17. (πŸ‘…)

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"I miss you! I can't wait to see you already!"

My youngest sister GiGi exclaimed to me over FaceTime the next morning. Reece's party last night was pretty cool, but I could've missed it if I really wanted to.

"I know, my love. I miss you more, we have a few more days until we see each other again. I promise."

"How long are you and Kam going to stay this time?"

"We're going to try to stay with you guys for a week. We also have two of our friends coming to join us this Christmas. So, it'll be fun."

"Cool! What are their names?"

"Chrisean and Tesehki. I'll see you soon though, GiGi. I gotta get going. I love you."

"I love you more, Harley!"

GiGi smiled brightly before hanging up the FaceTime call. I slipped my phone into my back pocket, making my way to one of the guest rooms where Tesehki was staying. She was finishing up some small packing.

"You almost ready?"

"Yeah, almost. Is there anything specific that I need to pack?"

"You got a bathing suit any chance?"

"Girl, it's winter time! It's freezing! Why would I have one?"

"We can stop at the store on the way to the cabin. I have a jacuzzi in the cabin, in case you wanted to get in."

"Worddd? Take me to the nearest Walmart right now then!"

About an hour later, Tesehki and I rolled up to the cabin that I owned on the other side of town.

Kameron and Chrisean were curious on why we were escaping to the cabin with just us two, but why not? We deserve to have some fun, too. Even though she's not my girlfriend.

"Why is everything that you own absolutely perfect? Like damn!"

Tesehki exclaimed excitedly as we walked through the front door. I chuckled and locked the door behind us, setting my luggage down on the couch.

"This is the life of Harley Parrish. Let me go upstairs to the bathroom, I'll be right back down."

"Okay, cool."

Tesehki smiled as she watched me go upstairs. I quickly made my way into the bathroom, closing the door and pulling out my phone to make a call to Ahna. The FaceTime picked up after two rings.

"Hi, baby! What are you up to?"

"Aye, mamΓ­. I was just calling to see what you up to. I'm over at the cabin just making sure everything is okay before I fly out to see my family."

"That's nice. I'm at home, finishing up my packing before I have my flight to catch tonight."

"How's our son River doing?"

"He's okay. He's very hyper. Now he's just chilling out while I'm packing."

Ahna chuckled and gave me a warm smile through the FaceTime. I smiled back at her and looked her up and down.

"Imma miss your sexy ass, you know that?"

"Imma miss you more. I already miss you. How long are you staying with your parents and GiGi?"

"We're aiming for a week. It's been a while since we seen them. How about you?"

"They want me to stay for two weeks. So, there's that."

"That's wassup. I'll let you get going, I know you're gonna be busy until you have to catch your flight."

"I'll talk to you soon, baby. I love you."

"I love you more, boo."

After hanging up the FaceTime call, I made my way back downstairs to see Tesehki all dressed up in her bikini.

Damn, shorty is ready to get in that jacuzzi. I never seen a female that looks that fucking good with all them damn tattoos and shit...

"You good, ma? You ready to go relax already?"

"Hell yeah! My fault, I didn't know if it was okay to get changed already."

"Nah, you good. Let me just get changed myself and I'll take you to the jacuzzi."

It took about two minutes for me to get changed until I made my way back to Tesehki. I decided to go over to the fridge to get us a bottle of champagne to help us relax more. Then I guided her to where the jacuzzi was.

"Is Harley Parrish tryna get me lit or what?"

Tesehki jokingly questioned me as she slowly slipped into the jacuzzi. The view was more than relaxing; watching the beautiful snow fall. I popped open the champagne and poured some into glasses for us.

"Nah. Just tryna give a more relaxing vibe for us, is all. The view tops the vibes all the way."

"I know right! Never did I think I would be in a jacuzzi in the middle of winter, drinking champagne and watching the snow fall. Thank you."

Tesehki chuckled and took her glass of champagne, taking a sip of it. I chuckled and slipped my way into the jacuzzi across from her, nodding.

"No problem. What chu wanna do?"

"Can we play a game?"

"Sure. What game you tryna play?"

"Never have I ever seems like an interesting one to play. If we did what we name, you have to take a sip."

"For sure. You start with the first question."

I took a sip of my champagne. Tesehki let out a small giggle and then hesitated to ask a question.

"Hmmm.... Never have I ever cheated in a relationship."

Once Tesehki said that, we both laughed and took a sip of champagne at the same time. My eyes widened and I looked up at Tesehki.

