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Chapter 76: Family's Favor

  It's a pity that Mrs. Ruan's son and daughter-in-law didn't seem to see her eyes.

The daughter-in-law walked over directly and gently coaxed her eldest grandson.

  Her precious son, Ma Fugui, directly dragged her out the door and rushed to the hospital.

  During the years when Mrs. Ruan lived in the city, she often picked troubles between their husband and wife.

  Fortunately, Ma Fugui is a smart man with a high emotional intelligence. He also knows his mother very well.

  Every time he encountered his mother's troubles, he would coax her and persuade her, and he always calmed old lady Ruan's anger in three or two strokes.

  In private, he told his wife not to care about the old woman, and then tried to coax his wife to let her understand that her importance in his heart and the family also calmed her down and stopped worrying about it.

  With Ma Fugui's full reconciliation, although the house was noisy, it was basically a one-legged play by Mrs. Ruan, and Ma Fugui and Lin Pingping didn't care about her.

  The only thing that gave Ma Fugui and Lin Pingping a headache was that their son had been carried by Mrs. Ruan for a long time, his character had become worse and worse, and he was still doing things that made them feel ashamed  with the old lady all day long. .

  Every time Ma Fugui beats his son, Mrs. Ruan protects him and refuses to let him touch her son.

  Ma Fugui thought about these things all the way, and felt a little irritable in his heart.

  What does he have to do to stop his mother from doing such petty and disgusting behavior?

  The leaders of the factory had already warned him because the family home had made too many complaints against his mother.

  If he can no longer control his mother, the factory will come forward and send his mother back to his hometown.

  Ma Fugui really didn't want to see his mother being driven back to the countryside. He was afraid that his mother would be alone in the countryside and his father's tragedy would repeat itself.

  After seeing the disease, he will talk to his mother about it.

  The warning given by the factory leader was no joke.

  The mother and son rushed to the hospital and hung up the emergency.

  When the emergency doctor checked, he did not find anything unusual. Madam Ruan's throat and vocal cords were normal and neither painful nor itchy. Logically speaking, it was impossible for him to be unable to make a sound.

  But people really can't make a sound.

  The doctor can only say to them: "The old man's throat and vocal cords are all right. In this case, she can't make a sound. It may be the psychological effect of the old man. I suggest you, or adjust the old man's mentality and go home to observe Or, go to another hospital for another check-up."

  After hearing this, Mrs. Ruan screamed again, as if she was very dissatisfied with the doctor's results.

  The doctor ignored her and just said to Ma Fugui, "I can only see here, you can go."

  Ma Fugui took the old lady Ruan, who was unwilling to leave, out of the hospital.

  In order to get his mother to change her course, Ma Fugui had to use a heavy tone and solemnly said to Mrs. Ruan: "Mom, today the leader of the factory came to warn me again, saying that if you make trouble in the family's courtyard again, we will be punished. Everyone rushes back to the countryside, and are not allowed to enter the city again!"

  When Old Lady Ruan heard this, she was immediately frightened.

  She couldn't understand why she won every battle in the countryside, and even the village chief didn't dare to control her trick, but it was not easy to use in this city?

  But there is one thing she understands.

  That is, if she makes trouble again, the family will not have good fruit to eat!

  This outright threat was more effective than any persuasion Ma Fugui had given before.

  Mrs. Ruan thought again that her throat suddenly became hoarse, and the warning sounded in her mind. Could it be that this is really the retribution for her bad mouth?

  The momentum of the old lady Ruan suddenly wilted.

  Ma Fugui saw that Mrs. Ruan's temper was out, so she took her home.

  The factory's warning, his son's persuasion, and Jun Ning's punishment, actually turned this old lady Ruan into a righteous man, and so many strange things did not happen in the family's courtyard.

  After Jun Ning punished the old lady Ruan, in order to avoid affecting other people's sleep, she also quietly placed a spiritual barrier around the house, so as not to let the smell of meat in the house escape.

  As a chef, Jun Chengzhi used the meat, canned food, and sausages that Junning brought back, along with the ingredients at home, to make six fragrant dishes.

  Jun Ning brought the dishes to the table, placed the tableware and chopsticks, and asked everyone to sit down and have supper.

