Lean On Me

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Joshua walks through the long hallways of the hospital, seeing Hansol standing outside of the door, talking to Seungkwan.

"Is this how you felt for Wonwoo when Jeonghan...?"

The American male nods. "Yes, but his life was on the line. He almost didn't make it nor got a chance to speak again..." The taller sighs. "I was so worried for him. He was traumatized and couldn't sleep. He doesn't like to be left alone during missions till this very day."

"I see... even if I did apologize for Jeonghan, it wouldn't have mattered. He moved on and that doesn't mean he's over it."

"You're all strong for moving on from trauma, there's nothing any of you guys could do..." Seungkwan nods. The two see Joshua walking up to them, they greet each other.

"How's Junhui?" Hansol cocks his head to the door.

"Still not awake." The younger shakes his head. "Your leader received the news of his current status and... it's not too promising." The older nods silently.

"How did the interrogation go?" The alpha wonders.

"Wasn't anything useful. They just needed power, your boss was their holder to save money as long as they kept their treatment minimal upon Junhui. Apparently, it was a huge surmount of money."

"My boss... is something else..."

"Clearly," Seungkwan scoffs.

It would look as if Junhui was peacefully sleeping, but with the number of wires and tubes attached to him, it was a nightmare for the alliance. Junhui hasn't woken up for three days and Minghao thinks perhaps Junhui's giving up on fighting now that he's come to a peaceful closure, seeing his loved ones alas.

Minghao sits by Junhui, holding onto his frail and boney hands. He stares emptily, listening to the heart monitor beep in rhythm. The little droplets from the IV are barely heard, each drop representing every second passing and the longer Minghao has to wait for the older's recovery.

"That day when I first ran into him, it was like a dream. It felt... like something connected. As if we were meant to be." Minghao started speaking, voice hoarse.


"Oops!" A voice coated with honey with a slight sultry tone beams when Minghao feels something wet splash on his white dress shirt. He internally scowls, but he can't be as irritated as he would be about his clothes because a beautiful man is standing before him, waving his arms in a cutely manner as his panics staining his shirt with wine. "I'm so sorry! Um, wait here or... ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ᴍᴇ? ᴏʀ ᴍᴀʏʙᴇ..." As the man continues to ramble— to which seems even more cute to Minghao— the alpha shakes his head with a small chuckle.

"Don't worry about it, it was an accident." He can sense the other is a beta and then there's the alluring scent of Chinese peonies... a reminiscence of home. But somehow he can't pin point why he feels like this. When he sees the beta's eyes, they look so warm and soft, yet enticing in a way of confidence. Pretty moles decorate his face like a small replica of a constellation.

"A-Are you sure?" The other looks guilty. Minghao nods which prompts the latter to shrink with a pout.


"Look, I don't want you to feel guilty about this little fiasco, so," The alpha beams when he sees the bright look on the latter's face shines with hope. "you can owe me by paying for dinner perhaps?" The other nods with excitement.

"Of course! I know a lot of amazing places for food!" He claps his hands happily.

   As they go out to eat hot pot, the two bond over their spicy and mild broths. The alpha finds out the beta's name is Jun, he's also Chinese, and he really loves cats & food.

"So what brought you to the winery taste event?" Minghao asks the older. Jun shakes his head with a sour look. "You don't seem to be the type who likes alcohol."

"Is it that obvious?" The beta mutters shyly. "Well, I was attending with a friend because they love wine so much. But they engrossed in conversations about wine with others, which I don't understand a single gibberish about!" Minghao laughs at the frustrated sight of Jun's.

"So you left them without a second thought?"

   Jun nods, rolling his eyes as he rests his face on his hand, stirring the broth with the other. "Yeah, they'll be better off without me, I don't even know why I agreed to come." A soft smile spreads on his lips.

"Well I'm glad I could accompany you on this lovely night." Minghao winks. The gesture prompts Junhui to blush, his excuse saying that the spicy broth is spicier than he's had ever.

