chapter forty six

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sooae's pov

"bye, sunshine. goodluck!" i said to wonwoo when he's about to leave and gave him a peck on his lips. but, he hugged me tightly before he whispered,

"i really love you sooae. i really do." and he left for the tournament. i gave him a last wave before i closed the door once again and goes to my bedroom.

wonwoo is so clingy. we're going to meet each other after the tournament ends at the beach, but he's hugging me like we won't see each other anymore. cute. i love him.

but, suddenly the thing that he told me last night came into my mind.


"what's with him?"

"i know that you won't like it if i talk about this, but, actually, when i dated hana before, vernon's the one who made a deal with her to separate us. i know it's not completely his fault, beause i'm the one who cheated on you. but.. he has done a bad thing."

is it true? wonwoo said that mingyu's the one who told him about this. why would vernon do that to me?


wonwoo's pov

i arrived at the tournament place after a few minutes walking. "yo, wonwoo." mingyu greeted. yeah, we're on a team once again for today. but, we're participating for our current school.

"oh, hi." i said and he bumped his fist with mine.

after that, both of us was asked to sit together since the battle is about to start. two hours passed, and we lost to the opponent team.

i sighed, " it's okay, wonwoo. we can do it in another time." mingyu said as he patted my shoulder.

"by the way, you're not hungry? i'll buy some foods for us, you should wait here."

"okay." i said.

author's pov

and mingyu left wonwoo alone there. ar first, he doesn't felt anything but when he looked around and there's no one inside there instead of him, he started to felt uneasy.

"what is happening today? why do i felt like something bad is going to happen?" he said to himself but he calmed down after he saw his phone wallpaper, which is a picture of him and sooae together in a picture booth where they both were wearing a red wig and smiling cutely at each other.

"i love you, sooae. i'm sorry if i couldn't make it to our date at the beach for today." he said and sent the voice message to sooae.

after 15 minutes, he started to feel dizzy. he looked at the room, it was filled with an unknown gas. he tried to get up to open the door, but, it was locked.

he wants to take his phone and called for help. but, his vision gets darker and darker.



everything turned black.

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