Basilisk's Venom [BOOK 2]

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Fun fact about the Chamber of Secrets, when I was a kid, it was my least favourite film and book. I always remembered thinking, "Gods- I literally hate the colour of this film."

I mean, that really should have been a very early indicator that film and cinema was the way to go for me. Still to this day, I harbour a very passive response whenever I watch the film. 

The only thing that keeps me going is watching the actors literally as babies. They're adorable, the lot of 'em.

Oh that, and I like Draco in the film.

He's honestly such a little bitch- I fucking love him. 


Same as usual, I'm just rewriting this fic the same as it used to be. I'll probably edit a few things and change some stuff but we're working along the same guidelines honestly. 

Hopefully, I won't read this in ten years time and cringe. 

If so, I fucking DARE future me to try and re-rewrite this series again. Future Tommy can honestly go and suck it! 

For anyone that's new here, hey! I'm Tommy, I really like Harry Potter and writing Draco Malfoy redemption fics because fanon Draco is a mood. Canon Draco is a little bitch and I too, would deck him like Hermione did in Third Year... what a woman. 

This is book 2 of my Draco Malfoy series. 

Here's the order, in case you get confused:

1. Draco Malfoy and the Subconscious Conscious

2. Draco Malfoy and the Basilisk's Venom

3. Draco Malfoy and the Marauder's Reunion

4. Draco Malfoy and the First Life

5. Draco Malfoy and the Killing Curse

6. Draco Malfoy and the Truth Comes Out


7. Draco Malfoy and Finally... it's the End

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