   If only Minghao knew that the incident was Junhui's first step to his assassination.


Joshua, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Jihoon, and Mingyu look at the youngest with sympathy. They watch as Minghao gently brushes the long hair of Junhui's, revealing the mating mark. Everyone stares, shocked. The Ascenders would have thought the Ataraxias would have killed Minghao right there and then, but they're too shocked.

"Junhui loves and trusts you that much... even before dying..." Jihoon walked next to Minghao, a hand on his shoulder. The omega had also kept it secret for the sake of the alpha. He was well aware when he watched the horrifying videos. "I would guess you guys would have thought we'd kill him because of this, but I know Junhui would commit to something like this."

"He seems to have a big heart, telling from what you told me." Mingyu reminds Minghao.

"He always went by the name of Jun." But the thought of chances of his true name being Junhui never crossed his mind.

"Love really does suck..." Minghao choked on a sob. Mingyu is about to approach his best friend, but Wonwoo stops him. A look on his face tells him to wait. "But it offers you the best opportunities that you'll never experience ever again. Feelings that are true and devoted to someone. You're willing to risk everything for them." He recalls the beautiful memories that he and Junhui made, bringing light into this world. He wonders if the feelings were as genuine as his. Then he thinks again before he 'killed' Junhui. The other was so loving even if it was going to be his last breath because of Minghao.

Jihoon feels like his airway is caught. He's too stressed and tired. Too restless to even breathe properly. Joshua notices Jihoon growing paler, Minghao carefully looks at the shorter whose hand is trembling on his shoulder.

"Jihoon-" The omega loses his balance but Soonyoung is quick to catch him, being right behind the older. He knew something was off because he was fidgeting way more often than his reserved self. Even though the lead alpha got to know Jihoon a week ago, he can observe different personalities; he understands how Jihoon could behave.

"You should take him home," Soonyoung speaks. He looks at Joshua who nods. However, the lead omega is still conscious.

"No- I can't- not when Junhui's finally back... all those spent years without him, knowing that he never said his last goodbye to us the night he died-"

"You need to understand your body's limits and signs. If you end up sick, who would Junhui wake up to? Finding out that you're too sick to even see him." Soonyoung reasons. Then he turns to look at Minghao. "You too. You can visit, but you all need to rest."

Wonwoo looks at Joshua. "I know the Ataraxias have been interrogating the enemies for days, but you've also been using your heightened strengths carelessly throughout the sessions. It's only a matter of time before the three musketeers collapse, leaving Chan to look out for everyone." Joshua nods, understanding, but none of them can help themselves. They're all angry and want to make sure they get the most satisfying revenge for their loved family member. "Even with the most powerful strength, there comes to a limit and consequence."

Chan is sitting alone in the hallway, unable to bear the pain of seeing Junhui so helpless. After all these years, of grief of nothingness. Now there's guilt for not being able to know that Junhui was alive and suffering. The anxiety of three years of torture sends the man into fear.

"Hey," Chan is snatched from his thoughts when he hears Seungkwan's voice. The omega comes up with the alpha that he was recently talking to. "You need some company?" The maknae silently nods and allows the older ones to sit with him. Suddenly, the instructor is stroking his back, a reassuring gesture. "Don't worry. If he's fought for three years, then he's still fighting. He just needs rest." His voice is confident and firm, but how can they be so sure given the circumstances the doctors gave them?

"There's no way he's going to be himself anymore. Not even the boss could do the same because this is different than those times..." The beta shakes his head.

"But we'll be there to help him. It takes patience. Minghao has the biggest patience in the world. He would wait no matter what until the end of time." Hansol reassures him.

"Say..." Seungkwan speaks up.

"What is it?"

"Our boss said he was going to pay a visit to Paek. Do you think something happened?"


   Junhui wakes up with heavy eyes, trying to comprehend where he is. He looks around in a dimly lit room, golden rays shining through white curtains, the sound of a heart monitor, and machines. He feels sore and exhausted, but then he begins to recall memories.

