Cell games finale

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Last time on Dragon ball D Daiko was thought to have sacrificed him self for the greater good of humanity but cell was able to come back his power now higher than ever before in a turn of events Daiko lived as well with the help of his demon princess lover he say trunks and Goku Die at cells hands Goku saving Gohan pushed Gohan back into super saiyan 2 with a rage boost on top and this was enough to send Daiko into super saiyan 2

Cell: " Daiko! How did you survive!"

Daiko: "Doesn't matter how cell your reign of terror ends here!"

Daiko landed next to Gohan

Daiko: " Ready to end this once and for all?"

Gohan: "Yeah I'm tired of all this it's time we put this to bed."

Gohan and Daiko rush cell and strike him in the chin sending him back cell is able to keep up with the boys as he fights back kicking Daiko out the way then grabbing Gohan and throwing him into Daiko who flew back toward them

Then cell sends a blast at both of them that knocks them away

Cell: " Fine maybe if I get rid of your next friends you'll start getting more serious."

He sends blast at Raditz and a Vegeta who were still trying to recover

Daiko: " Dad!"

Daiko rushes over to him and blocks the attack at the cost of his arm and Gohan does the same for Vegeta.

Cell: " Why would Gohan sacrifice himself to save Vegeta, Daiko with Raditz sure but Vegeta? I'll never understand these saiyans."

Cell: " Look at all them they belong together they are both so weak."

Gohan and Daiko shakily get up

Raditz: " Son are you okay?"

Daiko: " As good as I'll ever be. Looks like I'm doing this with one arm."

Cell: ". I told you boys not to get in my way, I do hope you don't plan on continuing this fight. I wouldn't want you to suffer."

Daiko goes over and lands next to Gohan.

Daiko: "Yeah there is still two of us cell and to bad for you! We make the perfect team!"

Cell landed on the ground

Cell: " Still as stubborn as ever kids. We'll have it your way then, let's get this over with then."

Gohan: "we aren't giving up! No way! This is for my dad!"


Krillin: " ..........we don't have any left."

Piccolo growled he hated seeing the kids he watched grow up, that wouldn't let him be alone that treated him like a person instead of a monster in such a dangerous situation

Cell begins a kamehameha shocking Daiko and Gohan

Cell: " Gohan, Daiko this is it! It ends here! But remember this I want you to know something! I will live forever!"

We gasped

Cell: " This place has been good to me but I've finished my feast, I won't leave without cleaning my plate soon it'll be nothing but a cloud of dust."

Gohan: "(How can we stop him! He's come back so strong even two of us aren't enough! Dad I'm sorry. It's my fault it's come to this because I didn't kill him quikcly like you said.)" just like it's my fault that you aren't here with me anymore!"

Daiko: " Some prodigy I am........everyone has faith in me and I left this all up to you Gohan. Damn it if only I figured this out sooner this would have happened! It's my fault I was just not good enough I'm always to late! Now trunks died and now you died too Uncle Kakarot."

Vegeta manages to sit up But falls right back down

Vegeta: " Ive become completely useless on this battlefield! I'm making a total mockery of my saiyan race."

He looks at Gohan and Daiko standing in front of him

Vegeta: " I'm sorry Daiko, Gohan........I am."

Daiko: "(There's no way he just apologized to us.........we really are dead meat."

Gohan: " (sorry? I never thought I'd hear that from Vegeta.) he must be saiyan that since he knows there's nothing we can do."

Cells power continues to rise and rise not showing any signs of slowing down.

Cell chuckled

Cell: " Ultimate perfection! I spent a decade searching for it! I thought after absorbing the androids I thought I would have found it! But now only now do I understand what dr Gero meant by those words ultimate perfection! My destiny.........I am the universes end!"

The others can only look on in horror. Piccolo enraged at being useless here and the earthlings wanting to have there planet saved

Cell laughs more

Raditz: " Son............no matter how this ends......I am proud of you."

Cell: " Forget the earth with my power I can destroy the solar system."

Gohan and Daiko Glare at cell

Daiko: " This is the end huh brother?"

Gohan: " Yeah you could say that.........I wish I hadn't loss my one chance at beating cell."

Daiko: " If only I gained this power earlier we could have destroyed this fool in a heart beat."

Gohan: " Looks like we were both too inexperienced for this......."

