me?" He grabs Daiko by the tail and holds him upside down draining his power.
Frieza glares at him
Frieza: " I told you what would happen if you didn't return you didn't call for back up even though you were stronger than everyone on that planet. Now you'll pay the ultimate price you filthy monkey."

Frieza takes Daiko to the holding cells and throws him inside.
Frieza: " For now I have business to attend to but I'll be back to Blow off some steam."

Frieza returns to the cell and opens the door snatching Daiko and taking him to the soldiers training area. And throws Daiko down
Frieza: " Get up brat!"
Daiko stands up and Frieza rushes him kicking him in the chin
Daiko: " Great this again."
Frieza smirks

Frieza: " Seems you have improved you took that hit surprisingly well."
Frieza puts more power into the next attack striking Daiko in the gut causing him to cough up blood.
Daiko: " Ughh."
Frieza tried to attack once more but Daiko dodged it this enraged Frieza so he pierced his stomach with a death beam then two more.

Frieza see him double over in pain before passing out from blood loss.
Frieza: " don't go dying on me yet."
He chuckles evilly and drags the boy to the healing pods and puts him in one before tellin appaule to watch him.

This process went on and on and on even more than once a day .
[on day ten]
Daiko was tossed into the training room once more and this time Frieza looked enraged he begins to beat him like a rug knocking him around and blast him back and for like a game as Daiko screams in pain
Finallly he stopped and wrapped his tail around his neck and chokes him until he passes out

Once out of the healing pod for the third time this day Frieza slams him back into the cell Frieza turns around and Daiko glares at him His anger rising and inadvertently his power as well and friezas scouter beeps

Frieza turns around fast but Daiko lowered his head
Frieza: " A power level of 20 thousand and rising? Thing must be on the fritz I'll have to take it to maintenance later until I can get a new shipment."

Back on earth

Ten days have past and the remaining z fighterz prepare to leave for namek after getting there laugh out at the expense of Gohan's new look they get into the ship Bulma eager to take of she launches before krillin and Gohan have a chance to get set or even put there seat belts on

Gohan changes into his demon clan clothes
Krillin: " You sure have a lot of respect for piccolo huh?"
Gohan: " sure do almost as much as I do for dad!"
Bulma comes out after changing
Krillin: " Man those are some funny looking clothes."
Gohan: " Are they uncomfortable."

Bulma: " No I was just tired of dressing like the only one who was going on the mission." She says glaring at them and laughing
Krillin whispers to Gohan
Krillin: " Did we do something to tick her off?"
Gohan: " No clue."

Back with Daiko

It's been thirty days since he was captured by Vegeta and by extension Frieza and it has not gotten any easier for the full blooded saiyan child
In the midst of another monumental beat down he was saved by a soldier
Frieza soldier: " Lord Frieza we have arrived on namek."
Frieza: " Oh perfect could you take him to the healing pods and then his cell thank you."
He says exiting

The soldier picks up Daiko and puts him in the healing chamber

Daiko pov
If the namekians are peaceful people I'll escaped and hide amongst them as soon as Frieza leaves this ship.

So I'll bide my time it's the four days have past and I was in my cell when I felt three familiar ki signatures
Daiko: " T-That's krillin Gohan and Bulma....."Frieza should be back anytime I can't make a move without him trying to
Hunt me down and if I go to them I'll lead them to death trap.

With Gohan krillin and Bulma as they land in Namek.

Bulma and krillin are dancing around happy that the dragon radar picked up the dragon balls

Gohan: " Hey guys I feel something."
Krillin stops and runs to Gohan
Krillin: " Yeah I feel it to."
Gohan: "There is so many of them."
Krillin: " Yeah and their power is nothing to sneeze at it's way off the charts."

Bulma feeling optimistic  tells them not to be scared and it just the namekians
Krillin: " But This power feels kinda evil doesn't it?"
Bulma: " I'm telling you it's fine remember what king Kai said about the namekians they are peaceful by nature we have nothing to worry about let's just focus on finding the dragon balls and while we are at it we can introduce ourselves to the natives.

Gohan snaps back once more
Gohan: " G-Guys I think I feel Daikos energy!"
Bulma: " How so! Does that mean Vegeta is the evil energy your sensing?"

Krillin: " No it isn't cuz that's him."
Bulma looks to where krillin pointed
Bulma: " We've got company!"

