Two days passed, and Janna was a bit nervous. She wants to spend the day with Tom, but she's scared that her feelings for him will get the best of her. A couple minutes later, she gathered the courage.
Janna: *grabs paper and pen, and begins to write*
Meet me in front of my house at 1:00 pm, got it? Good. Hope to see you there.
Janna was soon finished, she grabbed the note, and ran outside. It didn't take long to find Tom's house, considering the fact that they lived close by. Even though him and his family no longer lived in the Underworld, their house was at least on "Mearth" and she was grateful that he was still close to her.
Janna: so should I just slide the note into his house or what? *Looked up to see Tom's window* hmmm...
She grabbed her tape that was not meant to be inside her beanie, and taped the note so it can be ready
Janna: *she started to climb up to his window*
Once she got there, she saw Tom playing video games. She rolled her eyes. She placed the note on Tom's window. She then knocked on his window, and without hesitation, let go of Tom's window. She landed safely, landing on fluffy bushes. She then ran back to her house.
Tom: *looked to the window, confused* that's weird. It's impossible to knock on my window, since my house is two stories... *he got up and opened the window to grab the note.* *he read it silently* Janna...what are you up to? *turns off video game, and walks to find Janna's house*
//time skip\\
Tom finally got to Janna's house. He a bit lost, but at least he got to her house. It was his second time going to the trickster's house. He couldn't wait to see her creepy room again.
Tom: *takes a deep breath* ok Tom you got this. *knocks on door*
Mrs. Ordonia: hello. Are you her to see Janna?
Tom: yes. Janna invited me over
Mrs. Ordonia: oh come in. She's in her room. Sweetie! You have a visitor.
Tom: *runs up the stairs* *opens room to Janna's room* hey Janna
Janna: hey. You're here a bit too early Tom. I said to come here by 1:00, not 12:30, but I mean, it's alright.
Tom: so why did you invite me?
Janna: well I guess we can start a bit early. *grabs Tom's hand* Come on *pulls Tom down the stairs* Mom, me and Tom are gonna go. I'll come back in a bit or not. *opens door and leaves the house*
//time skip\\
Tom: where are we?
Janna: it's a secret place. You and Jackie are the only people I've shown this too. *pushes away a bush to reveal a trap door.* *opens the trap door* *goes inside*
Tom: Janna! What up!
Janna: make sure the bushes are covering the door when you come in!
//time skip (because I'm too lazy to explain their way down)\\
Janna: Welcome to my hang out room, or whatever.
Tom: wow! It kinda looks like your room.
Janna: here. *hands Tom a box*
Tom: *opens the box* *gasps* YOU BOUGHT ME A COMPACT!
Janna: Ok, for one, on earth, we call them "phones"
Tom: ok, then let me say that again...YOU BOUGHT ME A PHONE!
Janna: Well...not really...
Tom: *looked at Janna* Janna...what did you do?
Janna: I stole it
Tom: WHAT?! HOW?!
Janna: I have my ways.
A bit of a long pause
Tom: so what is this place used for anyway?
Janna: you know, hiding, hanging out, and this a perfect place for me to let my stress let go.
Tom: Stress? I've only seen you stress once.
Janna: I stress to much Tom. I stress because I'm so quirky (RIP Quirky btw), people tend to talk behind my back, I've never really had a boyfriend, heck, I even stress because my favorite color is pink...
Tom: pink?
Janna: *nods her head*
Tom: well, let me tell you. I think quirky is cool. It defines who you are, and I wouldn't change it for the world.
Janna: *blushes a little, but stretches her beanie to her face to hide it*
Tom: And whoever talks about you behind your back are idiots! They're just jealous because of your very unique personality.
Janna: he's being really nice right now... *stops stretching her beanie and looks at Tom*
Tom: also, you said that you never really had a boyfriend. What do you mean by that?
Janna: when Star took us in a field trip to some weird museum or whatever, I met this skeleton dude. He was really weird. I don't talk about him.
Tom: makes sense. And also, it doesn't matter if you like pink. Pink is cool
Janna: thanks. *gives Tom a hug* That really helps you know? I would talk to girls about it, but they're so busy. Star is busy with Marco, Jackie is busy with Chloé, I have no interactions with my mom, and Eclipsa is busy with adjusting to a normal's kinda annoying.
Tom: I'm there if you need it.
Janna: *pulls away from hug* come on. No more stress and therapy sessions. I have plans! Well, this was part of today's plan, but I got more.
Tom: what are we gonna do?
Janna: You'll see! Come on!
//Time skip\\
Janna and Tom soon end up in the movie theaters.
Tom: uh Janna, what movie are we gonna watch.
Janna: it's called Annabelle! It's about a doll that's possessed!
Tom: alright I'm down for that
Janna: Two tickets to see Annabelle please
Ticket Booth Guy: sorry guys we're sold out. You two lovebirds should watch a romance movie *laughs and shuts the ticket booth*
Tom: *slams on the ticket booth* HEY! WE'RE NOT LOVEBIRDS!