Daiko: " Yeah I guess so.........here I thought I could help you but I could barely help myself."

Cell: "What's the matter boys not gonna try and stop me?"

Gohan: "What's the point? We lost our one chance at beating you. Now all of us will die together and be with my dad."

Cell: " How boring, I expected the end to be a little more dramatic but if there's no us in dragging it if this is all I get."

His kamehameha begins to charge

Gohan: "(So this is it huh this is how it ends.)"

Daiko: " The one chance they trusted us to beat the big bad enemy and we blew it."

Goku: "giving up already? This is nothing Like the boys I know."

Gohan and Daiko gasped

Gohan: " D-Dad where are you?"

Goku: " The other world and thanks to king Kai I can communicate with you telepathically. I know you kids have the power to beat him I've seen it now give him the biggest Kamehameha I know you can do it Gohan, Daiko I promise."

Daiko: " But uncle we are missing or other arm in action it's useless!"

Gohan: " Yeah Dad Daikos is right and besides our energy has been cut in half."

Krillin: " who the heck are they talking too?"

Cell: " Look! They have been driven insane by there own fear!"

Goku: " Remember what you learned in our training, and trust yourself it may feel like cell weakened you but what is really drained you is your own doubt."

Daiko: " He is right Gohan."

Gohan: " Okay! It's all starting to become clear now dad! "

Daiko and Gohan: " We've got one arm left! But that's all We need!"

Gohan: " And don't even think about feeling sorry for me! King Kai and I can't have more fun up here even if we tried!"

King Kai: " Speak for yourself home wrecker!"

Gohan: " But dad it's my fault you died because I got carried away! If I had only finished cell off sooner, I-"

Goku: " Hey! Who knows what would have happened and Daiko don't go thinking it's your fault either because we didn't know anything about your enemy and you did amazing! Beside kids life is to uncertain to be full of regrets!"

Gohan: " Yeah but."

Daiko: " Maybe.......your right?"

Goku: " If you want to blame anyone blame cell make him pay for what he has done!"

Gohan and Daiko: " We will!"

Daiko and Gohan raise there power

Piccolo: " Kids......."

Raditz: "They are ready I can tell."

Daiko and Gohan both pull one arm back "Kaaaaaa meeeee haaaaaa meeeeeeee."

Cell: " Ahhh now that's more like it!"

The power is incredible it only further increases the earth shakes more and the winds are stronger

Cell laughs powering up more

Cell: ". now you die!"

Daiko and Gohan: " HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!"

Side by side they send there blast cousin's by blood but brothers in heart the boys have had each other's back since they were little and in an unexpected turn of events they will fight against cell together as one force against evil.

Everyone got back as they didn't want to be close to the blast zone!

Raditz: " They are actually doing it!

Krillin: " If this keeps up the earth will be toast!"

Piccolo: " Cell......."

Daiko and Gohan struggle against the beam

Goku: " Kids hang in there!"

Cell: " This must be hard for you with all those wounds! I'm sure this makes them burn!"

He shouts adding more power to his beam.
It slowly pushes the kids beam back as cell chuckles

Piccolo: " The boys are loosing they are being overtaken!"

Raditz: " No.........it can't be."

Cell: " And now this is your end!"

It almost fully takes the kids beam over they struggle against it there injuries only worsen under the strain of pushing back.


Gohan: " IM TRYING!"

They are dropped to a knee

Goku: " What's the matter boys! You already have the power you need! Just bring it out."

Goku as a super saiyan is behind them doing the kamehameha as if he is with them.

Gohan: " I just can't dad! I can't hack it! I'm still just a kid I haven't change at all!"

Daiko: "It's useless! I'm sorry I guess in the end I'm just a weakling after all! Frieza! Cell! I just can't!"

Goku: " Would you two stop attacking yourselves! I don't know where you got it in your heads that there's something wrong with you two! Cause there isn't you boys are way beyond what you think you are! You have saved my life and our friends lives so many times! And you'll do it again! Right now!"

Cell: " what on earth are you mumbling about. Chanting a little prayer before you die?"

Goku: " You have it in you! Let it out kids Gohan Daiko, DO IT NOW!"

The power they had spikes and they push the beam back to neutral standing pushing it back towards cell now.

Tien: "it's huge."

Yamcha: " they just won't give it up."

Krillin: " Incredible."

