Chapter 25

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Prue's POV

I was happy to been in Hagrid's class. Parker was too. Neither of us had to deal with Adrain and Haley. They had another class thank god. Y/n was in this class thou. I went to talk to her, but she was talking to someone else. Draco was with his group.

Mink, Aliza, Ty, Parker, and Tawny were with me. That's when I remember, I had to get Harry to like me. I sighed and excused myself from them to talk to Harry. I sighed and made my way towards him.

"Hey Harry," I smiled.

Harry looked and me in a weird way. Ron was glaring at me as Hermione's eyes slightly widen at me.

"I was wondering if we could hangout sometime," I smiled softly.

It was fake but I couldn't help it. I wasn't into Harry. Right now, I just have to be in his friend zone.

"Why would a Slytherin like yourse-"

"Want to hangout with you Griffindors? Well that's simple, I want to prove that not everyone in my house is mean," I answered.

Ron gave me a look as Hermione smiled a bit. Harry looked unsure.

"I'm not going to hold a grudge if things don't go well," I tried to persuade. "Besides holding a grudge causes stress and stress make one look older."

Harry gave off a hardly noticeable smile as Hermione smiled and shook her head. That's when Draco came in. When we said that's thing place was going to the dogs, because Hagrid was a professor now, I wasn't really happy.

"Shut up Malfoy."

I blinked, turning towards Harry. Draco and his friends just chuckled saying ohhh like retards. When Draco stood in front of Harry I noticed how small in size Harry was.

Y/n's POV

I over heard Draco and Harry. I swear that is why we a judged so badly.

"Dementor! Dementor!," Draco yelled.

I was smart enough not to turn around. I walked by the stone wall and lean on it once Hagrid got everyone's attention. Draco and his 'friends' shove there way to the front. I hated the fact that they weren't ever his real friends. They all use him as a leader, money, or possible something else.

Prue's POV

As Hagrid introduced Buckfeet, but I sensed something bad was going to happen. A sudden pain came to My head as a flash of Draco approaching Buckfeet and getting hit. Shaking her head I turn and saw Draco chuckling slightly. My gaze when Harry. To see Hagrid place Harry on Buckfeets back. Before they knew it Harry was off flying threw the air.

Everyone wait the return of Harry. Everyone, but a few of the Slytherin were cheering for him. Draco shove his way past everyone approaching the creature. I quickly grabbed his arm, but I wasn't the only one. Y/n was trying to stop him as well, but he only shrugged us off. Just as my premonition predicted. We stood there hurt and shocked. We knew Draco was stubborn, but I don't think we never thought he'd go that far.

Hagrid went to take him to the hospital wing. Y/n and I followed behind. She thought that Draco only saw her as another girl, but she was way wrong. Draco still cared about her, but he would never show it the way he wanted to. Sure Draco was a ass to a lot of people, but he never met to be one to Y/n. He told me at the party that he found Y/n not only attractive, but someone he wouldn't mine being with.

Once in the hospital wing Y/n sat quietly by Draco. The nurse said he would be ok, relief washed over us.  Just minutes later Draco started to stir. Y/n's e/c eyes widen a little. Once Draco was full wake, he gave a cold, hard glare to us. There was a reason Draco treated her the he's doing and I suspect it has something to do with the Goulding's.

"What are you doing here? What do you want!?" He spat coldly.

Y/n flinched slightly. Draco never really snapped or yelled at her or me, wait I take that back.

"I-I was just m-making sure you were ok," Y/n said above a whisper.

"Do you think I care? No, I don't. So leave," Draco said harshly.

Y/n glared slightly and stood up.

"Fine, but remember how your true friends are and your little bad boy reputation is not going to get you anywhere. Be your own person and not the one your parents want you to be," Y/n said before she left.

Draco sat their a process what just happened. Y/n when to the rest of her classes. Me I stayed. I need to talk to Draco.

"Why are you acting like this?" I asked.

Draco sighed and shook his head.

"Draco, does this have something to do with the Goulding's?" I asked.

Draco looked up at me and nodded.

"They didn't want me to be with Y/n," he answered. "I don't know why, but I know something is bothering them."

The next day Draco and I went to find the Goulding's, but instead we bumped into Y/n.

"Y/n," Draco spoke softly. "I'm sorry I snapped yesterday, and I'll explain everything when I can."

"Why not now?" Y/n asked. "Draco, we are the winged club. You, me, and Prue."

Y/n sighed softly, not making eye contact, and walked away. Draco watched as she walked way around the corner.

Draco's POV

A pain filled my chest. All I could think about was losing her. I need to find the Goulding's, but first I need to talk to Y/n I don't care what they say. I went after her but hid upon her running into Potter. Prue hid beside me as we ease dropped.

"Oh I'm sorry. Are you ok?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine.." Y/n answered quietly. "Why the sudden change?"

"Well, let just say one of your Slytherin friends talked to me about wanting to prove that you guys weren't all bad," Harry explained.

It grew quiet until Y/n replied.

"You were talking to Prue?"

I glanced at Prue to see her looking downwards.

"That's her name," the mud blood replied.

"Huh...well guy, it was nice to talk to you without snapping, but I need to go," Y/n replied.

I heard her walking away and Harry and his group walked by the hallway Prue and I were in.

"We are going to get to the bottom of this," I spoke.

She sighed and nodded. We both made our way to our next class, with the Goulding's. I need to talk to them.

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