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Ryan Reynolds- Jim Owens(Tylie's dad)
Scarlett Johansson- Naomi Owens(Tylie's mom)

I didn't stop running until I was gasping to draw in a breath and it hurt for my lungs to expand and let air through the narrow passageway.

A slight burn still spread across my cheek, but it didn't faze me as the mild summer wind whipped past my face. The fact that my mother could do that to me and be so cruel for no good reason was beyond me. I knew I made her angry at times and annoyed her, but I never thought she would ever lay a hand on me. She didn't care about me or my health or anything at all. All she cared about was publicity and keeping a good name for herself. That thought welled up fresh tears in my eyes, and I pushed my legs harder, not caring if I collapsed from a heart attack.

My father was completely oblivious to the fact that something was terribly wrong in the city. This wasn't the first time something like this had happened so suddenly and for no apparent reason. Why he wasn't doing something about it was a mystery to me. Why didn't the stubborn man listen to me? Was he afraid that I was right? Something was obviously horribly wrong, but they were too selfish to see it. Val was still missing in action and that terrified me to a whole new extent. But my father hadn't even given it a second thought. Jim Owens dismissed a missing person as if it didn't matter. He could've sent out a search group, anything. Yet he played it off as a mere coincidence, that these kind of things happen all the time. If any thing had happened to Valie, I think I would lose my mind. First my brother.

Stop thinking about him.

Sometimes I liked to play with the thought that maybe he wasn't actually gone. I was still holding out a small sliver of hope that he might come home, and that was what was killing me and making my visions even worse. That small fraction piece that maybe he would come back some day was tearing me apart each and every day that he didn't come back. But at the same time, it kept me going at the thought that maybe he was still fighting my monsters for me. I didn't want to be in a nut house if my brother ever were to return, or in the ground for that matter. I had to stay strong, for him.

Even if he was never coming back.

They didn't find any bodies when my brothers station blew up, right here in Washington. It was like they all had just vanished into thin air, and the people blew up a barren land. But my dad told me it was so bad, it obliterated everything. And disintegrated everything into nothing but dust. It was a horrible thing to learn, but it was better to know that than to hold on too much hope. No bones were even found, so could they have gotten away somehow? Or were all the remains just completely incinerated into various pieces of ash and dust?

Rumors had been flown around that they were hiding underneath the city away from the people who tried to kill them, but I was forced to close my ears when someone tried to speak about it. Still I heard things about the underground Gang. Some even believed they were forming a whole new world right beneath us. But that was preposterous, even I had to admit. People creating a new world beneath our feet? Not possible. The idea was incredibly insane, and eventually people came to understand that. Even though there had always been a group that still believed it. Conspiracies of these things weren't uncommon here. Sometimes it scared me how far people's minds would go to console themselves.

Eventually, I made my way to the luscious garden in front of the house. I knew I could never make it past the gates this late at night, especially after what happened today. But I didn't want to leave these gates, because last time I did something horrible happened to me. Something that I'd have to live with the rest of my life because I made an awful decision.

The garden was a beautiful maze filled with all kinds of lush flowers and plants. Our maid, Laia, kept the garden and the house in tip top shape. Laia was also a very nice girl, and my mother was far too cruel to her just how she was to everyone else behind the cameras. Sometimes I wondered why my father ever married her. Shivers raked down my back. My mother. Mindlessly, my fingers twirled the beautiful flowers stems around until they snapped in half between my fingers. Funny, it seemed like the world was trying to twirl me until I snapped between its fingers.

A crack of a stick snapped my attention towards the dark hole in the opening a couple feet away. Footsteps treaded so lightly I thought I just conjured up the sound of the twig snapping until the moonlight slowly showed me the thing that had caught my attention. Or should I say the person. The moonlight lit up his fair skin, and made those eyes sparkle mysteriously like he was a beautiful wolf luring me to my death. A gasp fell from my mouth as I realized the night cloaked around him made him look like a dark angel.

"Mr. Horan?" I whispered, still not believing what I was seeing. Did he follow me out here, and if he did, why? Could he not tell that I wanted to be by myself? I was a complete wreck, and I still hasn't managed to clean the grime and ash from me today.

He stepped out from the underbrush pushing a stray weed out of his face and over his head and came to take a seat beside me on the concrete bench with cherub angels carved into it. Cautiously, his eyes swept over to me, and then he focused back onto the moon in front of us. "It's Niall," he mumbled, anger slightly tinting his words. Furiously I scrubbed my hands over my eyes, wiping the hurt tears from my face.

"Just leave, I can't take your undeserved anger. Not tonight," I stated harshly, letting my face fall into my hands. He shifted beside me, uncomfortable. "I was just going to see if you were okay, after today," he told me, sounding forced and unnatural. Niall avoided to apologize to me about his snarky behavior, but he managed to ask how I was. Guess that had to count for something, right?

"You don't freaking care, so why bother?," I spit angrily, pulling my head up to glare at him. Truth was, I was so drained after today and just wanted to run far away from this hellhole. I was hurt and mainly I was numb. A mind blowing numbness had set into my body the moment my mother slapped me. Because I thought through her tough facade, she might actually care about me and love me. Apparently I thought wrong, and that made another sob rise in my throat that I masked with a guttural cough.

