"I might've been drunk last night, but I realized you went missing. For a while. So where did you go for so long?"
The next morning after Reece's album release party, we were taking a drive to go handle our business with Vogue. I might've been super fucked up last night, but I know when my girl goes missing.
"Can you just chill? You always just go straight to acting crazy."
"How am I acting crazy?! Because I wanna know where my girlfriend disappeared to?! It's a simple question, Harley. Where did you go for so long?"
"I bumped into an old friend, and we were catching up. Aight? Is that what you wanted to hear?"
"What friend and why is it so secretive?"
Rollie?! As in her whole ass ex girlfriend?! Is she kidding me?!
"Harley Alexis Parrish... I just KNOW you're fucking with me right now."
"See, this is why I didn't tell you. You always just be acting —"
"Don't you dare say that I'm acting crazy! How do you expect me to react?! That's not your friend, that's your whole ex girlfriend! Someone you were fucking and told I love you before me! If that was me, you would've reacted the same way!"
"We didn't end on bad terms, we were always friends —"
"I don't give five flying fucks, Harley! This is someone you had deep feelings for, were fucking everyday at one point! And you did it behind my back, while I was fucking drunk! Are you fucking kidding me?!"
At this point, I was beyond fucking curious. I have no clue why Harley thought that this was okay to do. This shit threw off my whole vibe, I didn't even wanna do the Vogue stuff with her anymore.
"I'm sorry, Ahna. I guess that's all I can say right now since you won't let go of it either way."
"You're damn fucking right I'm not gonna get over it! You're lucky we're getting paid for this, because if we weren't, I would just say fuck it and leave!"
The car stopped, so I got out of it and slammed the door, walking away from Harley as quick as I could. I could tell by her rapid footsteps that she was trying to catch up, but I ran into the building so she was farther behind.
When I entered the building, there was Lemmy and Raven waiting for both of us. They were confused when they only seen me and not Harley.
"Where's Harley?"
"She's on her way in now. Can we just please get to my makeup so we can get started with everything?"
"Yeah, of course. Is everything okay?"
"Everything is fine. She's just running slow as always."
After the photo shoot is when they sat us down for the interview portion.
"Baby, look, I'm sorry..."
Harley whispered when we were sitting down, waiting for the interview. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
"I don't wanna hear shit, Harley. Leave me alone right now. Let's just get this over and done so we can leave."
"You know I only want you. I'm completely over Rollie, and any other bitch I had in my past."
"I don't care. You should've thought about that before you snuck out the party with her."
"Good afternoon, you two! My name is Michelle, and I'll be interviewing you guys for the this month's issue of Vogue. Are we ready?"
"Hi! Of course we are! Thank you for having us."
I smiled with a response. Harley nodded with a slight smile. Michael nodded and gave us a bright smile.
"Okay, great! The first thing everyone wants to know is; what's the main ingredient to a long lasting relationship in Hollywood like yours? It seems like you guys are never on bad terms, no break ups, nothing. You've been solid for four years. So what is it?"
"I would say communication and understanding are the main two things. Being so famous and having so many people around you and in your ear, it's important that you just keep honest communication with each other, as well as certain understandings. You never want to have a huge misunderstanding, because then it can spread around and become a believable rumor."
Harley explained. I nodded in agreement as Michael was writing down the notes. I gave Harley a quick annoyed glare before Michael looked back up.
"That's a great answer. If you could pick one thing about each other that you love the most, and one thing that you dislike the most, what would they be?"
"I love that Ahna is such a big hearted person. Like, she'll do anything to make sure everyone around her is okay. I dislike her temper sometimes. Even though she seems like this calm, tiny girl, she's Puerto Rican. Many of us know how Puerto Rican temper can be."
Damn. She's really trying to throw some shade right now? Aight, bet.
"Oh, please. Something I love about Harley is the way she loves me and supports my dreams. No matter what she's doing, she'll stop just to come and support me. I've never had that before. Something that I dislike? There's a few things. But for the sake of this interview, I won't name any."
I laughed. I knew that pissed Harley off, because she rolled her eyes at me deeply as Michael started writing stuff down again.
Aha, got your foolish ass there.
"That's funny. Harley, what's your favorite song so far that you wrote about Ahna? And Ahna, what's your favorite song from Harley that she had written about you so far?"
"I think my favorite song by Double Trouble that was about me is Vibe Check. That song stays on my everyday playlist."
"My favorite song would have to be probably Forever. That was one of the first songs I wrote about her when we first got together."
The interview went on for what seemed like decades. I just couldn't wait for it to be over so I can get away from Harley. At least just for a few.
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