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//two for dv. Was gonna post this to TikTok but uh... Yeah. It's very briefly mentioned but still there so just read with caution ❤️

and what if I told you Sirius' first queer relationship wasn't healthy. his first queer kiss was with James, someone he already knew, loved and trusted. that was at 13 years old. he'd kissed girls then too during party games and stuff but didn't really start dating until 14. he'd dated Mary MacDonald, Emma Vanity, Emmeline Vance and plenty of other girls. But he'd found a muggle boyfriend while home (Grimmauld) for Christmas.

they'd all gone to Diagon Alley for Christmas shopping and Sirius slunk away into the muggle shops not too far from Diagon Alley. There was a tall handsome stranger smoking cigarettes. The same brand Remus brought to school at the start of term and at the time, Sirius couldn't put his finger on why the scent drew him in. The stranger had scars but they weren't as beautiful as he thought Remus' were. oh, no no. These scars were clearly from street fights which made sense as he looked the type. Muscles, mean face, thick boots made for stomping on people. This guy could end Sirius in 3 seconds flat. That was one thing he was sure of. His eyes were brown as was his hair, slicked back.

Sirius swallowed and walked up to the man, clearing his throat. "May I have a fag?"

"hm?" The man stared Sirius down, making the teen feel as if he was staring into his soul. after a few minutes, the man smirked and lit a cigarette, handing it to Sirius who immediately took a hit. He clearly surprised the man when he didn't cough but he'd gotten used to it, chain-smoking with Remus. "So, sonny, what's your name?"


"Just Sirius?" the man inquired, raising an eyebrow.
"perhaps you'll get my last name if I get to know you." He had no intention of giving his last name but there's no harm in a bit of flirting. "You can start with your name." he gave his best innocent look which probably didn't pair well with how skilled he was at smoking as a young teen.

"Liam. Where abouts you from, Sirius?" Liam continued to watch him with a smirk and it was making Sirius' legs buckle a bit.

"London. well, France, really. But I've lived in London most my life."

"No shit? I haven't seen you around before."
"Well I go to boarding school in Scotland so.... just here on holiday."

"boarding school in Scotland." Liam echoed. "You're one of them rich kids then?"

Sirius groaned and slumped against the wall. "By blood, yes. I suppose. But I detest it. Family stuff and I'd rather not weigh you down with it. Not someone as handsome as you."

Liam's smirk grew wider. "Handsome? I'm flattered, Sirius." He'd moved to stand in front of Sirius and put one hand on the wall above his head, his other hand grabbing Sirius' jaw. The boy sucked in a breath. Liam's hands were rough but felt surprisingly good. Then Liam kissed him and Sirius had to cling on so he didn't fall. A part of him will always hate how touch starved he is because something so simple can melt him completely even with the wrong person.

Liam was nice enough in the beginning. Sirius met up with him in the same spot everyday for the rest of Christmas holiday and back at school, he never really told anyone he was dating but they knew. because it wasn't like Sirius to not have a girl clinging off his arm. He sent Liam tons of letters and normal enough chocolates and zonko products and was met with the same enthusiasm. Constant talks about possibly sleeping over for the summer holiday. Sirius was giddy and eager to finish fourth year and go back to London, ignoring how James teased him about finding a nice muggle girl. He still hadn't really come out and they never talked about the kiss.

The first few weeks of summer were amazing. He'd sneak out of Grimmauld when everyone else was asleep and come back by 6 am with the excuse of going on a walk. It felt so nice to sleep next to someone and Liam's strong arms made him feel secure. But then he'd notice little things. Like if Sirius was a second late getting to him, he'd be pissed and Sirius would apologize and do loads of acts of service for him. It didn't dawn then that wasn't normal behavior. And it would only progress.

Liam would be a little more aggressive than Sirius was ever okay with but in fear of pushing him away, he didn't say anything. Just learned how to use makeup to conceal bruises and finger marks on his neck.

One morning, Liam refused to let Sirius go even though Sirius warned him his mother would come and get him. And she did. That was the one and only time Sirius was grateful to have a homophobic mother.

Walburga dragging Sirius home and he was punished for "being gay" and Sirius was so fucking relieved to be home for once. Regulus might have noticed the bruises once or twice but never said anything and Sirius was grateful for that too.

He'd fallen for Remus by fifth year and got together with him the summer after and never mentioned Liam to anyone else.

Sirius did run into him once 20 years later while doing some errands with Remus. Of course as padfoot but he could've sworn the man recognized him even then and his heart dropped, throwing him into a sprint that had Remus chasing after him, confused.

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net