  Jun Ning sat between Jun Ziru and Jiang Xiuqing, both of them kept serving her dishes.

  Jiang Xiuqing kept saying: "Ning Ning, eat more, you are so thin now..."

  Jun Ning smiled helplessly, "Mom, even if I am in the country, I often have your subsidies, and I eat well and sleep well. , I'm really not skinny anymore, look, my arms are full of meat."

  Jiang Xiuqing really started to pinch it, and she did pinch a bit of meat, and then smiled: "It's good to have meat, Mom has been worried all the time. You, don't stay old and thin in the countryside. I have recently seen many young people who have returned to the city. They are only in their 20s and 30s, but they look like people in their 30s and 40s. They are dark, old and thin. It 's uncomfortable."

  Jun Ning patted her hand lightly and said comfortingly, "Mom, I'm not going back to the city to work now, and my cousin and the factory leaders also take good care of me, so you and Dad won't have to do it again in the future. Worry about me, I will definitely have a good life."

  After Junning finished speaking, he also brought some dishes to Jiang Xiuqing and Junziru, "Mom, Dad, you also eat vegetables, these are all good things, and it's good for you to eat them often. It is also good for your health, and I will often bring it back for you to eat in the future, so you don't have to save it." Jiang Xiuqing laughed until her eyes were crooked, "Okay, my family Ningning is really good and filial."

Said: "My family's Ningning is my parents' sweet little padded jacket!" The

  second child, Jun Chengzhi, pretended to be sad, and sighed: "Oh, Ningning is back, we sons have no place in the family. Come on..."

  Jiang Xiuqing immediately laughed and scolded, "You brats are all debt collectors, and my Ningning is the caring little padded jacket."

  Junning also smiled arrogantly: "That's right, second brother, just accept your fate! "

  Jun Chengzhi immediately raised his hand and surrendered, "I accept my fate, I accept my fate." The whole family laughed at this living treasure.

  In such a warm and loving environment, the family drank a bottle of spirit wine.

  Jun Chengzhi also sighed and said, "It's a pity, my eldest brother has to work overtime and didn't come back. Otherwise, our family would be reunited."

  Jun Ning thought of his eldest brother and asked, "Mom, did eldest brother find someone??"

  Jiang Xiuqing shook his head, "No, this kid is in the research room all day long, how can I find it, I still want to find someone to introduce him to a partner, but he said that he is still young and will not be available for the time being. Thinking about marriage, I'm starting to worry."

  Jun Ning smiled softly: "Mom, my eldest brother is in such good condition, he is tall and handsome, he went to university, and he still works in the research department of the factory. Do you think he won't be able to find a good wife?"

Chapter 77 The Natural Healer

  Jiang Xiuqing smiled helplessly, "Your eldest brother is also twenty-three, I'm not saying that he should marry now, at least talk about someone first, and then get married in a year or two, it's okay, but he doesn't even think about it, If I want to hug my grandson, I have no hope, so I will be anxious."

Jun Ning persuaded her with a smile, "Mom, children and grandchildren have their own blessings. When fate is here, your daughter-in-law is here. Second brother, are you right?"

  Jun Chengzhi, who was suddenly named, nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, Ning Ning is right. Mom, I said it all, we You don't have to worry about the marriage matters of the brothers, we will find it ourselves, if we really can't find it, it's not too late for you to worry!"

  Jun Ziru also smiled and said to his wife: "Comrade Xiuqing, you have that Don't worry, why don't you care more about me, okay?"

  Jiang Xiuqing glared at him angrily, "We are both old and married, do I still need to worry about you?" Junzirusaid to her seriously, "What are you talking about? But it is wrong. It is precisely because we are old couples that we need to care more about each other. You see, we are getting older, and we have many physical problems. The children are busy, so we are not easy to disturb. They are old husbands and wives, we care and take care of each other!"

  As soon as Jun Ning heard Jun Ziru's words, he asked nervously, "Dad, there won't be anything wrong with you and mother's body, right? Come on. Come, let me see." As soon as Jun Ning grasped Junziru's hand, he pretended to be like a Chinese medicine doctor, and began to use his spiritual power to scan his body from head to toe.

  The head is fine and the heart is fine.

