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"Harley, Kam, I missed you so much!"

Gianna came running to us as we were backstage getting ready for the concert. It started in another thirty minutes, and she just got here with our parents.

"We missed you more, baby! How have you been?"

Kameron questioned Gianna as she hugged her tightly. Gianna smiled brightly and kissed Kameron on the cheek, hugging her around her neck.

"I've been good, I just missed you guys!"

"We missed you way more! I'm so glad you're here with mom and dad."

I exclaimed as I took Gianna from Kameron's arms. Gianna then wrapped both her arms around my neck and started kissing me all over my cheeks. I don't care what anyone says; Gianna's favorite sister is definitely me.

"Look at you two; shinning and grinding! It's so nice to see my babies again."

Our dad came backstage and hugged us both as well as kissing us on the foreheads. Then our mom suddenly came backstage.

"You should see that place out there, it's jam packed! I know you guys are superstars, but I don't ever think I'll get used to you being as famous as you guys are."

She chuckled and kissed our cheeks. Suddenly, Raven came backstage. She had a serious look on her face, which made me nervous because she doesn't just walk around looking like that.

"Now that you're both here as well as your family, I have to talk to you guys about something very important. Well, two things."

"What is it?"

"The first is actually a surprise for you, Harley. Ahna, come on in!"

Ahna? How did she get over here? I thought she was taking two weeks to spend with her family?

Oh, fuck! What's the explanation I'm supposed to give about Tesehki?!

That's when I seen Ahna come running backstage with a huge smile on her face, running over to me as I still had Gianna in my arms.


"Hey, boo! I thought you were with your family for two weeks?"

"They understood when I told them that I wanted to spend Christmas with you and your family. I told them the next Christmas we could all come together, but I'm here! Yay!"

"Yaaay! I'm so glad I can have all my favorite people here with me this year!"

Which I am... only thing is, it's finna be hella fucking awkward this whole week...

"The next piece of news, might not be the happiest... but it's news..."

"What is it?"

Kameron questioned, now completely nervous. All of us now had complete focus on Raven. She took a breath before she began to speak.

"Tonight is going to be the last concert that Double Trouble does as a duo. I was able to get you guys out of the contact even though you had one last album to complete. I've been getting a whole bunch of calls from so many different movie directors and acting agents about Kameron. I told them that after New Years, you can start auditioning for the things they've been calling for."

"What?! That's not good news, that's awesome news! You don't know how long I've been wanting to switch over my career to acting! This is perfect! Are you still going to be my manager, though?"

"That's the thing; I specialize in music, not acting. I have a list of these new agents and managers you can contact. Here's there names and numbers. You can pick whichever one you feel is best for you."

Raven handed Kameron over a piece of paper that was a page long worth writing. Kameron took it and started to smile.

"Thank you, Raven. It's just crazy, though. I've been working with you my entire life, and now it's about to change. I just want you to know that I appreciate every single thing that you've done for me, from the bottom of my heart."

Kameron hugged onto Raven her tightest. I could see she was becoming emotional about it, her eyes started to tear up and her voice was cracking. Raven returned the hug and gave Kameron a kiss on her forehead.

"You know I'll always love you and be here for you. Anything you need, I'm only one phone call away."

"So what are you gonna do now?"

"Since I specialize in music, I'm going to continue being Harley's manager. We've had plenty of discussions in private about her becoming a solo artist, so now it's finally able to happen now that the duo is splitting apart."

Everyone then looked over at me. I didn't know what to say, I didn't know whether to be excited or careful for my choice of words.

"I'm happy that Kameron is getting into her new passion of acting, and we can still succeed. It's just after a while, we have to open up new chapters and expand our own careers the way that we want to. I'll forever be grateful for every opportunity that Double Trouble brought my way. I just can't wait to see how the next chapter in both of our lives. And I'm forever grateful of the tight bond that I have with Kameron."

"Same goes to you, Harley. Without each other, we wouldn't even be in this position to move on to our new chapters. I wish you the very best of luck in your solo career. I love you."

"You know I love you, too. I wish you the highest luck in your acting career. I'm still confused on why you never even told me you love acting."

I chuckled and dapped Kameron up. She shrugged and let out a small laugh.

"I didn't really let anyone besides Raven know."

"I guess I should've known something was up by your lack of passion for the music lately."

"Well, here's to new chapters and to Double Trouble! Let's give the crowd the best show, one they'll always remember Double Trouble as!"

Raven exclaimed. Everyone started to clap and cheer as it was time for Kameron and I to get into our positions. I put Gianna down so she can go with our parents, and Ahna followed them.

Before the curtains went up, Kameron and I then looked at each other one last time.

"I love you, Kam. Just remember that."

"I love you too, Harley. You know that."

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