Chapter 7

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A/N God its been a while hasn't it. Well, let's do this. *flicks shades on and finger guns*

Y/N's pov

I open my eyes, my vision kind of fuzzy. As my vision gets stronger I check out my surroundings. I seem to be in an unfamiliar apartment. I roll over and fall off the couch. Douxie opens his eyes,
"You alright hun?"
"Hmm, oh, yeh.." I reply. "Is it just me who doesn't remember anything?"
"No.. I vaguely remember coming home after the dinner. We bought some drinks from a stall then watched a movie at my place."
"I can remember the stall.. Why did we buy drinks from there. The stall was black!?" I announce, face palming myself. Douxie slides down next to me and pulls me into his chest. He smells of apple and cinnamon. I wrap my arms around him and sigh lightly.
"My head hurts. Could there have been something in the drink?" I contemplate the possibilities in my head. Its the only one that makes sense.
"Maybe." He taps my head and does the same to himself, muttering under his breath. My memories come flooding back to me all at once. I scream, silently, my head pounding, the pain even worse than before. I look to Douxie but his eyes are closed, a grimace on his face. I try to fight the pain as I am brought back to last night.


We arrive at Douxie's house, drink in hand. We've already finished the drinks and we drop the cups in the bin as we head for the couch. Douxie picks a romance movie, my choice would've been horror, obviously. We cuddle up on the couch. Half way through the movie, I yawn. Douxie chuckles and I shift my head to look up at him.
"Tired?" he laughs.
"Mhm.." I reply. Our eyes lock and he moves toward me.

End of flashback

"WE KISSED!?" me and Douxie shout in unison. We look to each other, both of our faces flushed.

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