"Word? You be out here cheating and stuff? I never woulda guessed, you seem innocent as fuck."

"It was all the way back in high school, but yes, I did. And you, Miss celebrity?"

"Aye, it's in our nature. We celebrities, I guess we're just expected to."

"Who? Ahna?"

"Nah, not Ahna. Some other girls I ain't really take seriously. It's my turn for a question. You ready?"

"I was born ready."

Tesehki smirked and slightly looked me up and down. I nodded slightly and thought of a question.

"Never have I ever wanted to have sex with someone I couldn't have?"

I raised my eyebrow as I seen Tesehki take a sip of champagne. After she swallowed, she looked at me like I was crazy.

"You're telling me that you've never wanted someone that you couldn't have sex with?"

"Nah, cause I get any girl that I want without even trying. Who's your person?"

"I shouldn't even say anything. It's useless, honestly."

"Just say it. How bad can it be?"

"Because the person is already in a relationship, and I don't think they would feel the same about me."

"How you know though if you don't even try?"

I put my glass of champagne down and started getting closer to Tesehki. I could tell she was growing nervous as I got closer.

"This person could have any girl in the world that they want. I'm sure there's girls that are way prettier with way more money."

"Prettier? I think you're one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen."

"You think so?"

"You clearly haven't seen yourself in the mirror lately. Have you?"

I bit my lip and got even closer to Tesehki, causing our faces to be two inches apart. She then looked me up and down with a small smile.

"You're such a flirt. Ahna is so lucky to have you, I bet you be sweeping her off her feet all the time."

"You finna let me sweep you off yours next, ma?"

"What chu mean by that, Harley?"

"Let me show you."

I smirked and crashed me and Tesehki's lips together. She moaned slightly in my mouth as my hands slipped down to her ass, squeezing it with a smirk.

"Harley, quit playing with me. Stop teasing me, you know you don't want me. You're in a relationship β€”"

"Let me show you what I can do with allat. I promise you, you won't be disappointed."

I began kissing on Tesehki's neck while she started to throw her head back. She then wrapped her arms around my neck as I was buried into her neck.

"Harley, please..."

"What chu still doing in this damn bathing suit? Take it off."

"Take it off for me, daddy..."

Tesehki moaned out, spreading her legs while they were still in the water. I can't even lie, that shit turned me the fuck on. I gave her another kiss on her lips before taking off her top piece. Her boobs popped out perfectly, causing me to lick my lips.

"Damn, girl.. I ain't ever been so horny over a girl I just met before..."

I started to massage her right boob while connecting my mouth to her left boob, starting to suck on her nipple.

"Fuck, Harley... that feels so good... don't stop..."

As I kept on sucking, my hand slipped down to Tesehki's pussy, starting to rub on her clit. She began moaning out louder, spreading her legs wider.

"Please stop teasing me... I want your fingers inside of me... now...."

"No need to tell me twice, baby."

I whispered seductively into Tesehki's ear as I slipped three fingers into her pussy. I could feel her walls tightening around my fingers.

"Mmmm... fuckkk, Harley... don't stop... faster, deeper!"

"You like this shit, don't you?"

"Fuck, yes! I love this shit!"

"You better."

I smirked, still fingering her and kissing all over her neck. Fingering Tesehki for five minutes straight, and I felt her warmness bust all over my fingers. I smirked as she groaned out of relief, breathing heavily.


"You enjoyed that, didn't you?"

"That's it?"

"That was just a sneak peek. Can't nobody know about this, not yet at least."

"I'm aware, Miss I can get any girl I want without trying. Wouldn't wanna your little girlfriend finding out, would you?"

"You right. Sometimes I feel like she's doing shit behind my back, too. But we love each other, we can't ever leave each other."

Tesehki then scoffed and rolled her eyes, climbing out of the jacuzzi. I climbed out after her and looked at her confused.

"What's so funny?"

"You two have a fucked up definition of loving each other. People who love each other don't do shit behind each other's backs. But, to each its own, I guess."

"It's complicated."

"You don't have to explain anything to me. I'm a girl you just met, remember?"

"I wanna get to know you more. Maybe we could be friends or some shit."

"You got me fucked up. Ain't no way I'm being just friends with someone I'm having sexual relations with."

"My shorty on the low?"

I grabbed onto Tesehki's waist and pulled her closer to me, her completely naked at this point. She rolled her eyes and playfully pushed me away from her.

"Whatever. Can I go take a shower in peace?"

"Only if I can shower with you."

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