TW, the part where the pirates are pushing Jim around and stuff when they made it to the end of the trail, Ive written things about cuts, blood, death and like threatening stuff
Y/N had taken off the fabric on both Delbert and Amelia and threw them to the ground once they got into the longboat.
She sat in the back with them, but her body was turned away sadly.
Amelia would sneak... sad? Concerned? glances at Y/N which she pretended she couldn't feel them on her.
She fiddled her with her bracelet in thought. If they cut off all contact, that means they're still alive.
Once they landed Y/N was first to hop out. But didn't begin walking, instead she dropped to the ground.
Silver looked at her in question as he hopped out and walk passed, holding Jim's shirt tightly in his hand.
"I'm just gonna tie my shoelace." She answered. "I'll catch up"
Silver shrugged, beginning to walk off again and pulled on Jim's shirt so that his attention was pulled from Y/N as well.
She didn't know where she stood. She wanted to be with Jim but was it already to late? Had she done to much damage? Maybe she shouldn't have pointed her gun at Delbert.
Did she still even want to be a pirate.
She didn't think so.
Jim would occasionally glance back at her before they were to far gone to be seen, and before Ben captivated his attention when he spoke about captain Flint.
They had walked for a few more minutes, following the maps trail.
Silver grinned as he cut away the storks of plants.
"I smell treasure awaitin'" he said greedily, but they're faces fell in confusion.
It was just a cliff.
"What's goin' on jimbo!" Silver yelled turning to Jim who was trying to open the map.
"I don't know I- can't get it open!" He fiddled with the map.
The pirates started to bicker angrily. "We should of never followed this boy!" Bird brain complained, jumping up and kicking Jim on the back to push him down.
But he didn't hit the ground and pressed their hand on his chest and pushed him back up.
It was Y/N.
She had raced around to pushed him straight up.
Jim looked to her and smiled in gratitude but it faltered when he saw that Y/N wasn't looking back at him, already turned to bicker with the group.
However Y/N was seemed like she has seen a ghost, he lips were the same colour as her skin as her eyes were unnaturally wide.
Like she had just committed a very big crime, which was weird cause wasn't she already pirate? What crime could she commit that she hasn't already done?
Well that was Jim's thoughts at least.
"I suggest you get that gizmo going gain and fast!"
Silver scolded making Y/N turn on him.
"Let's throw em' off the cliff" onus scowled darkly, slowly stalking his way up to Jim.
Y/N bit the inside of her cheek frustratedly, her feelings only growing into rage as they continued.
"We'll use his body for our next fire" Turnbuckle bellowed.
Y/N gritted her teeth and her fists clenched as well as jaw, looking up to glare up at Turnbuckle.
"Let's rip his gizzard right out, right now!"
Hav in enough Y/N kicked Turnbuckle right at his crotch, he flicked over in pain as Y/N snatched the pic ace out from her hand.
The pirates immediately stopped bickering at the sudden movement.
She swung the pickaxe around to Olxy who was knocked off of moron and into the mushroom trees behind them.
She swiftly swung her legs into Moron's, causing him to fall on his back as Y/N jumped on him, both legs over side his body.
"If you touch him. I will kill you"
She hissed, holding the pickaxe up to his jaw.
Morons eyes widened and he gulped, glancing at the pickaxe looking back up to meet Y/N eyes. He nodded rapidly.
Exhaling from her nose, Y/N sat up only a little, doing a double take when she caught Jim's eye on her from beside.
He was shocked. His eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly again, looking from moron up to Y/N.
But still, Y/N couldn't tell if he was scared of what she was doing, or if he was grateful.
They just locked eyes for a few seconds before Y/N saw Moron try to swing up at her jaw from her peripheral vision.
She quickly pinned his wrist back into the ground, dagger in hand as she made a small cut into his palm.
"You really live up to your name, don't you moron?" Y/N hissed darkly, pushing the pickaxe closer to his neck.
"I swear to god if we leave here and Jim has as a little as a scratch-" she subtly nodded to the cut she made on his hand. "-On his body, I'll make sure this blade meets the end of your neck. Understand?"
She had whispered that part for only Moron to hear, incase it would actually scare Jim off.
