Salty tears

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"James, this isn't working out, we're not working out."

"Fine! Leave me! Fucking leave me, Regulus. Run off to Voldemort or whatever you're going to do! Can't believe I trusted you, you . . . You dirty little death eater."

Regulus entered the cave with James' hurt voice still ringing in his ears. Of course it wasn't true. Being with James made him more happy than he could ever wish to be. James was the light and the calm in his fucked up life and he'd never do anything to hurt him. Regulus loved James with every fiber of his being. That's why he broke up with him. He didn't expect to make it out of this and he certainly didn't want James waiting eternity for him.

Regulus looked out to the great blue sky, crying. "If I survive, I'm coming home to you. If not, I'll love you even after my breathing stops. I'm so fucking sorry, James Potter."

He would end up drowning but in the confusion of it all, Regulus imagined James wrapping him in his arms, his warm and loving arms.

He would die, thinking of the best man he knew.
His greatest love.

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