Y/N, silver and the last of the crew that had survived were now flying through the planet on another life boat.
Silver said that they crashed on the planet so now they were scavenging out for them.
"It's getting late let's just find a place to camp" Y/N yawned, the sun was already starting to set after hours of searching through the sky.
Silver listened, once they found a place to camp, herself, Silver and some others went walking around the forest of trees that just looked like overgrown mushrooms for some logs so that they could start a fire later.
Y/Ns heart had been racing ever since the showdown, and her face still felt very warm.
It was crazy how things could change in just a matter of seconds.
Jim had gone to sleep feeling all smug, just to wake up to see that it was all a lie and one sided.
Shouting from afar brought Y/N out of her thoughts.
Their heads whirled around to this very odd shaped building that was outside of the first.
There stood a lanky robot, covered it moss who was waving their hands around frantically.
Everyone apart from Y/N and Silver aimed their guns towards the robot, shorting at him before... jim? Ran across and pulled him down.
Y/N heart began racing further now, seeing him added to the guilt. Jim began shooting back.
It took Y/N a second to process what was happening before she started pulling on one of the pirate's shoulders to stop him from shooting.
"Stop firing! Your making us look like fools" she grunted as silver yelled at the for wasting the shots.
"Hello up there!" Silver called, Y/N beside them as he held a white surrender flag above their heads.
Jim peaked out, silver and Y/N now walking up above.
"If it's alrigh' with the cap'n, we'd like a shirt word with ye"
"No tricks! Just a little palaver"
After about two minutes, they saw that Jim started to make his way down.
Y/N clawed her hand and arm nervously.
Jim held his glare on silver, he never spared Y/N a glance.
Morph flew up from Jim and did circles around the two who smiled softly.
"Ah morphy! I wondered where you was off too!"
Silver grunted, stumbling down into a rock as he groaned about his leg.
Jim walked closer towards them. His glare not shifting for a second.
"Oh, this poor old leg's downright snarky... since that game attack we had in the galley." Silver chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood.
"Now we know how to make it sturdier" Y/N chimed in, looking up from silver to Jim.
But he still didn't look at her.
After his gaze didn't shift silver sighed sadly. "Whatever you heard back there... at least the part concerning you. We didn't mean a word of it"
"If that blood thirsty lot had thought we'd fine soft... they'd have gutted us all"
He continued, pretending to claw out his stomach.
Y/N hand was one her hip as she looked between Silver and Jim.
Silver leaned into Jim, now whispering. "Listen to me, if we play our cards right-" he put his robotic arm around him. "- we can all walk away from this rich as kings"
Jim put his hand under his chin, pretending to think about it.
Silver chuckled, but Y/N wasn't falling for Jim's sarcasm.
Silver outstretched his hand, waiting for Jim to shake on it.
Jim smiled and looked down, "boy... you are really something" he glared again, beginning to walk around the two.
"All that talk of greatness, light coming off my sails... what a joke"
"Uh well- see here jimbo-"
"At least you taught me one thing, stick to it right?" He tunred his head around to face Silver. "Well that's just what I'm gonna do"
"I'm gonna make sire that you never seen one drabloon of my treasure"
His voice began louder with every word.
"That treasure has owed me by t'under!"
Silver yelled back. Y/N face scrunched as they yelled.
"We'll try to find it without my map! By t'under!" Jim mimicked silver which made Y/N let out a small scoffed laugh.
Silver whirled his head around to Y/N who immediately dropped her face.
Jim had very quickly glanced at her before turning back to Silver.
His gaze had slightly fell as well. But Y/N was looking at the ground, not being able to notice.
"Ohh you still don't know how to pick your fights. Do ya boy?!" Silver gritted his teeth angrily.
Jim gritted his teeth challengingly as well.
"Now mark me, either we get that map my dawn tomorrow... or so help me I'll use the ships cannons to BLAST YA ALL TO KINGDOM COME!"
Y/N eyes went wide, morph had gotten scared.
Silver turned to walk away. "Morph. Hop to it"
Morph stayed beside Jim's shoulder, when he didn't come Silver yelled, Y/N reached out to Silver to stop him but it was to late.
Morph shrieked and hid behind Jim, peaking out from Jim's shoulder. Shaking.
Y/N was looking at morph sadly before silver grunted and started to limp away.
Y/N watched him walk before turning back around to Jim, slightly jumping to see him finally glaring at her now.
She felt very small under his glare.
"Shame." He began, now looking down towards the ground, unable to make any more eye contact with her. Y/N looked up at him, awaiting very word.
"I liked you." He scoffed "-I thought we could have..."
Her heart skipped a beat.
He paused, shaking his head before looking up to glare at her again.
"But I'm useless right? Well you're just a pirate. At least I'm not a cheat"
Y/N was was slightly expressionless, apart from her eyebrows being slightly knitted tighter.
"I had to-"
"Oh right..." Jim dragged out his words, tilting his head back. "Your family... I wonder what they think of you now"
That stung. That one really stung and Jim saw it, he saw how her face fell blankly and her eyes went wide.
Y/N wanted to bite back and blame him for his dad, but she knew it would dig herself a deeper hole and prove Jim correct.
His gaze softened a little, like he just realised how deep he actually cut and he felt bad. But reminding himself what she had said, remembering she pulled her dagger on him, he pulled himself together and glared at the floor again.
"You should probably get going, wouldn't want to keep Silver waiting"
"He can wait"
They both didn't move in their spots, one wanted to apologise and spill her heart out and the other was waiting for it, holding onto hope that maybe she wasn't as bad as she had acted. That maybe things could work out.
Y/N opened her mouth but quickly closed it, not to sure on how to start.
Jim did a double take, hope flooding into his face. Only subtly.
Should she apologise? Or is it a weird time to do so.
"Sorry I pulled my dagger on you" she blurted. "I wasn't actually going to hurt you"
Jim's face fell in confusion as that's not what he expected her to say.
cringing at herself, she bit her finger after turning around and walking back after silver.
I'm an extremely awkward person so I wanted to make Y/N awkward. Idk why.
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