Krillin: " Damn it why now! He is after the dragon balls!"
Bulma: " Come we should go while the getting is good we can't beat him we don't stand a chance."
Krillin: " No way if he gets the dragon balls we are all doomed not to mention Daiko is here we have to save him! Listen Bulma I need you to get in touch with the guys back home and let them know what's happening. Gohan and I will stay and try to collect the dragon balls plus if we can get Daiko we will have even more help but I want you to go home."

Bulma: " What?!"
Krillin: " We will be alright we have the dragon radar! You ready Gohan?"
Gohan: " You bet!"
Bulma: " Okay ill go back home pick up Goku and bring him back a fast as possible. But it will be a round trip of two months!"
She says grab in there hands then goes on a nervous tangent.

Meanwhile with Vegeta
After landing on our the saiyan prince prepares to in-act his master plan to overthrow Frieza
Vegeta: " Frieza you rotten little freak don't think I'll let you cheat me not over this prize."

He plants his scouter on his face
Vegeta: " I'm more than capable of taking his lackeys down best avoid a tumble with the big man himself at least for now I'll have to swallow my pride and gather the dragon balls covertly."

Vegeta tracks them
Vegeta: " And there they are damn he brought zarbon and Dodoria along for the ride."

With the earthlings

After having there ship destroyed and Bulma having an existential crisis the three find a cave
Bulma: " Great I'll be a cave dweller the rest of my life."
Gohan: " Hey krillin im feeling some different energy from that direction."
Krillin: " Yeah your right maybe it's actually namekia- INTO THE CAVE NOW WE GOT EVIL POWERS COMING TOWARDS OF FROM THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION!"

They get in the cave
Gohan: "I don't like this think they are looking for us?"
Krillin: " I don't know but boy I hope not."
Bulma: " We're doomed aren't we I just know it!"

The group flies by them

Bulma steps out of the cave slightly.
Bulma: " Okay crisis averted whatever they are on the prowl for I guess it's safe to say it's not us. Thank our lucky stars but what do you think that was all about."

She looks back and sees that krillin and Gohan look like they are about to pass out from fear krillin is shaking and Gohan is hyperventilating.

Bulma: " Did I mis something what's with the look?"
Krillin takes a few shakey steps foward.
Krillin: " Bulma I need you to check the dragon radar again for me."
Bulma: " Sure but why?"
Krillin: " When you looked at it when we got here so said that there were 4 dragon balls grouped together take a look and see where they are now."

Bulma: " Fine but I don't see the point."
She clicks the dragon radar turning it on
Bulma gasp when she sees the radar
Bulma: " all four of them are on the move there is no way that was a coincidence those guys must be carrying them."

Krillin: " Like I thought why is Gohan........Gohan!"
Gohan snaps out of his fear induced trance
Gohan: " Huh oh yeah what's up?"
Krillin: " Did you feel the one in front more importantly the one second to the front?"
Gohan: "Yeah his power is off the charts."

Krillin: " I know when I felt it my heart sank."
Bulma: "Hey! looks like they are headed in the direction of another dragon ball. That way."
Krillin: " I'm gonna go have a look for myself."

Gohan: " I'm coming too."
Bulma: " Hey don't just leave me here in the wilderness!"
Krillin: " Look on the bright side your a lot safer here then where we are going."
Bulma: "Ugh fine but you better not forget about me!"

Krillin and Gohan prepare to leave.
Krillin: " Alright little man suppress your power and we can go you got that?"
Gohan: " Yeah!"
Krillin: " Let's move!"
They jump off into the distance

MeaNwhile with Daiko

Daiko: "After finally healing it's time Frieza has a good distance between him and ship and I'm going to go in the opposite direction the more distance between us the better."
The healing liquid is flushed out and the door opens Daiko puts his armor on.

Daiko: " Sorry to do this to you actually never mind I'm not."
Frieza soldier: " What?"
He uppercuts the soldier that was watching him and leave stealthily making his way outside the ship before flying off trying not to use much power while doing so.

After getting away to a decent location Daiko lands so he can rest a bit
Daiko: " Vegeta Frieza.......One of you are going to pay."
He says frowning as his anger begins to take over
Daiko: " But now is  not my time soon enough I will have my revenge."
He says glaring at the sky.

This looks like it's going to be a free for all on Namek The warriors are all geared up and have their motives in check who will prevail and who will fall Find out NEXT TIME ON DRAGON BALL Z!

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