  When the mental power scanned Jun Ziru's stomach, Jun Ning frowned.

  He had a stomach ulcer in his stomach.

  And it looks quite serious, almost to the point of perforation.

  Jun Ning didn't ask him immediately, but continued to scan down.

  Fortunately, no other problems were found.

  After the whole body examination was completed, Jun Ning asked him, "Dad, do you usually feel stomach pains?"

  "Stomach pain?" Jun Ziru was stunned for a moment before returning to her, "I just feel stomach pain from time to time, do you really see what's wrong with me? When did you learn to be a doctor?"

  Jun Ning replied with a smile: " In the brigade I went to the countryside, several genius doctors were sent there, and I usually took care of them secretly, and they taught me some skills."

  "So it is."

  Junziru and the others did not doubt Junning's statement.

  In this day and age, there are not many such things. Just like Jun Ning's biological father, what a dazzling genius and a national treasure-level research expert, he is still not missing, and even his family does not know whether he is alive or dead.

  But they were still very surprised that Jun Ning had learned to take the pulse to see a doctor in such a short period of time.

  Jiang Xiuqing also asked worriedly: "Ning Ning, can you really tell? Your dad has stomachaches all the time. Sometimes, he can't sleep because of the pain at night. He wants to take painkillers, but he always says it's okay. , it's just that the stomach is not good, tell me quickly, what's wrong with him?"

  Jun Ning also said to them very seriously: "Dad has a stomach ulcer, and it's serious enough to be perforated, Dad. , You have a stomachache all day long, why don't you go to the hospital for a check-up?"

  Jun Ziru smiled lightly, "It's okay, Dad can survive, isn't it just a stomach problem, a lot of people have it."

  In this era, most people There are indeed a lot of people who suffer from stomach problems due to lack of food and clothing. Many people have a bad life, and they just endure it as long as they can, and rarely go to the hospital for check-ups.

  Jun Ning looked at his indifferent attitude, and said helplessly: "Dad, if you drag on like this, the consequences will be very serious, do you know that?" Jun Ziru saw that his precious daughter was going to be angry, so he quickly coaxed him. He said to her: "Dad knows, then what should I do? Dad will listen to you, okay?"

  Jun Ning then smiled and said, "It's almost the same, as long as you listen to me, I guarantee that your body will be healed soon. back to the state of youth."

  Junziru chuckled, "Really? My Ningning is really good, then Dad will wait and see."

  Junning heard it, even if Junziru didn't believe that she had magical medical skills, he was still willing to give his body to him. Give her a cure, and don't worry that she won't be able to cure him.

  This kind of unconditional and whole-hearted trust made Jun Ning extremely moved.

  Jun Ning took his backpack, pretended to take out two bottles of pills from the backpack, and handed them to Jun Ziru.

  She said to Junziru and Jiang Xiuqing: "Dad, Mom, these two bottles are strengthening pills. You two should take one every night before going to bed. After taking this bottle of medicine, your body will not only recover, but also recover to The best state when you were young."

  Jiang Xiuqing looked surprised, "Really? How effective is this booster pill?"

  Junning nodded affirmatively, "Of course it's true!"

  Jiang Xiuqing asked her again, " Ning Ning, where did you buy such a good medicine? Does it cost a lot of money to buy it?"

  Jun Ning replied with a smile, "Mom, this medicine was researched by me, so I don't need to spend any money to buy it."

  She wasn't lying at all.

  However, these strengthening pills were made by her in the end of the world using wood-type abilities.

  Wood-type superpowers can get close to all plants, better understand the functions of various plants, and can optimize the genes and functions of various plants.

  Just like those medicinal materials, as long as they are blessed by Junning's wood-type abilities, the effect of the medicine will be doubled, and the effect of the medicines made will usually be doubled.

  Wood-type abilities have their own healing abilities, and they are also called "natural healers" in the last days.

  It is precisely because Junning has this unique wood-type ability that she went to study medicine and pharmacy.

  In addition to the female overlord of the base, her vest is also a hidden genius doctor and a great pharmacist.

  But the original owner of this world had never studied medicine, so Jun Ning had to take Grandpa Fu and the others as excuses.

  At that time, she will go into the space and talk to Fu Jingwei to see if she can worship Grandpa Fu and the others as teachers?

