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"Baby, do you really have to go? We had such a good night. Why can't you just stay with me foreverrrr."

Ahna whined as I was getting my clothes back on the next morning. Let's just say after the movies and hot chocolate, we made some of our own Christmas magic.

"I wish I could, babe. I gotta get back home and get some things together before I go. Just behave, tell your family I say hi, and take good care of River."

"I will to all of that. Good luck at your Christmas concert, by the way. I know you and Kameron are gonna kill it, as always. After all, that is why the duo name is Double Trouble."

"You right. We'll keep in contact, I promise. I love you, stay safe."

"You too. And I love you, too."

Ahna smiled as she hugged and kissed me. I returned the favor before grabbing my car keys and slipping on my shoes and jacket.

Pulling up to the mansion, I seen Kameron's car still parked in the driveway. I took a deep breath before walking into the front door, noticing that it was quiet throughout the rooms.

"Kam! I'm home! My fault for missing the dinner last night, you know how Ahna can get."

A few seconds later, a girl came out of the kitchen and walking up to me with a plate in her hand as she was damn near almost naked.

Now why the fuck does she think she can just walk around like that in MY crib? What if I had Ahna with me?

"Oh... you're not Kameron..."

"No, I'm not. I'm sorry I'm not dressed, I had just woken up and I'm starving. Kameron and Chrisean are still asleep, so I just wanted to come and make myself breakfast before anyone had woken up."

"Ah. You must be the sister of Chrisean. Kameron has told me a lot about you both."

"Really? My name is Tesehki. It's so nice to meet you, you probably already know that I'm a huge fan."

Tesehki held her hand out to shake mine. I slightly smiled and gently shook her hand, looking back up at her.

"Yeah. And it's nice to meet you, too. What are you making for breakfast?"

"I just wanted some eggs and some toast. Something simple. I just couldn't stay sleep anymore, I felt like I was going to puke. Do you want anything to eat?"

"Nah, I'm good. I'm about to just hit the shower so I can go downstairs into the studio to work on some more tunes."

"Oh, okay. Well I don't wanna hold you up. It was nice to finally see you."

"Yeah, you too."

The way Tesehki was walking around in her under garments, it's like she already knew I was about to be home any second. It's almost like she was begging for attention from me.

Shit's just weird...

After getting out of the shower, I heard movement come from another room. After slipping my slippers on, I had came out from the bathroom and seen both Chrisean and Kameron getting dressed.

She needs to tell her sister to put some clothes on while she's at it, too...

"Good morning, yah. Where yah headed?"

"Oh, wow. It's nice that you finally arrived! I thought I would never see you again."

Kameron joked around, playfully punching me in my shoulder. I playfully shoved her back and rolled my eyes. Chrisean laughed and then gave me a hug.

"It's nice seeing you again, Harley. Kameron was gonna take me out for some ice skating. I haven't done it in a while, so she wanted to take me today. Then after that, we might hit the mall."

"Ah, that's nice. I hope yah have fun. Is your sister going?"

"Sehki's staying here for the day. She's been under the weather a lot since her breakup with her ex girlfriend Devon. I hope that's okay with you. She shouldn't bother you, she's very to herself anyways."

You sure about that? Cause shorty was just walking around my whole mansion basically almost naked, and she don't even know me....

"That's fine with me. I'll be down in the studio working on some more music anyways. I usually be down there for hours at a time."

"Okay, good."

Chrisean and I exchanged smiles. Kameron started to smile as well, grabbing her jacket and keys.

"We'll be back later on. Have fun with the studio."

"Bet. You two have fun ice skating. Don't bust your asses too much."

Shortly after Chrisean and Kameron left, I went down to the kitchen to make me something to eat. Louis had went on vacation because of the holiday time, so we're on our own until after New Years.

While making myself some breakfast, I heard footsteps coming from down the stairs. A few seconds later, there was Tesehki. She was dressed this time, but once again, basically half naked.

