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"So who is the new daddy" I say as we lay down in bed, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. One hand resting gently on my butt. I use my index finger to trace over a tattoo on his arm.

"He's called Zayn, he's been my closest friend since we were toddlers" he replys, flinching slightly as I move on and start tracing a different tattoo.

"When will be become my dada" I ask moving my gaze from his arm to his eyes.

"Well you will meet him tomorrow morning, we will do kind of like a test run for a couple days and see how you like it, if you don't, it will be just us again princess. How does that sound?" He ask placing a gentle kiss on the tip of my nose making me blush and giggle slightly.

"Okay daddy. It's sounds fun" I say giggling.

"It's sleep time kitten, goodnight baby" he says as I rest my head on his hard but comfy chest and place a soft loving kiss on his collarbone.

"Goodnight daddy" he kisses my forehead making me smile and nod off.

When my eyes are closed. I feel daddy's eyes hooked on me. I hear him whisper slightly.
"I love you Luna" and place another kiss on my forehead making me smile, although I pretend I didn't hear it as I think he thought I was asleep.

"Luna!"  I heard daddy loudly as he rocks me gently.

"Ughhhh" I groan pulling the covers all the way up to my jawline.

"Get up baby" he says stroking my hair softly. He knows that my weakness.

"10 more minutes please" I say looking at him pouting.

"If you get up now, you can have candy for breakfast every day" he says smiling as I leap out of bed and cling to his neck wrapping my legs around his waist and attacking his gorgeous face in sloppy wet kisses.

"Let get breakfast dadddyyyyyy" I shout running down the hall.

"Walk baby!" Daddy shouts from behind me.
I start walking very fast, my hips swaying from side to side. My butt bouncing in the booty shorts I wore for bed. Teasing daddy perfectly.

"Damn baby that ass" I hear daddy say as he comes up behind me in the kitchen. He wraps his arms round my waist and rests his forehead on my shoulder after placing a kiss to my cheek. He spins me round so I'm facing him and grabs my ass with his cold hands. I flinch slightly but soon relax.

"I love your body" he begins to kiss down my neck.

"Daddy I hungwe" I say in my little voice.

"Aw is someone feeling little?" He coos and boops my nose. I giggle.

After preparing my breakfast which is gonna be candy because be promised. He places a plate of fruit in front of me.

"Where's my candy daddy?" I ask pouting.
He chuckles at me.

"I was joking kitten, you can't have candy for breakfast, your hyper enough" he chuckles putting a strawberry on the spoon and putting it near my mouth. I frown at the strawberry. I want my candy.

"But daddy you said" I give him my best puppy dog eyes and pout.

"Okay fine, if you eat all this fruit you can have some candy. But only a little bit" I smirk knowing I have him wrapped around my little finger and we've only been together for less than two weeks. Instead of answering I face the fruit and put the strawberry in my mouth.

"Good girl" he pushes my hair behind my ear gently as he continues to feed me. "Zayn will be here in about 2 hours so let's go upstairs and get dressed." He says passing me a lollipop for finishing my breakfast.

"Okay thank you." I put the lolly in my mouth and grab his hand as he leads me upstairs.

Daddy picks out my clothes. He chooses a white knee length casual dress, knee high frilly socks. He puts my hair in French braids and picks out a two piece pink lingerie set. It's super cute.

Whilst daddy is getting dressed I apply some concealer and other light makeup so I don't look like a zombie. Daddy's grabs two ribbons from my draw and ties them to the end of my braids. I feel so little in this outfit. I don't put shoes on because we're staying in today.

Daddy is wearing black skinny jeans and a white tshirt. It's so casual and plain but he pulls it of so well. Just seeing him makes me feel tingly.

"Daddy" I say sweetly, slowing walking up to him. "I wanna pway" I say in my baby voice.

He chuckles. Grasping my hips with his hands.  He pushes me onto the bed and places kisses from my jawline to the top of my dress where my cleavage was slightly seen.

"Maybe later" he says sitting up and grabbing some socks from his draw and smirking whilst putting them on his ugly hairy feet.

Say hello to grumpy baby daddy. I think to myself. Smirking softly.


Thank you for the lovely comments and messages I'm already starting to receive on this book,  I really appreciate it.

885 words😀

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