chapter thirty one

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sooae's pov

14th day

a lot more days passed and today, my school is having a camping trip for the senior students. it'll be held for two days and one night so, yeah, i'm so excited.

i then went downstairs after my mum said that the bus that were prepared by the school has came, put my bag and took the seat next to jeonghan.

"hi." i greeted.

when he saw me, he put his phone away.

"hi, you looked so happy. are you excited?" he asked.

"yes, of course. it's been a while since i had a camping trip." i replied and he nodded.

after a while, we stopped at a convenient store so that we can buy some foods in case we're hungry. two hours later, we've finally arrived.

the camps were divided into four. two four girls and the other two is for the boys. we were asked to tidy up our own space and came back to the field to take each class's attendance.

we then get divided into seven groups, randomly. the teachers put our names in a bowl and i'm on the sane team with hoshi, seungcheol, dokyeom and jeonghan.

seriously, we were meant to be each other. for real.

okay, then we were asked to solve some puzzles and search for things at the jungle. it's so annoying how i'm the only one who used a soft blue sneakers and the jungle is filled with mud.

vernon's gonna kill me after this. good.

also, that seungcheol guy. we're so awkward. i mean... i don't know. he still likes jeonghan? oh god please. i'm not jealous, but, now it has became so annoying for me.

after a while, we've found the things that were asked by the teacher. guess what? we're the first team to complete the mission.

i looked at dokyeom. he looks so happy? what is he looking at?


the prize for the winning team is peperoni pizza.

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