Chapter 5

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 Saturday all your classes were done for the day you want to go see Draco yeah open his door you saying Astoria they making out you saw the yellow Draco  You grabbed it Astoria by the hair you started to after you got done being your help can you start the yellow Draco you cheating on me with your ex I fucking seriously he's a fucking hate you don't ever talk to me again he started to cry you have gone up to him and slap them You said to delete my number U walked away out his room you were looking for Tia or Hermione You found Hermione you saw the cry I'm a take me to the Gryffindor common room you said OK Room you still have to cry like Draco is cheating on me what is the ex-girlfriend I fucking hate him I don't wanna talk to him again to sleep with his best friend I'm about to sleep  withzabini do you, girl, can you tell her by you were looking for zabini how do you find him you start to flirt with him hi handsome thank you y/n he was like no problem you got on top of him he started to make You seen Draco's face he was so  mad. today is Wednesday you woke up you got ready for class is the say I want to braid You asked Tia did you want me to do your haiYou asked Tia did you want me to do your hair she was like can you braid it he's like OK I wanna crawl away braidsHe's like OK so how you bring your hair MP beads in my hair OK I'm a do your hair today I'm doing my hair tomorrow cause I still have to do my sister's hair all right I think I'm gonna finish the studying you start to do her hair it took you one hour is finally finish you gave her her bonnet she took a shower today I was gonna watch a movie that's almost a conjuring yeah I got your snakes and I watched a movie till they're flipping your bed, U Leto, computer and a nightstand by your bed do you want to sleep too ThursdayYou both got up and started the dresser school she started to do her ages my gosh you look for a last-minute wig you found one that you liked it was pink he's got a pink outfit today into what for Violet but it's light pink you got your backpack and you  wandsDo you got her backpack and the wands and she started because she was on a new picture shoes on too Yeah I got ready to leave using your sources at the you seen your sister said the door yesterday to go to breakfast. You and Tia said downThat's not finished done eating breakfast each I want to class is finally done for the day  what's a Ravenclaw common room to do your sister's hair do you like on violets door she said come here you should she showed you the picture you said OK I can do that it took you three hours do you to Brittany song it took you two hours to do her hairy  go to Ashley's hair it took you one hour you finally started to braid your hair you got done at 11 o'clock you watched your face you took a quick shower to put pajamas on.  outfit
Your outfit

Pink wig

Tia outfit

Tai Hair

Ashley hair

Britain's hair

Violet hair

Your hair

You gotta pay for this

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