Spring Break: Day Three
I woke up the next morning to kisses on my neck. I took a deep breath and blinked my eyes open. Harper was grinning at me.
"Wakey, wakey," she said just above a whisper, "It's Universal day!"
I gave her a sleepy smile, "You excited?"
"Yes! So get up," Harper slid out of bed and stretched. I was about to roll onto my back and get up, but my morning wood was in full force.
I hadn't wanted her to feel uncomfortable, so I'd been hiding it for months. Usually, she'd get out of bed and go straight to the bathroom and it'd go down before she came back out, or I'd wake up before her and handle it in the bathroom myself. But she was just standing there, waiting for me to move.
"Don't you have to use the bathroom or something?" I asked.
She shook her head, "I went already. Come on, I'm waiting on you so we can shower."
I fake yawned, "I need another minute or two..."
She furrowed her brows, "Ethan Francis Cutkosky, you'd better get up before I get you up myself." Me being "up" was the big issue. I stayed lying on my side and Harper huffed. She got back on the bed and rolled me over before I could stop her.
Both of our eyes widened at the sight of the tent my dick was making under the cover. Shit, fuck.
Harper's shocked expression faded and she smirked, "Oh, I see..." She pulled the covers back and got on her knees on the bed between my legs. She had that look in her eyes — one I hadn't seen in months — and it gave me chills. Harper bit her lip and hooked her fingers around the band of my boxers.
"Wait. You don't have to d-"
"Shh," She leaned forward and put her finger to my lips, "I want to." She freed me from the confinement of my underwear. I sighed and bit my lip, watching her work me with her hands. "Close your eyes," she demanded, so I obliged.
"Shit," I sighed shakily when I felt her tongue circle the tip. It'd been so fucking long; I couldn't help but peek a little bit. She took me in and out of her mouth until I was almost hitting the back of her throat. Oh, shit, fuCK, that's new. My eyes shut themselves tightly and a groan slipped out of me.
I lost it after a couple of minutes and twitched under her gentle touch. I tried to calm my breathing as I watched her swallow and wipe her lips with the back of her hand.
"Shower time."
Universal Studios was the next stop on our vacation. Harper had never been, so she was super excited when we entered the park. Within an hour we'd taken pictures by the Universal sign, grabbed a bite to eat, stopped at the gift shop, and ventured around a bit.
We were walking aimlessly through the park, looking for something to do. Donny, Harper, and I were walking in one row, and Alyssa, Yasmin, and Pozz were behind us.
"Which attraction do you wanna go to?" I asked Harper. She took a break from eating her popsicle and hummed.
"I really wanna get on the Hogwarts Express!"
I smiled, "Then that's what we'll do." She smiled and started slurping on her popsicle again. I started imagining her doing that to something else... I was still shook from that morning. Shit, my dick was getting hard again. I took a deep breath and held our bag from the gift shop in front of my problem.
"You good, E?" Adonis asked, nudging Ethan.
"Yeah, I'm good."
Donny smirked, "Can I see what you guys got from the gift shop?"
Ethan's cheeks started changing into a darker shade of pink, "You can see later."
"Why not now?" Donny persisted. Ethan just gave him a look. I looked down at the bag and its placement and put the pieces of the puzzle together. I giggled and the two snapped their attention to me.
Ethan raised a brow, "What?"
"Oh, nothing," I purposely finished off my popsicle as slowly as I could and tossed the stick into a trash can nearby. I was gonna aid Donny in teasing Ethan some more but I spotted the Harry Potter attractions. "HARRY POTTER!" I turned to look at Ethan with the biggest grin on my face and grabbed his hand.
The Hogwarts Express was amazing. Our entire trip had been amazing so far. We did so much more after Harry Potter, like see Shrek 4D and get on rides (only a few because Ethan's terrified of heights). We stopped by Hard Rock Café and a bunch of people recognized Adonis, so he had a ton of autographs to sign and photos to take. Universal was the time of my fucking life honestly, so when we had to leave, I did so reluctantly.
When we got back to the hotel, everyone was pretty beat. We started to go our separate ways once we reached our floor, but Pozzi had a "surprise" for us, so we ended up in his room.