Janna: Come on Hot Sauce. *pulls Tom away from the ticket booth* I've got a better idea. Follow me
Janna leads Tom behind the movie theater.
Tom: Janna...what are we doing
Janna: look, I already knew that movie was sold out of tickets
Tom: WHAT?!
Janna: so... we're gonna sneak in.
Tom: Janna, that's a bad idea
Janna: *pulls out screwdriver from her boot* *unscrews the vent thingy* (idk what they're called) *opens vent* are you gonna go in or not?
Tom: *smiles* Ladies first
Janna: *rolls her eyes and goes inside the vent*
//small time skip\\
They ended up where the projector was. They decided to watch the movie there.
//After the movie\\
Janna: ya it was. Come on *grabs Tom's hand* the day isn't over yet! *pulls Tom and runs*
Tom: oh my god...she's holding my hand! Her hand is surprisingly smooth...
Janna: alright! *let goes of Tom's hand* we're here.
Tom: *looks at amazement* is this an abandoned fair?
Janna: yup. Supposedly, it got abandoned because there was a clown, taking kids one by one. Luckily, the switch to make this whole fair run still works. *flips switch* now lets go have some fun
Tom and Janna went to the fun house, then to a ride full of scary virtual reality. They also found a fortune telling booth, and acted silly. They went inside a store with so many weird and spooky stuff. Janna, of course, took some "souvenirs". They went on crazy and exhilarating roller coasters and rides. Lastly, they went on the top of the Ferris wheel. The Ferris wheel didn't work, so they decided to climb to the top.
Tom: wow! The view looks so nice from here.
Janna: especially when the sun is setting.
Tom: I never knew how amazing life on earth was.
Janna: Tom, this is "Mearth", not earth.
Tom: I still can't believe you ate that cotton candy!
Janna: the weird thing is, that it tasted just fine. Like a normal treat I guess.
Tom: *looks over to Janna* I never knew how pretty Janna was. Her skin, her eyes, her hair, her ridiculous beanie, it's all so perfect to me. She's very classy and doesn't over react like most girls. She likes to get in trouble and play dirty (not that kind of dirty!!).
Tom saw a tear shed onto Janna's cheek.
Tom: oh you gotta little something there. Hold on. *gently swipes the tear away from her face*
Janna: *smiles a tiny bit*
Tom: what's wrong?
Janna: I used to watch the sunsets with my grandma Jan. *laughs to herself because of her name being similar to her own.* She died of kidney cancer. Ever since then, I couldn't stand watching the sun set. My mom doesn't make any interactions with me because she's still struggling about it. She's suffering through depression. My dad's busy cheering her up. *sighs*
Tom: hey. *wraps arm around Janna's waist* it's ok. We all have to loose someone good in our life. It's how it works. I guarantee that your grandma is looking down at you and being proud of you watching the sun set without her. It just proves how strong you are.
Janna: *puts head on Tom's shoulder* Thanks. She's proud of both of us. She's proud of you because she wants someone besides my parents to look after me.
Tom: I'll be happy to watch the sun set with you.
Janna: come on! We need one more destination!
Tom: really?! Wow. I thought this was it, but I'm totally down!
//time skip bc this chapter is super long\\
Janna was walking through the forest with Tom, finding the destination
Tom: *looked down to see Janna's hand* maybe I should let my hand brush against hers...just to feel her smooth hand again. *"accidentally" brushes his hand against Janna's* YESS!
Janna: *turns and looks at Tom*
Tom: oh no...I'm dead
What Janna did actually surprised Tom. She intertwined her hand with his. They looked at each other with a smile, and a slight blush, and continued walking
Janna: ok. We're here!
Tom: *gasp* did you sent up a picnic at a graveyard just for me?
Janna: ya. Also, there's someone I'd like you to meet. *she points to a grave*
Tom: *looks over to the grave* your grandma?
Janna: *nodded*
Tom and Janna kept talking about how similar Grandma Jan was to Janna. Then, a chilling wind came.
Janna: *shivers* ugh, I forgot how cold it gets here! *shivers even more *
Tom: here *hands his leather jacket to her*
Janna: *grabs jacket, but hesitates to put it on.* Instead of putting on the jacket, she put it over both her and Tom's shoulders. I don't want you to get cold either.
They began to stare at each other. Tom was staring into Janna's two eyes, while Janna was looking at Tom's three eyes.
Janna: I'm glad you hung out with me today.
Tom: Me too.
Janna then wraps her arms around Tom's neck. Tom does the same, but wraps his arms around her waist. They leaned, closer and closer, until they felt each other's lips touch. They stayed like that for seven seconds, and then broke apart.
Janna: I'm glad I spent the day with you.
Tom: it's called a date Janna.
Janna: fine. I'm glad that I went on a date with you
Tom: you'll warm up.
//time skip\\
Tom walks Janna to her house.
Janna: *kissed Tom's check* Love you Hot Sauce
Tom: *kissed Janna's forehead* love you too Junkin Janna
At that very moment, they knew that it was one of those best nights
End of Chapter 5
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