  She is now in a relationship with Fu Jingwei. She is also half of Fu's family. Grandpa Fu shouldn't reject her, right?

  Jiang Xiuqing, Jun Ziru, and the second and third children were shocked when they heard Jun Ning say that this is the medicine she made by herself.

  Jun Ziru asked her curiously, "A Ning, how long have you been studying? How can you not only see my illness, but also make medicine yourself? Are you very talented in medicine?"

  Jun Ning smiled and nodded. Nodding, "Yes, the grandfathers who taught me said that I have a talent for studying medicine, and he also said that I am a genius once in a century, a born healer, as long as I work hard, I will achieve my future achievements. It must be extraordinary!"

  These words she said were really not boasting, but were told to her personally by the medical boss who taught her in the last days.

Chapter 78 Daughter has grown up

  After Jun Ziru was shocked, he asked her again, "Ning Ning, what is your medical skill now? Can you cure any disease?"

In front of his family, Jun Ning didn't plan to hide his abilities.

  She nodded, "It's almost like this, so, Dad, Mom, second brother, third brother, if you have any physical discomfort, you must tell me, don't hide it, no matter what disease, I promise to cure it. Well, I'll keep some spare medicine at home just in case. " Jun Ziru smiled and said, "Okay, if you have this ability, Dad will be more at ease."

  Jiang Xiuqing reminded her worriedly, "Ning Ning , the situation is still unclear, we are very happy that you have this ability, but it is enough for our family to know about this matter, you must not use it in front of outsiders, lest you be like the delegated doctors, nothing good The result..."

  Jun Ning nodded obediently, "Mom, I know that unless there are special circumstances, I won't use medical skills."

  Jiang Xiuqing showed a gratified smile, "My family's Ningning really grew up. Now, it seems that I don't have to worry about anything. Oh, why do I have a feeling of emptiness in my heart, as if my daughter has grown from a little bird to a goshawk flying with wings, I feel both gratified and disappointed "

  Junning understood Jiang Xiuqing's feelings, she quickly hugged Jiang Xiuqing and said coquettishly, "Mom, whether I am a little bird or a flying goshawk, if you are here, I will go home, and I will always be you. My precious daughter!"

  They treated her like their own daughters, and she would treat them like their own parents.

  Even if the original owner's biological father would come back in the future, she would still treat her uncle and aunt as her own parents, just as an extra pair of parents and three older brothers to spoil her, wouldn't it be nice.

  Junziru looked at the time, and it was already past twelve o'clock in the evening.

  He said to everyone, "It's getting late, and I have to go to work tomorrow. Let's go to bed first! Ning Ning, how many days can you stay at home this time?"

  Jun Ning smiled and replied, "I will finish my meal in the morning tomorrow. I'm going back, but I can go home every weekend from now on."

  Jiang Xiuqing was overjoyed when she heard that she could go home every weekend, "That's great, we don't need to worry so much if we can see you often in the future."

  Jun Ning smiled and nodded, "Well, mother doesn't need to worry anymore. I'm worried about me."

  Jiang Xiuqing looked at her with a smile, "Then go wash and go to bed quickly!"

  "Okay, you all go to bed earlier, good night everyone."

  "Good night!" The family went back to their rooms.

  Jun's house has three bedrooms and one living room, Jun Ziru and Jiang Xiuqing have one room, the eldest, the second and the third have a room, and Jun Ning has a room.

  Later, Junning went to the countryside, and the third child moved to the room where Junning lived. There was an extra single bed and a wardrobe in it, but Junning's bed and wardrobe were not touched.

  Now that Jun Ning went home, the third child went to sleep in the same room with the second child, leaving this room for Jun Ning to sleep alone.

  In this era, the housing conditions of Jun's family are already very good.

  In the workers' dormitory of their machinery factory, many people and the whole family live in one room, and it is difficult to even turn around.

  Jun Ning also understands the situation at home.

  The whole family has done their best to pamper her, and her brothers have also let her have the best conditions. If she is not satisfied and cares about her, she is too unhuman.

  Jun Ning finished taking a shower and returned to the room where the original owner lived.

  Looking at everything familiar and unfamiliar in this room, her heart was also a little sour.

  But the

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