"What's the big surprise, Pozz?" Alyssa asked from the chair she and Yasmin were lounging on. He had this case sitting on his dresser and nobody knew what was in it.
"Took me a while to snag these, but voila!" He opened the case and all of us got up to view its contents.
"Is that jungle juice?" Ethan asked and Pozzi nodded.
"Oh, count me the fuck in!" Donny sang and grabbed a cup. I shrugged and picked one out. Everyone else grabbed one too. I decided not to drink much; I wanted to be mostly sober for the night because I had somewhat of a plan. That plan involved Ethan staying mostly sober too, so I didn't let him go overboard.
Once everyone except Ethan and I were fucked up, I pulled him back to our room. We kicked our shoes off and I flicked one of the lamps on because it was dark.
"I'm gonna put what's left of our drinks in the mini-fridge," Ethan informed me and I nodded. I pulled my clothes off while his back was turned and tossed them aside, leaving me in my bra and panties (Ethan's favorite set). As soon as he turned around and saw me, his eyes darkened.
I grabbed his hand and yanked him toward me. His lips met mine and his hands found my waist. I let the kiss deepen and our tongues started fighting for dominance. When his won the battle, he lowered me onto the bed. His kisses trailed to my neck and I bit my lip, tugging at the bottom of his shirt.
He pulled away a bit and hovered over me. It seemed like he was ready to tell me we shouldn't take it further, but I knew I wanted to. I put my finger to his lips and pulled his shirt over his head anyway. He looked at me for the slightest signs of hesitation. When I showed zero and bit my lip, he dove back at my neck.
I flipped us over and slid down his body to unbuckle his belt. I pulled it off and threw it somewhere, doing the same with his pants and boxers. I worked my panties off and crawled back up to straddle him. He sat up against the headboard and pulled me close so that he could kiss me.
He caressed my body gently and his right hand found itself between my legs. I leaned back and rested my hands on his calves to support my weight while he worked me with his fingers. I sighed and gasped his name as I got closer to coming. When I neared my peak, I moved his hand away.
He looked at me worriedly, "Do you wanna stop?"
I pushed myself back up onto his lap, "No, I want more." I connected my lips with his again and started grinding against his hardness. He gripped my hips and groaned into my mouth. This is it, Harper.
I lifted my hips and held him at my entrance. I took a deep breath and lowered myself on him slowly and steadily. Very slowly. Ethan kept his eyes on me the entire time, making sure I was alright. Once he was all the way in, I buried my head in his neck.
"You ok?" he whispered in my ear. I pressed my forehead to his and nodded. I started riding him slowly, getting used to the feeling. He reached around my back to unclip my bra and I tossed it somewhere. I gradually sped up my movements and the pleasure started flowing. Ethan gripped my waist and helped guide me up and down on him faster before slightly tilting his head back, "Fuck."
I couldn't hold back the moans and groans I was making. Ethan leaned forward to suck on one of my breasts and I toyed with the ends of his braids. My legs started to get tired and I couldn't ride him as fast, so he started pounding into me from below.
"Oh my god," Ethan groaned quietly against my collarbone, "You feel so fucking good."
His soft and sexy tone brought me closer to my high. I could feel myself tightening around him.
"Holy fucking shit, oh my god!" I cried out when my legs started to shake. Ethan slammed into me faster and my nails raked up his back. I couldn't even moan at that point because of how hard I was coming undone; my eyes were screwed shut and my mouth was agape. Ethan locked his arms around me and held me close as I trembled and shuddered on top of him. In the midst of me coming, Ethan did too, chanting profanities into my neck.
Once we'd caught our breaths, I flopped beside him and tears welled up in my eyes.
Ethan's face filled with worry, "Harper, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Shit, I knew we shou-"
I smiled and pecked his lips, "These are happy tears, E."
He relaxed a bit, "Really?" I nodded and cupped his cheek. He let out a relieved sigh and his lips curled up at the ends, "Good. I love you so fucking much, Harper."
"I love you too, Ethan," I said and he wiped my tears away. He wrapped his arm around me and I tucked my head under his chin. "So fucking much."
He lifted my head and kissed me softly, "How about I run a bath?"
I nodded with a grin, "Sounds fuckin' amazing."
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