After school draco invited you to his dorm. "Did I lie?" He eagerly asked you. You looked at him dead in the eye and put your books down. "it doesn't matter, i never liked him anyways." You say.
"But calling him your boy friend after he first kisses you made you hate him? not one bit of love?" Draco smirked. "Honestly that's interesting," "Draco. You're not making this any better, in fact you started this." "I talked to dumbledore, your in slytherin now." Draco said. "Remember the deal we made? it's my turn to kiss you." You said, you were kind of happy. You lean in. Draco stands up. "no it's fine, I think of you as α... company" Draco said dodging the word friend. You stared at him. "Maybe α little bit of α friend," You laugh but it came out really fake and weird. "bye draco," You say, he nods and you leave. You can't back to your dorm. Your heart shattered though you can't find why.