   He was saved from his family and Minghao was there. The heart monitor begins to pace faster when Junhui thinks he's back at the laboratory, with too many tubes and wires attached to him. His eyes grow wide, flickering around when he doubts they saved him and he was taken back to hell. Did they fail? Are they going to die because of him?

   Suddenly, someone calls out to him. "Junnie!" It's a familiar voice. There's warmth on his hand which prompts him to try and sit up. He's pulled into a warm hug, strong arms holding him up. But their hands are trembling. It only takes a moment for Junhui to realize who's holding him. The familiar scent of cinnamon, the feeling of belonging- it's him.

   The Chinese omega begins to sob, throat dry as he tries his best to nuzzle into the embrace. "H-Hao... Hao-"

"Shh, it's okay, I got you... everything is okay now." The younger sobs.

   The sounds of a door click. The scent of lavender, caramel, citrus, and patchouli prompts Junhui to cry even more. There are a couple of other scents he doesn't recognize, but he knows that his family is here. However, through his emotional mind, he doesn't realize there is no presence of the scent of mangoes.

   Minghao pulls away, somberly pressing a gentle kiss on the crown of the older's head. Junhui reaches out and notices his bandaged arms. He slowly flexes his hands but it feels so weak, the muscles twitching in response.

I wonder how long I've been gone...

   He's been trapped for so long, he didn't know how many years have passed. But he knows it's been a couple when he sees his family. Joshua looks a little more lively than the times he was so cold. Jihoon seems to have lost some weight- Junhui doesn't understand how; perhaps the boss has been going too harsh on the younger perhaps. Seungkwan is bawling, but he knows that there's a huge amount of relief coming from the instructor. The boy seems to be the same out of the four. Chan looks to have gained more build in his upper torso and arms. The maknae still looks like the Chan he's known his entire life. Then there's Minghao. The younger has definitely grown stronger, well-defined muscles prominent, but there's a look on him that's changed. He's not too sure what happened, but Junhui knows he was the reason. 

"Junhui..." All of them go up to the Chinese male, gently hugging him.

"You're going to be alright, just rest for us, okay?" Chan cries. Everyone is a bawling mess, tears running down like waterfalls. They're going to make Junhui's hospital gown soggy.

"I'll tell you everything, don't worry," Joshua holds the younger tightly. "You and the Ataraxias are all that I have."

   The statement strikes through Junhui's head at the realization. "H-Han... where's... Hyung?" A young man who looks mixed walks up to him and hands him a bottle of water. Seungkwan takes it, knowing Junhui can't hold onto anything yet. He inserts a straw and lets Junhui drink, he downs half of the bottle.

"He shouldn't worry about anything yet, have him rest." Someone with sharp eyes talks to Jihoon. The shorter agrees. Jihoon looks at Junhui with a wistful look.

"Just hold on for a moment, at least until you are discharged." The soft and tired voice contrasts with the shorter who looks a little frustrated. Did something happen?

   For the rest of the evening, Junhui is accompanied by his loved ones.

"I can't believe he's gone..." Soonyoung huffs, sitting in the hallways with his members beside Minghao's absence.

"Yeah, but what will we do now?" Mingyu asks.

"Well... I have an idea..." Wonwoo proposes. "But it depends if they'll even agree." The instructor is hesitant but there's no harm in trying. "Could promote the strongest in the industry and erase the hate between us."


"There's a high chance he may never return to a stable state. He's suffered too much trauma to the body specifically. I wish to give you all of my hopes and prayers."

Minghao thinks as he holds Junhui close to him. The older was discharged from the hospital a week later, but he's prescribed medicine to help stabilize his new sub gender and anxiety. The two are in a car, Mingyu and Wonwoo in the front while the alpha drives. They're heading to a privately owned restaurant by the Ascenders in their territory, a small celebration meal for the omega. The others are driving their own vehicles; Seungkwan volunteers to pick up Junhui's medicines. Hansol decided to accompany the other.