Does this girl ever wear clothes? I think Ahna wears more clothes than her, and Ahna is a model. I can't lie though, she has a fat ass...

"Hi, again."

"Hey. I was surprised when Chrisean told me you weren't going with them to ice skate. That seems pretty fun."

"It's not really my thing, never has been. Plus, they haven't seen each other in a while so I wanted them to have their own date."

"Makes sense. You seem like you're all dressed up, where you headed to? You ain't finna be too cold or whatever? It's literally winter and snowing outside."

"I'm not going out. This is just my typical around the house clothing. Is it too much?"

"You're a grown ass woman, you can wear whatever you want."

I chuckled as I moved my eggs around on the pan. Tesehki chuckled then took a seat at the kitchen table.

"I could've made you something. Why didn't you tell me when I was down here making my own breakfast?"

"I just started getting hungry now. I appreciate it, though."

"You're welcome."

"You've met Reece Brown, right?"

"Oh, yeah. She joined the three of us for that one dinner we had when you couldn't make it. She has like the biggest crush on me. Why?"

"Nah, I was just trying to see if you remembered. Reece sure does. She's always talking about how sexy you are, and how she wants a chance."

"That's nice of her, but she really isn't my type. Plus, I just got out of a six year relationship two to three weeks ago. I'll be surprised if I date again within the next six months."

"I understand that. I wouldn't wanna date for a while either if I had broken up with Ahna. But, you're a very pretty girl. I think anyone would love to be with you just by the way you look. So I can only imagine your personality, it's probably dope. Just keep your heart open. Not everyone is like your ex."

I turned the stove off and then poured the eggs onto a plate. I then seen Tesehki crack a small smile, looking back up at me.

"Thank you, Harley. You know, you and Kameron are about the nicest celebrities I've ever met. Usually they're so cocky and full of themselves."

"Thank you. I guess we just know how to keep ourselves humbled. It's nice to have people around you who aren't famous. It makes me feel normal, at least just for a little bit."

"Really? What do you mean?"

"Everything surrounding me is my career. Even my relationship is a public relationship because we're both celebrities. But you and your sister are pretty much normal people, you don't expect us to be these overly powered famous people who are perfect. It's cool to have that around for once, the first time in a while. Fans and females in general are just so quick to throw themselves at us like we're a piece of meat. That type of shit gets frustrating after a while."

I basically was pouring my heart out to Tesehki at this point because she's nothing like a celebrity. A lot of celebrities enjoy that feeling, I don't. She was looking at me, full attention on me and actually listening.

"That must be hard to deal with. I never was the one to glorify celebrities because I know you guys are regular human beings, too. You just have a higher known status and more money than most of us. One of the only reasons why I've always loved Double Trouble so much was because the music. Like sure, you guys are super cute. But the music has helped me through so much shit in my life."

"I appreciate that. And I'm glad our music could do something for you. Thank you for listening to me, I needed to let that out to someone who would be willing to listen."

"Kameron and Ahna wouldn't?"

"They would, but wouldn't understand. I feel like Kameron enjoys the celebrity lifestyle more than I do. I enjoy making music and being able to make money off of my passion. Kameron loves more what comes with it, like the money and girls and whatever else. Ahna, too. I love her, but she enjoys all of the attention she gets from modeling. She even told me last night that she's thinking about switching over to being an R&B singer."

"Wow. Ahna Mac the model becoming an R&B singer?"

"Yeah, that's what I said."

I laughed and took another bite of my eggs. Tesehki laughed along and began to speak again after a few seconds.

"Can she at least sing?"

"Surprisingly, yeah. She sounds like an R&B version of Ariana Grande, she's great. It just worries me for her because I know how female singers can get treated in the industry. We'll see what happens though."

"We'll see. I'll let you get to your work. I'll see you in a bit."

Tesehki smiled and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, walking out of the kitchen. I caught myself staring at her ass and biting my lips, but I quickly stopped and shook my head.

You gotta control yourself, Harley. Don't do something stupid that you'll regret.

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