Jim was watching with slight bafflement as Moron begged for Y/N to let him go.
However Y/N the ducked her head, Oxly had ran back from the trees Y/N and swung him into.
He was charging for Y/Ns head but because she ducked, he fell into the cliff in front.
Y/N quickly got off him, Muttering an awkward sorry to Jim. Her face was very warm.
Silver was looking at her with an eyebrow raised, but she sent him a determined glare back.
"He's not getting hurt. I don't care what we do. But he isn't being touched"
She said only to him. Silver had just stared at her before turning away.
So Y/N turned away as well, back to Jim who was already staring at her.
Y/N paused upon making his eye, she pressed her lips together before quickly looking to the ground.
Jim smiled softly, but it only lasted a second as Silver started yelling again, about the map.
Jim looked down to the ground in front of him, his face falling in question as he saw a perfectly sized dent in the ground with the same patterns as the one on the map.
Acting quickly, he shoved the map in, causing the cliff to glow green.
A hologram floated up front he map, another green sphere that had different planted floating inside.
Jim was about to touch it before a strong wind formed in front, a giant triangle formed and within Im was a different areas compared to where they stood.
Y/N stared at it in awe, stepping forward. "The lagoon nebula, but that's halfway across the galaxy?" Y/N rambled, turning back around to look between Silver and Jim.
Then she locked eyes on it again.
"A big door..." Jim mumbled to himself, he tapped another planet. Making the setting change.
"Opening and closing..."
He thought for a minute as he changed the planets.
Now there was a dessert, going through a horrendous sand storm. "Cannabis... monstressor spaceport!" He grinned excitedly, tapping on his home.
"So that's how captain Flint did it" Y/N began to grin in awe, looking from Silver (who still looked uneasy) back to the portal.
"He used this portal to roam the universe... stealing treasure!" Jim grinned, talking more plants.
"But where'd he stash it all!" Silver grew impatient, pushing him away and pressing the planets himself.
"Where's that blasted treasure?!" He yelled, tapping different doors. One of the had a large creature instead that screamed at them.
"Treasure? Treasure!" Ben began, grilling at his head. "It's buried in the...?"
"Buried in the centroid of the mechanism..." Jim finished, stroking his chin in thought. Y/N looked at him before glancing to the side in thought.
He looked over to Y/N excitedly, making her look back at him with her eyebrows knitted.
"What if the whole planet is the mechanism!"
Y/Ns face fell with realisation.
"Oh my god..."
"What is it?" Silver asked impatiently, looking between both.
"The treasure is buried in the centre of this planet" Jim continued, his from getting wider and wider. Y/N smiled back at him.
"And how in blue blazes are we supposed to get there?!" Silver yelled, continuing to tap planets.
Jim pushed him away. "Just open the right door" he smirked, tapping onto treasure planet which was centred in the middle.
The door opens to show piles and piles of treasure sitting inside, coins, gold, gems and even jewellery.
Jim first put his hand through, feeling around before stepping in.
Silver followed, a tight grip onto Jim's shoulder to stop him running off. Y/N followed in next.
Everyone awed and cheered and they saw just how much treasure was in there. All the gold sparkles and the jewels glittered, left untouched for centuries.
"The loot of a thousand worlds..." silver muttered.
Y/N just walked down to the piles of gold in awe.
"If only six year old me could see me now.." she muttered to herself, picking up a red jewel and examining it.
She started to pick at the glittery things that caught her eye and pocketed it, while also keeping a close eye on Jim who was walking off with Ben.
If anything Y/N wished she had a camera, so she could remember this place forever.
Under normal circumstances Y/N would of never faced Jim. She was so used to just never facing any sort of problem cause it was easier that way, she would just run from it.
But she had enough courage to face Jim, making her shocked with herself cause she thought she'd never be able to do that.
However a few minutes later, the place began to rumble and shake.
Y/Ns arms outstretched as she yelped, trying to stabilise her balance.
She looked up, seeing the large pieces of machinery off the ceiling exploding, and falling back down.
She looked back, seeing turnbuckle, birdbrain and pigors running from a beam of purple light.
She began to run for the exist but haltered when she remembered Jim in the boat, she turned around to see if he was leaving but only his robot Friend was.
