It's much easier to watch TV when your boyfriend isn't snoring on your chest. We were on the couch watching a movie he'd put on and what was he doing? Sleeping. The movie was nearing the end and I was invested in it, but as I said, Ethan was snoring. And loudly.
I reached for the remote slowly and turned the volume up, causing him to stir a bit. I didn't want to wake him so I turned it back down and tried my best to hear what the characters were saying. While I was focusing, my phone decided to ring. Dammit.
I reached over and picked it up as fast as I could. Ronnie was calling me.
"Hello?" I whispered upon answering the call.
"Hey! Why are you whispering?"
I looked down at Ethan's head rested on my boob, "Ethan's asleep. We were watching a movie. What's up?"
She giggled a bit, "That's cute. And I know it's kinda last minute, but our house is throwing an all-girl thing tonight. Would you come?"
"I dunno, this couch is pretty comfy," I sighed.
"Come on, please? It'll be fuuuun."
I sighed, "Fine. There better be drinks!" Ethan wouldn't mind if I went. He'd fallen asleep on me anyway.
"Yay!" she squealed, "And there will be, duh. It starts at 9." I pulled my phone away from my ear to check the time; it was 8:14 pm.
"Sheesh, I gotta get ready now then."
"Okay. I'll see you there!"
"See you," I hung up and stared down at Ethan before shaking him gently, "Ethan." He groaned and started shifting his position. I shook him a little harder.
He lifted his head up a little, "Hmm?"
"I'm sorry for waking you up, but Ronnie invited me to a party."
He rubbed his eyes and sat up, "A party? Where?"
"It's at her sorority house. Starts at 9 and it's like 8:16 now," I sat up next to him.
"Can I go?" he rasped. God, that sleepy voice was so hot. I was ready to say fuck the party and have my own with him, but I didn't wanna disappoint Ronnie.
"All-girls party, sorry," I shrugged.
"Aww, I wanna get my nails painted and talk about how hot Josh from calculus is!" he yapped in an overly exaggerated valley girl voice.
I laughed, "Jesus, I cannot imagine you as a female."
He scoffed, "I'd be fucking hot as a girl."
I rolled my eyes, "Whatever you wanna believe, Eth." I stood up and stretched, "I gotta get ready."
"You want me to drive you?"
I shook my head, "I feel like I never drive my car these days. It's fine."
"Okay, baby. Hurry your fine ass up and get ready then," he smirked. I rolled my eyes playfully and gave him a quick kiss before going to pick out an outfit to wear.
Ronnie's sorority house was huge. I guess it needed to be that big, housing so many people. I texted her to let her know I was there as I walked up to the door. I reached up to knock but the door got pulled open and I ended up knocking on air.
"Hey, girl!" Ronnie smiled and gave me a hug, "Come on in." I walked into the house and took a look around.
"Woah, it's even nicer than I imagined," There was a huge staircase right in the center and there were common rooms on either side. The place looked like it was straight out of the Sims 4 Gallery.
"I know, right? I was amazed the first time I came in here."
"Where is everybody?"
"Oh, we're all in the backroom playing Twister," She grabbed my hand, "Come with me." We walked until we reached a big room with a bunch of couches and a bunch of girls. "Hey, guys! This is Harper!"
"Hi, Harper!" the huge group of females called out and I smiled. How nice of them.
"Hi!" I waved.
"As you can see, we're playing Twister," Ronnie began, "But it's not just any Twister— it's Drinking Twister."
"Sounds like my kinda game," I smirked and spotted the alcohol lined up on a table, "I can't drink too much, though. I'm driving."
"That's fine. Let's play!" Ronnie pulled me over to watch two girls all twisted around each other try to stay upright, "We can go after them."
"Bet," One of the girls that was off to the side spun the circle and the pointer landed on green.
"Left hand, green!" the girl called out. One of the pretzeled girls tried to get her hand on a green circle but ended up falling on top of her opponent. Everybody broke out in laughing fits as the girls pulled themselves off of the floor.
"Ooh, we're up! But we drink first," Ronnie said. We poured ourselves shot amounts of the alcohol we chose and downed them. I went and stood at the end of the game mat and Ronnie stood opposite me. "Dahlia, you're up to spin!"
A brown-skinned girl took a seat in front of the spinning circle and gave it a spin, "Right hand, red." Ronnie and I crouched down to place our hands on the mat. It didn't take long for us to get all tangled together like the girls from before.
There was a ring at the doorbell so one of the girls got up to go answer it. Dahlia spun the wheel again, "Left foot, blue."
I heard a commotion and loud music started playing from up front. The hell? Ronnie gave me a confused look from under her arm and I returned it.
A huge group of guys flooded into the living room with drinks, a big ass speaker, and food. Oh no. Ronnie and I plopped down while all of the other girls stood up.
"Hey, this is a girls-only party!" Dahlia yelled over the music. A tall, brown-haired guy smirked and walked up to her.
"Consider it crashed."
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