It'd been around an hour since they took Ethan away. Donny, Lys, Pozzi, Yas, and I were sitting in the waiting room... waiting. I wasn't crying anymore, but I'd been shaking my leg like crazy for a while. Why the fuck hadn't we heard anything yet?
I couldn't imagine what I'd do if he didn't make it. He was my whole fucking heart. I was so sick to my stomach sitting there, unable to do anything.
"Cutkosky?" a woman's voice called out suddenly. I stood up immediately, followed by the rest of the crew, and we stepped up to her.
"How is he?" I asked frantically. My heart was pounding in my chest. Please say he's ok...
"He's stable," she started, earning relieved sighs from us all, "You got him here just in time."
"Can we see him?" Adonis asked.
"Yes, but only two of you at a time," she told us.
"You two go," Alyssa said, gesturing toward Donny and I. We nodded and followed the nurse.
"When can he leave?" Adonis asked as we walked.
"In two days. Max is three. It all depends on how well his body takes treatment," she explained. We only were supposed to be in Florida for another day, so we'd actually be there longer than expected. The rest of the trip was gonna be spent in the hospital— by me and Ethan, at least. I wasn't gonna leave his side.
"Welp, looks like we're canceling our flights. I'm definitely not leaving until Ethan gets out, and I doubt Pozz, Lys, and Yas are gonna leave without us," Donny said matter-of-factly and I nodded.
"Hopefully, we can book new ones for when he gets discharged, so we're not stranded here," I sighed.
The nurse continued to lead us down a few halls and into a hospital room. Ethan was lying down on the bed and a weak smile tugged at his lips when he saw us. He was ok. My baby was ok.
"I'll leave you guys alone for a bit," the nurse smiled and left. I walked up to Ethan and took his hand in mine.
"Hey," he rasped and I blinked tears away. "Don't cry, baby."
"You scared the shit out of us, E," I said quietly.
"Like seriously," Donny added, "Just glad you're ok."
"I'm alive because of you guys, so thank you."
My brows knit and I brushed his curls back, "You don't have to thank us for anything."
He pursed his lips and let out a soft chuckle, "Guess we're not going to the pier, huh?"
I chuckled and cupped his cheek, "No, we're not." I couldn't care less about the pier anymore; he was my top priority.
"How long am I gonna be in here?"
"Two days. Three tops," Donny sighed, "We're gonna cancel our flights later today."
Ethan sighed sadly, "I'm sorry for ruining the rest of the trip. I should've read the damn menu..."
"You haven't ruined anything," I tried to assure him, "The trip doesn't matter, you do. We fuckin' love and care about you." I didn't give a shit about the rest of the trip. It'd already been eventful, fun, relaxing, and terrifying all in one. Enough for one vacation. He looked down but I lifted his head, "It's okay."
His lips curled up to the left slightly, "I love you guys too. Where's everyone else?"
"Waiting room. They probably wanna see you," Donny began, "Nurse said only two of us could be in here at a time. I can go get them."
"No, no. It's ok. Can I have a few more minutes with you guys?" Ethan requested.
"Of course, baby," I pulled a chair up and rested my forearms on the rail of his hospital bed.
We were in and out of his room the entire night, along with a few nurses. Eventually, the rest of the squad went back to the hotel, but I stayed behind with Ethan. He was pretty wiped from everything that'd happened, so he'd fallen asleep. I stayed awake and watched over him, thanking God he was ok.
I pecked him on the lips and after a while, I fell asleep in the hospital chair.
Due to Ethan's treatment going so well, he managed to get discharged in two days instead of three. I'd stayed with him the entire time and everybody else popped in to check on him too. I'm pretty sure everyone else was more worried about Ethan than enjoying the rest of their vacation, but he didn't like that. He told them to go have fun and that'd he'd feel better if they did, so they listened reluctantly.
Since Ethan couldn't leave the hospital the day we were supposed to be flying back home, we went through with canceling our flights. There weren't any more flights available on such short notice, so we had no choice but to drive back.
Pozzi and the crew had all of our luggage and things packed up in the truck the morning Ethan got the go-ahead to leave. Our hotel cards were turned in as well. I was waiting on Ethan to finish up in the restroom so we could head out. I sat on the bed swinging my legs until he was finished.
"You ready to go?" I asked, smiling.
"Fuck yes. I'm tired of hospital food," He grabbed my hand and I jumped down from the bed. All of his stuff was already in the truck, so we didn't have anything to carry. When we got to the main doors, our friends were standing there waiting. They all ran up to us and Ethan's grin was huge.
"Hey, guys," Ethan said, getting squeezed by everyone, "Okay, okay, don't... want another... near-death experience!" Everyone pulled away and chuckled.
"Death by nuts," Pozzi chuckled, "Leave it to you to almost go out over something you love playing with so much." I snickered and Ethan gave him a playful, dirty look.
"Ha, ha, very funny, dick," Ethan retorted.
"Dick? Oh, that'll for sure do you in!" Pozzi joked again and Ethan pulled him into a noogie. We chuckled and watched them wrestle around a bit.
"Alright, that's enough, boys," I spoke up and pulled them apart, "Don't wanna be too rough so soon."
"It's all ones when you're better, E," Pozzi said and put up his fists.
Ethan snickered and cracked his knuckles, "You're on, bitch!"
"Okay, street fighters, it's time to go," Alyssa reminded us, checking the time on her phone. She was right; the drive from Florida back to Cali was a long one. We had to leave right away to make "good" time.
Pozzi ruffled Ethan's hair and blew him a kiss, getting flipped off in return. I giggled and took Ethan's hand before we piled into the truck.
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