Her head whipped around to Silver who had called for her.
"Grab what you can and run!"
"Okay!" Y/N yelled back before rubbing back to the boat Jim was on, she thought that Silver was too obsessed with the treasure to see where she was going instead.
"Ben!" Y/ gasped in relief as she had just crossed him, she grabbed onto Bens arm where he turned to face her, a little scared as he looked her up and down.
"What's Jim doing?" She shrieked urgently.
"He's trying to get that boat started" Ben answered, pointing to the boat he was at.
"Is he stupid? The place is about to blow" Y/N scolded, Ben flinched, shrugging in return.
Y/N started to take off.
"But Jim said to-"
"I don't care!"
She quickly ran to the boat, junking up to catch her fingers in the edge before pulling herself up and over. She slightly stumbled on her feet as she got on.
Hearing her footsteps Jim pushed himself out from under the controls, his eyebrows furrowing.
He then quickly slid back under, Y/N nodded nervously as she stepped further towards him. Her heart racing.
She was doing this now, no practise in her head and overthinking it, no planning, this was happening now and it terrified her.
She would of liked to have a plan.
"I'm sorry. I am really sorry" Y/N just blurted out as she fiddled with her fingers.
Jim continued to fiddle with the wires from under.
"I never actually meant those things I said-"
"Be specific, you've said a whole lotta stuff" Jim grunted, pulling himself up from underneath to start working on the front, not looking to meet her eyes.
Y/N inhaled nervously again, her hands shaking.
"The stuff about saying you were annoying and t-the stuff about you being talented, that we were only using you for the treasure-"
"Which you were" He interrupted, using a random rod of metal to shift something into the right spots.
"Well- ok yeah at first, but then I-" Y/N sighed, now being hit with an overwhelming wave of embarrassment.
"Okay. Am I doing this for no reason or should I just leave? Cause if you really don't like me I'll personally jump into the beam, I know I deserve it so-"
Because I am embarrassed, actually-
As Y/N rambled Jim had finished and he slowly started to turn to face her.
He was panting slightly, looking at Y/N like he was exhausted.
He walked over to her had she continued to ramble on.
"I just threatened to kill Moron for you, so I don't know if that helps my case but the point is, I didn't mean it all all. Like any of it-"
Jim swung his hand around to her lower back and pulled her into his chest with one arm, diving in for her lips, cutting her off.
He pulled away after a good two seconds and just stared at her with the same expression he had bridge he kissed her.
He didn't care anymore. Y/N was always confident with whatever she did now he felt it was his turn. He couldn't of cared less about being rejected. He just wanted to kiss her.
Y/N had just frozen.
"Wait," Jims face scrunched in confusion, not caring about Y/Ns reaction. "What about when you said you'd miss me?!"
Y/N just looked at him like, 'did he really just ask that?' Before someone interrupted them.
"Ah Jimbo! Aren't you the seventh wonder of the universe"
The two whirled their heads to Silver. Y/Ns heart sunk as she saw him.
Jim reached for the sword on the deck that had used to be Captain Flints, he aimed it straight at Silvers gut.
"Get. Back!"
He heard Y/N whimper form behind him, she had opened her mouth to say something but unsure of what she wanted to say, she had bright her hands back to her mouth.
Jim glanced to the side before glaring back up at Silver.
"The only reason I don't stab you eighth now, is because you mean everything to her" he growled under his breath, gesturing to Y/N with his eyes who was standing further behind him.
Silver looked from Y/N to Jim, his gaze still hardened.
Y/N looked very worried, biting her nails anxiously.
She didn't want to be a pirate anymore, but she also didn't want to disappoint Silver.
"I like ye Lad, but l've come too far... to let you stand between me and me treasure." Silver started walking closer to Jim who had now backed up into the wheel.
Y/N protectively stood in front of Jim. Giving Silver a warning glare.
But then and explosion went off nearby, causing the three to yell, Y/N had Quincy ducked down and covered her ears as Silver gripped onto the edge of the boat...
But Jim was flung off, almost falling into the pit of fire.
He tried to find any sort of grip on the wall he was sliding down before holding onto a large piece of metal that stuck out.