"You're right, I don't care, I was just trying to be nice," he said lifelessly, twitching a little bit with nervousness. I was a little hurt by his statement but at least he was being honest. What really puzzled me was that he didn't have anything to be nervous about. Did he? He fidgeted around in his seat, obviously feeling uncomfortable but I just imagined that was because he was trying to be decent for once. I scrunched my eyes at him, scrutinizing his every move. Why was he acting like that? Everytime I saw him, he was either angry or a unprofessional professional.

"Are you nervous about something," I ventured, hoping he wouldn't blow up on me because I was literally one word away from choking him. That was the last thing that I needed tonight. In a matter of a second his whole body became ridged, and he whipped towards me wildly. I cringed back a little, because he looked like a mad man. Those blue eyes seemed to be tinged in black, and rage rolled off of him in waves. Why did it seem like an act though?

"How many times do I have to tell you my life is none of your business," he spat. Great, here we go again. Niall's fists were clenched tightly together, slightly shaking with anger. My anger finally decided to appear fully, and I shot out of my seat like someone lit dynamite beneath me.

"Well mine isn't any of yours either! You don't have to be such a dick about every little thing! I know you might not have feelings but I do, you jerk!," I screamed, throwing my hands in the air. "Why would you even try to talk to me about today? Obviously it blew balls!" I yelled, wanting the whole world to know just how much I hated Niall Horan. He also shot up, towering over me like the mighty hulk except he was red not green. I slightly shrunk back, intimidated by his height but still trying to keep a strong stance.

"You're just being a child," he spat back at me, stepping closer into my bubble. This close proximity slightly hazed my mind, pushing at buttons I didn't even know I had. Up close, I could see just how plump his lips were, and how the anger tinted his cheeks the color of ruby red lipstick. Even though his eyes stared hatefully down at me, I couldn't stop staring at them in disbelief at the angry boy standing above me. My eyes shot back and forth between his eyes, and I saw him suck in a harsh breath. What had made him this angry and hateful?

Somehow, I had gravitated towards him, like the world had pushed me foward into his grasp despite my silent protest. A tense stance settled into him as he stared back down at me, drawing me into his gravity with his gaze. He was no longer angry surprisingly, but rather curious. Niall's eyebrows scrunched together, trying to understand what was happening just like I was. Stop Tylie, my mind seemed to scream, What are you doing? Get a hold of yourself!

But I felt my eyes drifting closed, and saw his slightly shutting. Warning sirens blared in my skull, but it was like I didn't have control of my own limbs. Everything in me was trying to hold back. This was wrong, so terribly wrong. But it was like the world had two hands on my back, pushing me straight into obvious danger. Just as I felt his breath tickle my face, and his lips graze mine as I roughly pushed his body away from me, a huge explosion filled my peripheral vision.

Quickly, I ripped my body away from him fully, and I took in the blazing sight in front of me. There, right in front of me, was the White House going up in harsh red flames. My home was now being burned to the ground right in front of my eyes taking all the memories, good and bad, with it.

My parents.

Before my mind could process anything else, I took off towards the towering flames. True, I was incredibly mad at them, but they were still my parents and I didn't want them dead. Bricks crumbled down, jarring the ground when it impacted it which made me lose my balance. Rain made of flames sprinkled above it, and I knew I had to get over there right now but my feet seemed like they couldn't go any faster.

Right as I made it to the front door, I was ripped back into a solid chest that brought back flashbacks of that night in the alley behind the bar. "No! Let me go!" I thrashed against the constrictions, but they weren't budging. "Dad! Mom!" I cried, more angry and scared tears welling up into my dusty eyes. Relentlessly, I tried to break away from the person who was holding me captive. They weren't doing anything to hurt me, just holding me there and letting me watch it burn to the ground which was worse to me. More tears welled up in my eyes as I watched my childhood home get swallowed by the ominous flames, quite possibly encasing my parents in it. No! I couldn't lose everyone in my life.

Somehow I managed to kick my foot into the person's groin. Right when their grip slackened, I barreled forward with all of 130 pounds of my body. My feet carried me towards the smokey door, but I was halted by a great pillar crashing down right beside me. It was like I was in slow motion, stuck in a black hole just watching the mesmerizing monstrosity coming towards me. One second I was standing there about to get crushed by a giant flaming pillar,
then the next second all the air was knocked from my lungs, and I was on the ground.

Black cloth filled my vision, and was pressed to my mouth. An acidic taste filled my mouth as I tried to spit whatever it was out. I screamed through the cloth, I bit, I kicked. But nothing was working, I was absolutely vulnerable. Rational thoughts started to slip from my hazy mind, and I slowly stopped moving and fighting. My limbs became far too heavy for me to lift. A haziness settled into my brain, and my vision started to become blurry from tears and tiredness. Through the tears, my eyes managed to catch blue ones staring down at me. With the last ounce of will and strength I had I lifted my arm up, painstakingly slow and energy draining, and I managed to raise a shaky middle finger to whoever it was.

Then everything went black.

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