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"She actually agreed to come over today? I didn't think she actually would."

Scotty said after I told her about the phone call with Harley two days ago. I didn't think she was going to meet up with me either, but she actually did.

Once Chris seen that I wasn't trying to be in a full on relationship with him, he cut me off and told me he didn't want nothing to do with our unborn child. Even told me to abort it.

I should've never even made that dumbass fucking mistake of even sleeping with him in the first place just because I was upset with Harley. Now I'm stuck with a baby that I'm probably going to have no help with.

"I didn't think she would either. Do you think she'll give me a second shot at trying to be with her?"

"Are her and Ahna still even together? I haven't seen them publicly together in a while."

"I have no clue. I didn't care to ask, Ahna is none of my business."

"She is though if she's with the girl you're trying to be with. You have to figure out how to get her completely out of Harley's life."

Later on that night, I heard a ring at my doorbell around twelve o'clock midnight. I was starting to think that Harley played me, and she wasn't going to show up.

Right when I opened up the door, I seen Harley standing there with a huge teddy bear and a bouquet of pink roses.

"Harley, you didn't have to. Are these really for me?"

"We might not be on the best of terms, but I wasn't just going to show up at your doorstep empty handed, knowing the situation you're in. How are you feeling?"

Harley stepped all the way into my house and placed everything on the couch. I closed the door and sighed, sitting down on the couch next to her gifts.

"Stressing. I'm a slight bit better now that you showed up."

"Try not to stress too much, it's bad for the baby. Wassup? You wanted to see me so badly."

Harley took the empty space next to me and sat down. I looked down at my feet, then back up into Harley's eyes.

"This was the worst mistake I could've ever made. I wish I could take it back. I just hate the fact that you're either Ahna, and not me. Don't you see that I'm a better fit for you?"

"Let's not forget; you're the one who literally blocked me out for two whole weeks. I only knew what was going on because I seen paparazzi photos and articles. I was trying to explain to you, but you didn't want to hear it."

"I don't understand. Don't you like me and want to get to know me more?"

"I do, Sehki."

"So why do you continue to stay with Ahna, knowing how we feel about each other? This could turn into the love that you've always been looking for."

"With another person's baby on the way? Latifa, I wasn't planing on being a parent to a child anytime soon. How are we supposed to work out if you're going to be a mother? You're constantly going to be busy, I'm busy on the road all of the time. I'm going to have to step up and be a step parent if we get together, all because a bum ass nigga don't want nothing to do with his kid."

"You can't just give up on me like this, Harley. There's so much more about myself that I want to show you. This can't be the end of a story that hasn't even started yet."

"You're lucky I'm even having a conversation with you right now, Latifa. The moment that I seen you with Chris Brown, I could've just kept it moving. But no, instead, I had you on my mind for three months straight, just hoping you would leave him alone. Wishing that was my child you would be pregnant with one day. All because you were upset that Ahna showed up at a damn Christmas concert, which I didn't know she was even coming."

"We can't at least try to work this out? At least just vibe out again as friends until we can get ourselves back on track?"

"Friends? I can deal with that. We can start from there and see where it goes. It's late, I wanna get some rest. I have another promotional event tomorrow for my album."

"You don't wanna get your rest here? You can take the couch —"

"All of my stuff is at the hotel. I gotta get back. We'll keep in touch. Try not to stress, and take care of yourself."

"Okay... I'll see you later..."

I slightly smiled and hugged Harley around her neck as she held me around my waist. I felt her lips go up against my ear as she started to whisper something.

"You're still the most beautiful girl that I've ever laid eyes on. Don't you ever forget that."

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