"Funny to think Hansol is willing to accompany someone on a trip to get medicine." Mingyu chuckles.

Minghao smiles and looks at Junhui, the other is dozing off for the nth time, but the doctor said it's normal. But he can't help but wonder what his lover is thinking.

"Think they're going to get together?" The Chinese alpha asks as he brushes his hand through Junhui's hair. The latter finally has a clean haircut, not as long and messy as when they first found him. He hears Wonwoo scoff. "You don't think so, Hyung?"

"No, I'm pretty sure." They hear the beta grin. "But it'll be long until then. I think Soonyoung and Jihoon will be next."

Mingyu whistles. "Damn, I almost forgot about those two." His lover laughs.

"That's hard to believe. Soonyoung is clearly interested and wooed by the leader." The two alphas give an acknowledging hum in response.

"Junnie," Minghao lightly bops the older's nose. He turns to look at the younger with an innocuous look, he still reminds the younger of a sweet cat. "How are you feeling?" Junhui tilts his head with a soft smile, some weight the latter has regained told by the little puff on his cheeks when he smiles. Minghao reaches up to caress his face and Junhui snuggles into the touch.

Another thing about Junhui going through his catatonic state is he doesn't speak a lot. He typically responds with softer and unreadable expressions, but sometimes he'll ask for something vocally. Usually about what happened while he was gone.

When they exit the car, Minghao assists Junhui, escorting him inside the private restaurant where the others are waiting. Junhui has to lean on Minghao for support to walk. But the younger one doesn't mind at all. The peonies smell delightful.

"Awe, how cute!" Soonyoung swoons for the Chinese couple.

"Weird to see him so giddy..." Hansol eyes his leader. Seungkwan waves the bag of medicine, handing it over to Minghao.

Joshua smiles, seeing how well Junhui is handling himself. Jihoon points a fork at the leader, bringing déjà vu back to the older. Soonyoung blows a kiss which prompts the shorter to throw the fork, hitting the wall behind the leader knowing the older could dodge it easily.

"Hey, where are the table manners, guys?" Chan scolds the two leaders.

Junhui seems to smile wider at the scene.

When Mingyu locks the car in front of the restaurant, a scent follows his nose. Not just any scent, but... it's all too familiar and it sends a chill down his spine. Wonwoo seems to pick up the disturbance from the alpha's souring scent of sandalwood. "What's wrong Mingyu?"

The taller looks around in a frantic manner. "Mingyu!" This shouts finally breaks the walls of thoughts. Wonwoo cups the younger's face, full of worry. "Did you see something?"

Mingyu takes in deep breaths, shaking his head. "No... I just thought... I smelled someone." The expression on Wonwoo's face hardens, a look Mingyu hasn't seen in a while even since this fiasco started.



A black car pulls up in a driveway of a modern house in another city far from where the Ataraxias and Ascenders' territory is. A man walks up to the door of the house, awed by the designs and features of the estate. He rings the doorbell and waits. Footsteps are heard, coming closer to the entrance.

He knows someone is peeking through the eyehole and cameras. What he doesn't expect is someone to open the door and grab him by the collar with such speed. The door slams shut, and the man is tossed to the floor, looking up to see an elegant dagger pointed at him. Just mere centimeters away from his face. He begins to raise the weapon, seemingly about to finish the blow but someone steps in.

"Wait." Someone else walks over and they look at him. His expressions are morphed into horror and shock. "Y-You-"

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" The man begins to smile.

"Who is this?" The blonde speaks. There's a look on his face which seems familiar, but he can't pinpoint the exact memory.

The other man standing is frozen, eyes still wide. There's no doubt about it, it's him. The scent, the looks, though he's slightly toner and stronger now than back then. "B-But how? I saw..." The man smiles sweetly unkind to the situation he's in at the moment.

"That's no way to greet an old friend, Seungcheol."

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