Cell starts to push back once more

Cell: " You fools , you kids are facing the ultimate weapon!"

Goku: "(oh no I already told them to give it all they got!.....wait) kids are you holding back because you don't want to damage the earth? Don't hold back! It can be fixed with the dragon balls!"

Gohan: " yeah but."

Daiko: ". he is right! No buts cell isn't going to hold back for earth so we have to use that same power!"

Cell: ". yes! I can feel you slipping!"

Piccolo: " Kids.........Km coming!"

Piccolo powers up and flies toward them


Piccolo fired a masenko at cell but cell just retaliate without moving knocking piccolo away.

He prepares to fire another blast.

The others couldn't just sit by First Tien then then Yamcha then finally Krillin

Goku: " Dig deeper kids! It's still not enough!"

Cell: " these are your final moments try to make them count."

Piccolo: " Special beam cannon!"


The rest join in firing there attacks

Daiko: " guys stay back! Your to close!"

Gohan: " Please guys! Be careful!"

Goku: " Kids they can handle themselves Gohan Daiko focus on your energy!"

Gohan: " We are trying!"

Vegeta: " could this actually work?" Vegeta clenches a fist and gets ready to take off.

Cell hurts the others using his energy

Gohan: " He hurt them!"

Daiko: " HE HURT THEM!"

They both Add more power to the kamehameha

Cell: " Hhhhrreehaaaaa!"

Piccolo: " No Daiko Gohan I won't let you die all alone out there! You kids were the first to show me what it means to have a friend."

Raditz: " My son and my nephew I have a debt to repay for the time I wasn't here and your life son and for kidnapping you Gohan, I won't let that be the end for you not unless we all go out fighting."

Krillin: " You know back in the day I never would have done this guess I only have Goku Gohan and Daiko to blame I'll get them back for that."

The others get back up and fire beams and attacks once more at cell.

Tien: " (Surpassing Goku has been my goal for a long time since becoming a martial artist it's why I've gotten this far! And how did I repay him! I stood by and watched him die! I won't make the same mistake with his son and nephew!)"

Yamcha: "(Goku I hope you know what great a kid you got, like father like son and not to mention Daiko I guess the apples don't fall to far from the trees after all well I won't let you down!)"

Vegeta: " Irs not fear that's holding be back! It's just,"

Vegetas power starts to increase.

Cell: "why can't you people just stay down!!"

Goku: " Kids! Raise it higher! You can win this one!"

Yamcha and Tien get knocked down and piccolo and krillin take there place blasting cell

Vegeta finally goes super saiyan and flies toward the battle.

Raditz notices and goes super saiyan himself

The blast starts to go back towards the kids. As piccolo and krilling are about to be sent back the others get up too sending there attacks

Cell: " No chance! You have no chance!"

The others get blown away but not Raditz he and Vegeta are scheming.

Cell laughs as the kids start to get forced back.
The blast from cell almost completely over taking there's.

Goku: " Release it Gohan! Daiko! Release everything you have! Remember all the pain he has caused the people he has hurt and mark that your power!"

Cell: " Say good bye!"

Cell laughed as a blast hit him he looks back

Cell: "Vegeta! Raditz!"


Gohan and Daiko: " HAAAAAAAAAAA!"

there power explodes and starts to quickly over takes cells beam as they slowly walk forward

Cell screams as he starts vaporizing

Cell: " I am perfect!!!!!!"

Gohan and Daiko did it destroyed every fiber of cells being launching the kamehameha into space before it dissipates.

They both pant heavily before falling out of super saiyan and landing on the ground next to each other.

Piccolo: " Th-They did cells energy has completely vanished."

Krillin: "you mean we are really safe again?"

Tien: " Yeah bud looks like it."

Yamcha: "It's been a few years since I heard someone say that."

Raditz: " They did it kakarot."

Goku: " I know, I'm very proud of them both, our boys are something else huh?"

Raditz: " You got that right."

They all fly down to them smiling at the boys

They are gasping for air but are laughing and are happy

King Kai: " Well Goku your war is finally over."

Goku: " Yeah..........(Gohan.......I'm so proud of you.......you too Daiko.)"

Gohan's be Daiko chuckle as they know they have won the battle

At last the terror known as cell is no more the battle is won and the world is safe once more. Thank you Goku for all that you gave. The Earth will miss you.

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