Y/N had crawled all the way to the end and tried reaching out her hand for Jim to hold, he tried to reach for her, but there was way to much of a gap.
Silver was gripping onto the boat determinedly, not wanting to let the last source of treasure leave.
Y/N turned to silver to ask for help, but rolled her eyes angrily when she saw what he was doing.
"Y/N I can't reach!" Jim cried.
"Hang on I'll-" she trailed off as she sat back up, now shuffling down and extending her leg.
He tried reaching out, but was only able to tap the end of her shoe.
"I think I can get Lower!" Y/N called, now attempting to get lower.
But then the piece of metal Jim was holding onto fell into place, making Jim scream.
"SILVER!" Y/N yelled angrily upon seeing Jim fall.
"Oh who gives a fuck" she muttered angrily at herself.
She let herself slip down the platform and caught Jim's worst just in time as he had lost grip again.
However, she missed the corner of the platform to catch onto.
She thought that was the end, she felt her heart explode as she knew she was about to die.
But Silver had caught her wrist, he had let go of the boat to help them.
Y/N cursed in relief, laughing to herself breathlessly as Silver piled them up and Y/N swung her hands so that Jim could catch only the platform and pull himself up.
Silver helped him, using his fleshy hand to pull on him collar as his robotic arm was still holding onto Y/Ns wrist.
Once Jim scrambled up he helped to pull Y/N over, she was already halfway up but he thought, better safe than sorry.
Jim grinned at Silver happily as the three of them panted.
But he Silver and Y/Ns face fell as they watched the bait they interned to leave in blow up.
"It's okay..." Y/N began through pants. "Amelia and Delbert are coming back with the legacy"
When silver looked over at her confused Y/N answered, "I untied them"
The three quickly made their way out of the portal, junking out quickly.
"Silver.. you have to the-"
"Just a life long obsession Jim, I'll get over it"
Y/N grinned at Silver before turning back to the ground, she was hunched over with her hands on her thighs. Jim frowned in slight pity for Silver.
"And you-?"
"I never even wanted the treasure" Y/N shakily continued to laugh, looking up to Jim with a grin. "I just wanted to see it, treasure was just a bonus"
Jim began to grin again before their attention was bright up to the Legacy, and Ben was yelling at them.
"Hurry people! We got exactly two minutes... and thirty-four seconds till planet's destruction!"
They immediately ran up to the boat, Y/N and Jim helping each other up before turning to Silver and pulling him up as well.
Once they were in the ship Y/N legs immediately crashed into the floor.
She felt wobbly.
But she didn't get to stay for two long as Jim nodded for her to get up and Silver grabbed onto her arm to pull her on her feet.
She silently groaned.
"Captain, you dropped from the heavens in the nick of--" Silver had tried to sweet talk her but she cut him off.
"Save your claptrap for the judge, Silver!" She snapped, looking away before unsurely gaining at
Silver and Y/N shared the same worried look, as did Jim who looked at them sadly.
Suddenly, one of the sails were broken by a shooting piece of debris, they looked up at it, seeing the broken wood right on top of the missile tail.
"Missile tail demobilized, Captain!" Ben explained as he was by the control panels. "Thrusters at only ten percent of capacity."
"Ten percent? That means wait..." Delbert slowly tunred to Amelia, she had been instructing him on his to fly the ship.
"It's impossible to clear the planets explosion, in time..."
Y/N quickly ran back down to the missile tail, using a lot of her strength to take the giant log off of them.
She quickly beans down to look inside.
"I think I can save us a little more.." she called loudly, quickly diving in to work.
Jim, the captain and Delbert watched desperately before Y/N peaked her head out after a few seconds.
She turned her head around to Ben, they followed her gaze.
Ben look down at the screens, "thrusters are at thirty percent!" Ben called.
"I can't move though" Y/N called warily, "I have to hold these wires at a specific angle"
"It's still not enough to clear the planets explosion in time..." he said back to Amelia.
Jim had ran to the side to look at the portal, an idea forming.
"We enough to make it make back to the portal!" Jim called, running down the stairs as well.
Y/N was cringing and she started to get a hand cramp, but pushed through as
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