Chapter 11 - A Week With Malfoy Part 2

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Draco walked back to Y/n room on the fourth day, despite what she told him. Quietly and swiftly he slipped back into her room, but she wasn't there. Searching threw the room and found nothing. Sighing, about to leave, foot steps were heard. 

Draco's POV

Once I heard the foot steps I hid in the closet and peeped threw the door at waited for them to past. The only thing is that they didn't past by, they entered the room. It was Y/n and Mrs. and Mr. Cutler. They didn't seem to happy, but what I saw in Y/n eyes was fear and pain. What did the mudblood do? I watched quietly and as they yelled at her.


"Yes sir," Y/n whispered out.

With that they left, slamming to the door. The mudblood sighed and sat on her bed and grabbed her guitar. 

Once she finished she sat the guitar down and sighed. I stepped out and once she say me she face angered. 

"Get out Malfoy. I'm already in enough trouble," Y/n snapped.

"Now, Now Mudblood," I smirked. "I want you to answer my questions, and I'll leave."

Y/n glared at me before nodding.

"One, what was your punishment exactly?" I asked. 

Y/n paled slightly and shook. I glared at her slightly. 

"T-the Cruciatus Curse..." Y/n trailed off. 

I nodded.

"Why where you punished?" I asked.

"I was almost caught by your parents."

I nodded once again.

"I told you what you wanted to know. Now leave," Y/n snapped.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the door, but when I whet to open it...The nob wouldn't turn. I was locked in.

"Mudblood. It seems like I'm locked in here," I groaned slightly turning towards her.

Y/n eyes widened slightly.

"Do you have your wand?" Y/n asked.

I check all my pockets and nodded my head side to side. Y/n sighed and walked over to her window and opened it.

"Well Malfoy, it looks like your going to have to climb down," Y/n smirked and handed me a rope of tied cloth. "I'll make sure you don't fall...well not to your death that is."

I glared at her slightly wrapping the rope around my waist tightly as she held the other end. I grumbled slightly and went out the window. When I was close to the bottom I fell landing on my rear side. I glared up and saw Y/n laughing. I rolled my eyes taking the rope off and walked away. Damn Mudblood.

~Time skip - Last day~

I made sure everything was packed as my parents said there good byes. Well I will be honest, I'm going to miss this place. It's a nice place and my manor dose tend to get old. Well, time to go home.


I watched as the Malfoy's left out the door. Well now that there gone, chores are calling...ugh. I think I like it better when their here...Oh well, lets get to work.

<A/n> Short I know...sorry for my absents... 

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