A genius solution enter my master piece.........Mira!!!

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Last Time on Dragon Ball D Goku after telling his friends he would be returning for the tournament gave everyone an extra push to train as hard as possible for the month upcoming to the tournament Gohan took to teaching Goten how to fly and Videl due to blackmail and Daiko took to trying to pair Videl and Gohan together due to Videls blackmail how will things play out? Find out right now on DRAGON BALL D!

Daiko POV

Uncle kakarot is returning for the world martial arts tournament after a long day of training Vomi asked me to come to the lab after I finished my training session in the gravity chamber I stalk my way over to the lab "hey Vomi I'm here what did you need help with?"

"Daiko thank you so much for helping out today" she said cheerfully she walks me over to a device she made a remote then points me in the opposite direction I look over and it's a healing pod "Vomi no way!" I run over to the door and open it, it looks just like the one from when I was a kid

"I'm super sore mind if I hop right in?" She chuckles "yeah no problem! Go ahead I wanted you to be the first to try it anyways don't tell Vegeta he will be pissed."

"Like I'll let that grouch shout at you"

Third person pov

Daiko turns his body around to face the machine as he began removing his shirt not noticing the blush creeping onto Vomi's face her blush would only deepen when he decided to remove his pants but quickly disappeared as she notice the scars riddling the young boys body he couldn't have been more than 17 and he looked like a war veteran. "Oh my Daiko your.....scars........."

He chuckled "Yeah it's a lot my Dad Vegeta and I have a bunch because unlike the earthlings we didn't have senzu beans and the healing pods only heals the injuries not produce new skin cells and what not."

"Oh I see well let's fire this up" Daiko just in and takes a seat pulling on the oxygen mask

Vomi goes over to a control panel and hit the remote for the door "I was hoping I got the healing agent right Bulma told me you asked her to make one but she had some many other projects she lost track of time so I found the schematics and finished it up."

"(That's really nice of her.....)" he thought to himself she begins using the panel and starts the machine turning it out and immediately he could feel his muscles rejuvenating "She's a natural! And this only took her a few weeks!"

"How is it?" She asked from behind the glass all Daiko could do was thumbs up he see her smiles then closes his eye to relax again it would be about an hour before he would come out honestly it felt nostalgic in the right way at least so he decided to bask in it for a bit

20 minutes pass and Vomi returned to check on Daiko to which an infinity symbol Glowed from underneath the machine "huh?" Vomi looked confused "Daiko!" She shouted thinking the machine overloaded somehow and was going to explode

She frantically pressed as many buttons as she can trying to shut the machine off or override it but nothing was working suddenly from inside the machine Daiko vanished

Daiko pov

I couldn't feel the fluid in the pod anymore and the lack of any scent was replaced by as faint scent of Lavender and spices I open my eyes and I'm on a bed a huge one like4 to 5 people could fit on this thing "geez where am I!" I heard a door open from the other side of the room and out comes......Towa she was in a robe and Drying her hair most likely just out the shower I gulp harshly she must be behind this

Finally her eyes lock onto me and she instantly turns red in the face then covers the loose fitting towel over her curvaceous body a bit more "What the hell! Who are you?!?!" She asked me with a glare I merely scoff "you don't recognize the boy you stalked for a greater part of his life?" Her eyes widened "Daiko? Your.......grown up......but why the hell are you here?" She looked confused as if she had no clue what happened "as if you don't know you brought me here didn't you?! I was in a healing pod one moment the next I was here."

She looked me up and down her face still lightly had pink on it "why are you in nothing but underwear?" I looked down and back up "ah! Oh like I said I was in a healing pod didn't want my cloths wet!"

Her face quickly contorts with concern. "Where you hurt?" It actually through me for a loop how caring she sounded "uhhh no no I'm fine just sore from training is all"

"What have you been up to?" She asked sounding interested in my life "you mean you don't know?"

She chuckled as if she knew something I didn't "You must assume I've been eavesdropping on your life still? Keeping tabs on you hmm?" Her smile was positively seductive as always difference is I'm  old enough to realize and actually be affected by it. My face turns a little red "ah I mean I just assumed so." She chuckled it was adorable

"This is my first time gazing at you since the cell fiasco......." She sneaks a hand near mine her finger just barely grazing mine "before I answer can I ask you something?

Her head raises looking me in my eyes I haven't felt this before it makes sense I was to young to understand and she was to pushy and stubborn but it's different I'm a young man now 

"What is it?"

"Why me? Genuinely concerned what is it about me that made you pick me?"

She ponders the question a moment "Is it so wrong for a demon to be in love? I unfortunately I really jumped the gun trying to make you my king to early I saw that and left you alone and planted teleportation magic on you then set it for seven years later."

"What did you just say?"

"I planned this yes I figured if you could see me as a woman and not some monster I'd have a better chance it's not so crazy to like someone is it? Granted I had no idea it was bad for me to approach you when you were young I'm a demon I'm not use to human customs but once I figured it out I decided to let you mature."

I was looking at her deep into her eyes for the first time we came to understand each other and I can't say I hate it she is well she is gorgeous I'd be a fool to deny that

Our faces get closer and closer to the point I can feel her breath on my she let her robe slip slightly showing off a little more of her body then we leaned in and kissed each other

Third person pov
The kissing quickly intensified as Daiko pulled Towa into his lap it was like time slowed down for the pair and the two shared an intimate moment for the first the make outs session delves into Them having sex

(Would you guys be interesting in spicing things up with lemon? Let me know)

Daiko was laying down a blanket draped over him he looks to his side and sees Towa partially covered in the blanket catching her breath "well I hardly expected you to go that far with me my darling." She couldn't be happier she finally got to be one with the young man she was in love with.

"I'm sorry I wasn't rough on you was I?" He asked "Ever the gentleman My sweet" her voice was like honey to his ears

"I'm fine I promise Daiko I'm glad you shared yourself with me."

"I was happy to I can stick around for a bit but I need to get back to training soon my uncle returns from other world for a tournament and I have to be at my strongest"

Her eyebrow raises and she flips over rubbing his chest "well if you need a training partner I may have just the person."

"Is that so?" He looked intrigued "yes a created a combatant my masterpiece if you will he hasn't had a proper test would you like to give him one?"

Daikon was getting hype to fight someone after all he had something secret he wanted to show of or try training with more so this would be his chance "hell yeah!"

"But first" she uses magic to restore there clothes But changes Daikons outfit up a bit (think of a metamoran fusion outfit towa just wanted to see him in it)

"Woah this isn't bad I like this outfit." He bounces on the his toes a few times and starts stretching "I'll only be a moment I'll prepare everything" Towa steps out

Daikon prepares to fight as mysterious opponent and has consummated his strange relationship with Towa both coming to an understanding what will come of this find out next time on Dragon Ball D!

I finished both chapters next chapter drops later this week or next week then back to main arc

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